Time Fountain


Temporal Navigator


[image] http://cre.ations.net/image/view/160/199 [/image]

[image] http://cre.ations.net/image/view/160/192 [/image]

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It all started when my friend Jesse told me that if you get a strobe light fast enough, you can make it look like dripping water is going in slow motion or even backwards. This phenomenon happens because strobe lights can 'capture' an instant in time and allow your eyes to see it as lasting longer than an instant.

So if the strobe light captures consecutive instants of time just out of sync with a periodic occurrence such as dripping water from a faucet, it can appear that the drops are moving slowly or even backwards.

Of course, since we had no strobe light of sufficient speed, Jesse and I never really pursued the concept. ....

It's the "persistence of vision" effect. The same effect is how you perceive a series of still photos, snapped off at about 24 photos per second and flashed in front of your eyes at the same rate and in sequence, to depict living moving objects, i.e. a "motion picture" or a "movie".

You can make drops of water falling down appear to fall up if you experiment with the flash rate on your strobe. If you keep the stream of water drops at a consistent rate you then experiment by adjusting the strobe flash rate until the catch the effect that you desire.

The flash of light catches a motion. The light is very intense and "burns" the image onto the rods and cones in your eyes. There's an absolute refractory period (time interval) for the image to fade. Before the image fades away the strobe flashes again and a new image is burned in.

You end up seeing a "stop action" film, reverse action, slow motion...it depends on the sort of action, the intensity of the flash and the frequency of the flashing.

Try it in a totally blacked out room. Then try it with a UV "black light" strobe. Wear florescent colors. Use florescent paint on your face, arms, etc.

Very 60's.

Caution: Do not try this on drugs - especially not LSD, PCP, mushrooms or any other powerful psycho active agent! Seriously. Bad trip, panic attack, suicidal behavior, rage, violent - even homicidal - behavior (extreme paranoia), persistent flashbacks, etc. can occur.

The strobe alone seriously confuses your brain if you run it for more than a few minutes. Add drugs and you could end up in a very bad situation. It doesn't happen to everyone, but the bad trip isn't something that can be predicted or avoided in most cases.

Yes, illusion is the cheapest weapon!

When i was in high School a friend of mine told me "what if all this(life/waht you see) is a dream or illusion"....that got me thinking until today...

As the person who is informed, you see the strobe light effect and use it to your advantage and amuse or control people, but ...what if there is someone more informed than you or me?

Can they be using the information they have to their advantage?

Since this cannot be proven, ill go by stats and science rather than ideas, but this kinda questions are the ones that make me stay up all night thinking about....