Time Machine Patent 20060073976


Temporal Navigator
I have not been here for a while but I
am back briefly since I found an interesting
patent. The number is 20060073976 and it
is a patent for a time machine. I found this
number for the patent on CoastToCoast AM radio
show when a guest called in and stated the number.

Here the web link to the patent.

Time Machine Patent 20060073976

Or just do a web search on 20060073976.

I would have pasted the patent completely but
I don't know if it is legally possible so go visit
the web site about it to see if you can make heads or
tails of it. Someone with a physics degree should
be able to figure out if it is legit or no. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

I tried to read through the patent application. But he never got to the point. I skimmed through looking for the time machine plans, but none were present. It appears that the author is trying to promulgate his own theory on how the physics behind a time machine could exist. But one big blunder became quite evident to me right away. He spoke of Gravitons as if they were real. They are not real. They are hypothetical. If Gravitons were real, you would have heard about it. It would have made headlines across the world. It appears his time machine physics is based upon hypothetical Gravitons. How about some hypothetical miniature back holes instead?


Searching US Patents Collection...

Results of Search in US Patents Collection db for:
APN/20060073976: 0 patents.

No patents have matched your query

"APN" is the search criteria for patent Application Numbers. I did the search for that patent application number and the result is...no match.

It's a bit telling that on the link to FreshPatents.com the inventor's name, date of application and any other criteria that might be used to refine the search is absent. An inventor's name would find us everything that that person has attempted to patent.

The evidence so far indicates that the patent application doesn't exist.

And I agree with Einstein - the paper doesn't get to the point. It appears to be a thesis in theoretical physics that says up front, "The present invention relates to the use of technical time displacement devices, which operate by the modification of gravitational fields."

There's no "thing" that's being patented. It's just ideas about a general class of things. The paper is copyrightable but if it was submitted it was probably rejected rather quickly.

Note: I did widen the search to include the "application number" in all fields and not just the application number. The result is the same. No hits.
I did find another more complete description of the patent application of the FreshPatent site:


The inventor's name is Marlin B. Pohlman.

No hits on his name at USPTO as an inventor.

I did a "Specification/Description" search using:

The present invention relates to the use of technical time displacement devices, which operate by the modification of gravitational fields.

as the criteria. That's the first line of the description of his gadget in the "Field of Invention" area. No hits on any patent 1976 to present.

The intriguing thing about the second online reference to the application is the name of the inventor Marlin B. Pohlman.

There is a Martin B. Pohlman, PhD. He's written a couple of books on computing, electrical engineering. I can't find a free copy of his CV but it appears, based on the online references, that he's either an electrical engineer, a physicist or both. I don't know if this is the same person referenced as the inventor. But the articles concerning his professional work don't reflect any deep understanding of quantum physics or General Relativity.

I'm not curious enough to pay $25.00 to buy an article that includes his CV.

I read a while ago but don't know
for sure that gravity is the only
way to navigate through time in which
Kerr black hole is used. I went
though the patent and found him stating
a Kerr black hole(mini black hole)
so you can't necessarily rule out the
patent just yet.

I think if he wishes to patent it he would
need a schematic at least and not just equations.
If we get the schematic off the guy I could
fire up Protel EDA and capture the design
and start building it. lol

The problem is he is either fake or he is from
the future and wishing to meddle with our
past and the big if is if time travel is real
or not?

The problem with the Kerr black hole is clearly shown in the Penrose Diagram on the site you linked to. There's no pathway that leads back to Universe #1 and in the case of Other Universes there's nothing that suggests that they are in any way similar to ours other than their physical laws. The sharks' teeth on the diagram all indicate one-way paths. You can't cross back over the horizon to retrace your steps or send messages to Universe #1.

This makes "the future" and "the past" as indicated on the diagram irrelevent with respect to the time traveler's history in Universe #1.

The Penrose Diagram for a Kerr-Newman (rotating and charged BH) can be found here:


You have to take the diagrams with a grain of salt - and physicists do. The diagrams, as presented, assume a BH that is placed in a virtual vacuum. This means no accretion disk, for instance, where matter is falling into the hole. Real BH's, are formed by collapsed stars and have infalling matter spiriling in. The area surrounding the hole is a violently energetic environment. We have no clue about how to safely enter the area not to mention that we have no clue about how to go from "here" to "there" to tap into one. Our "space" programs has only managed to leave Earth with human occupants six times in the past million years by traveling ~385,000 miles to the moon. The moon is 2 light seconds away. Our nearest star is 4 light years away or 126 million times farther away than the moon. And there's no black hole there. The nearest black hole that we know of is 1,600 LY away. Even traveling at very close to the speed of light, .9999 c, the first explorers would take ~113,100 years Earth based time to arrive there. That's one heck of an Earth based commitment to just one leg of a mission. And once they arrive do their assessment and send a message back to Earth it will take another 1,600 years to the message to arrive.

It's a bit of a conundrum: to develop black hole based time travel it seems that you have to have developed some sort of warp drive to do it. But a warp drive is itself a time machine that negates the reason for the mission.

I think that we need to discover whether or not warp drive technology is possible, feasible and actually do-able because black holes, though interesting, aren't available.

John Titor stated he came from
a parallel time line which this one
not his own. Maybe the divergence
indicated a parallel universe if
his time machine used a black hole
to operate it.

Here a quote indicating the uses
of miniature black holes.


John Titor predicted that the CERN insisutution would accidentally discover the technology that allows for time travel. So far, his predictions have been tracking well with reality...CERN is now underway building their biggest-ever proton-proton collider. Some researchers have now pointed out that one result might be the creation of "Mini Black Holes", or as John Titor called them...microsingularities...

John Titor: ... the major breakthrough happens at CERN ...The creation of microsigularities...its a black hole about the size of an electron...

The CERN LHC: A Black Hole Factory?
by John G. Cramer

...there are new theoretical predictions that when the new accelerator goes into operation, the LHC's proton-proton collisions may also make something even more exotic: black holes.


New ideas suggest that gravity becomes stronger at small distances because of the effects of extra dimensions used only by gravity. In this scenario, as the effective value of G grows larger, the Planck mass drops, and the energy required to produce black holes can drop to 1 TeV, well within range of the LHC but probably out of reach for the Tevatron. Thus, the LHC may turn out to be a "black hole factory", an accelerator that makes large quantities of minimum-size black holes.



The diagram you got need to add past and future for the parallel realities. This will indicate
time travel is possible then.

Titor didn't indicate that he came from a universe of the sense indicated by the Penrose diagrams - but he did seem to be confused over the issue because he did ask me to take a look at a Penrose diagram.

The Kerr Penrose diagram indicates other existing universes and/or distant places within our own universe- times, places and universes that would have been created at the Big Bang.

Titor refered to the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics as the source of his alternate realities.

The two are very different theories. In the MWI theory (actually the Relative State Formalism of Quantum Mechanics) you're talking about all of the possibilities (Psi) contained in the wave function of a pending event. Those alternate realities don't exist until the wave function is resolved. The universes indicated on the Kerr Penrose diagram do exist and other than possibly being created by the same Big Bang that created our universe they don't share any mutual histories. The chances of finding another universe on the Kerr Penrose diagram that shares more than a passing resemblance to our history is almost nil. They can only communicate one-way through the horizon - and any information that is communicated had to take a very particular path through the horizon. Otherwise the information collides with the singularity and is swollowed up rather than making its way to another universe.

Time effect occur not necessarily
at the center(singularity) or even
inner horizon. In universe 1 if you
are in between outer horizon and the
inner horizon you can experience time
travel effect in universe 1 going
between past infinity and future
infinity show in diagram 1 and 2. From
this time travel can occur.

Thus what I am trying to say is you
don't need a big black hole for time
travel to occur you just need John
Titor mini black hole to travel though
time and that is what he did inside his
car just in universe 1 alone.


In universe 1 if you
are in between outer horizon and the
inner horizon you can experience time
travel effect in universe 1 going
between past infinity and future
infinity show in diagram 1 and 2. From
this time travel can occur.

True. In an idealized Kerr-Newman BH scenario you can. The problem, of course, is that the chance of locating an idealized black hole borders on impossible. Real black holes aren't formed isolated vacuums because real stars aren't formed in isolated vacuums. There will be matter spiriling into the hole making the the area of the horizon a living x-ray/gamma ray hell.

Does time only exist if your are at the edge
of a black hole? The reason I ask this is Bransonian
said we are at the edge of a one. My second point is
this using the Penrose diagram if you try to exit the
diagram time seems to stop since there is no longer future
infinity and past infinity within that frame of reference.
For time to exist how can run without those conditions.
Another way to say it can time exist without gravity?
Below is the quote from Bransonian.


Okay Designer, then how about this-

Our entire universe exists within the event horizon of a black hole.

Add this to any physics equasion and look at the result.

I personally believe time can exist without gravity but Penrose
and Bransonian I think says otherwise. Since if the diagram
goes bye bye there is no future or past infinity and thus no time.
Bransonian Idea

Quote begin.
Okay Designer, then how about this-
Our entire universe exists within the event horizon of a black hole.
Add this to any physics equasion and look at the result.
Quote end.

Bransonian idea state we are at the edge of a black hole
which is hard to believe but because of this theory
the river of time is created along with time travel.
All this all possible via gravity as show in the
Penrose chart. So if your gravity is greater or
lesser you move up and down the chart thus time travel.

Draw a vertical line on Penrose chart starting at future
infinite down to past infinity and that is the direction
of the river of time for both universe 1 and 2 within them.
Then draw a horizontal line in the center universe 1 and 2;
this is where the present occurs in time. Moving up and down
a small amount is where time travel occurs.


Its just a passing thought what do you think. The only
problem is we need to be at the edge of a black hole
which is somewhat difficult to believe but there may
be one at the center of this galaxy exerting its force.
