Time Machine Poll


Temporal Novice
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 25-Aug-02 AT 01:15AM (EDT)</font>

I've been thinking for a bit and I wondered...

My question is If you had/discovered/found a time machine BUT it could only go into the future, would you....

A. Destroy it.

B. Examine it's electronics and try to go through space/time.

C. Bring some friends and go as far forward as the time machine will let you and attempt to fight the Time Travelers in the future.

D. Do what ever you want and keep going in into the far future when you screw around in your particular present.

E. Reverse engineer the sucker and then sell it as a kit and plans on the internet


<Edit for spelling mistake>
Hmmn yeah right "oh look theres a time machine!"
what a find,you see these things everyday dont you?

Same as "oh look there a giant 6 foot blue and pink frog with metal teeth holding a stun gun and asking us to crawl on our knees cos its now our god"

"oh look theres a flying pig,thats declared war on the human race because we sell bacon"

Would you

A.fry it
B.grill it
c.cut a hole in the top and turn it into a small bank account

A is not an option because it could hold the energy of several atomic bombs...depending on the machine.

By studying the electronics you may be able to figure out how it operates.
Hey Pam
, if I may:
<<A is not an option because it could hold the energy of several atomic bombs...depending on the machine.>>

Yeah you know all about Time Machines
… hehe

Doesn’t it get hot being in the back seat of them though?

<<By studying the electronics you may be able to figure out how it operates.>>

Choosing B. conveniently affords you the right to pursuit John Titor and give him a long lecture about keeping promises to friends, and of calling you back after a 1st date

J/k Pam, no offence :P.
