This is my first post and would like to know if there is anyone on this forum actively researching or experimenting with the intention to actually build a working device? I think there needs to be, in all honest opinions which would be the easiest way to build such a device? instead of thinking about black holes to warp space-time or crazy energy thirsty machines to reach 99.9% c, (which don’t exist yet) something that can be built by a few ordinary people with 2012 technology. I’m going to start the ball rolling and hopefully spark off a new way of looking at things from outside the box.. maybe! Could said machine be made which understands....Decay perhaps? That is all I will say for now and I know I haven't made much sense to most but there maybe someone on here who gets it, and we should talk.
This is my first post and would like to know if there is anyone on this forum actively researching or experimenting with the intention to actually build a working device? I think there needs to be, in all honest opinions which would be the easiest way to build such a device? instead of thinking about black holes to warp space-time or crazy energy thirsty machines to reach 99.9% c, (which don’t exist yet) something that can be built by a few ordinary people with 2012 technology. I’m going to start the ball rolling and hopefully spark off a new way of looking at things from outside the box.. maybe! Could said machine be made which understands....Decay perhaps? That is all I will say for now and I know I haven't made much sense to most but there maybe someone on here who gets it, and we should talk.