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In reviewing the idealology of time travel I believe that going into the past would be more difficult than going into the future. In traveling to the future, you are not really in a position to effect anything, as one would be able to do if shifting back in time. And in a fashion we all are time travelers into the future.
There is a writer that uses time travel extensively in his fiction, Michael Moorcock, of which some are regarding inhabitants at the end of time. In this setting it is mentioned on several occasions that time travel forward is possible, but once completed it is impossible to return to the past. Without pasteing the entire book into this post, the principles given seem to make sense.
With these principle in mind, I pondered the question of success with any experiment. I was considering possible experiments, and was thinking of how one could create a small version or a controlled environment to complete any possible tests.
Recalling a report on people that abused meth, their bodies had aged faster than normal. I had a friend that got hereditary problems of her family line early because of the use of speed. All previous family members were in their 50-60's before having the problems arise, whereas my friend got it in her late twenties. ( other cases of this occurance happened as well )
- Was this a type of traveling into the future?
- Or just an acceleration of decay?
- Was this acceleration a way of increasing the vibrational rates of the structure of the body so it traveled into its own future without shifting location in space?
- If so, is this really a success in time travel?
The purpose in this manipuilation would be to eventually try to move the altered particle into a future location while increasing it's vibrational rates to meet specific criteria fitting of its future and recognize it as the original when it arrives. (or when the experimentors meet up with the particle)
Most time traveleing seems to be considered as a jump from one point in time to another, however, would it be considered successful if one just altered the metabolic rate to "slide" into another time period. The turtle comes to mind, hybernating for long periods, and moving at a slower rate, allowing their life spans to last much greater than other animals. And if cryogenics is successful, would those who awaken in the future be considered time travelers?
Once again, at what point is success considered as achieved? One millisecond of travel? Matter acceleration of its individual life span? Or complete shift of all contributing factors of TIME and SPACE?
There is a writer that uses time travel extensively in his fiction, Michael Moorcock, of which some are regarding inhabitants at the end of time. In this setting it is mentioned on several occasions that time travel forward is possible, but once completed it is impossible to return to the past. Without pasteing the entire book into this post, the principles given seem to make sense.
With these principle in mind, I pondered the question of success with any experiment. I was considering possible experiments, and was thinking of how one could create a small version or a controlled environment to complete any possible tests.
Recalling a report on people that abused meth, their bodies had aged faster than normal. I had a friend that got hereditary problems of her family line early because of the use of speed. All previous family members were in their 50-60's before having the problems arise, whereas my friend got it in her late twenties. ( other cases of this occurance happened as well )
- Was this a type of traveling into the future?
- Or just an acceleration of decay?
- Was this acceleration a way of increasing the vibrational rates of the structure of the body so it traveled into its own future without shifting location in space?
- If so, is this really a success in time travel?
The purpose in this manipuilation would be to eventually try to move the altered particle into a future location while increasing it's vibrational rates to meet specific criteria fitting of its future and recognize it as the original when it arrives. (or when the experimentors meet up with the particle)
Most time traveleing seems to be considered as a jump from one point in time to another, however, would it be considered successful if one just altered the metabolic rate to "slide" into another time period. The turtle comes to mind, hybernating for long periods, and moving at a slower rate, allowing their life spans to last much greater than other animals. And if cryogenics is successful, would those who awaken in the future be considered time travelers?
Once again, at what point is success considered as achieved? One millisecond of travel? Matter acceleration of its individual life span? Or complete shift of all contributing factors of TIME and SPACE?