Time Machines


Temporal Novice
Place test subject in the middle of an accelerator taurus ring.
Take one proton laser. Accelerate beyond speed of light. This will create a barrier separating subject from the timeline as the mass of the light beam exceeds infinity. The light must be focussed through a field of superchilled vacuum to attain the effect.( No dark matter allowed) Once outside of the timeline direction of travel becomes controlled by the metaphysical and progress is instantaneous. Slightly oversimplified for the 21rst century mind.

I know what you are talking about it really isn't hard to find out and do but my studies include writing notes, articles, equations, and stories about time travel/teleportation. Anyone can time travel now or in the near future if you have learned and did alot science hasn't reached time travel yet the scientists of the 21st century of course but one day they will though and everyone will want the whole piece of the cake I will not tell you anymore than that.

Time Travel is it possible YES IT IS!