Time explained as union of EMF and gravity.


Quantum Scribe
Here I explain that the lines of space as being background radiation and that matter follows the E and B fields of that radiation which creates for us time and gravity. I also believe matter is made from this but that goes beyond the scope of the topic here which is time.
I want to post a link to this video. This is the Hutchinson Effect. I believe it helps prove my points about EMF creating E and B fields which effect matter and as I am trying to say here effect time as well.


Now to clarify my post up above. Because the EMF spectrum is constantly moving across space when EMF propagates it creates magnetic and electric fields. That is how EMF travels. The EMF spectrum in space is always there so these electric and magnetic fields are always there. This is the stuff of the quantum vacuum. Mysteriously there are forces physics has yet to explain. Could it be these fields are working in a manner to create what we know as gravity and time? Matter I believe follows these fields because matter itself is electric and magnetic. These E and B fields I believe are responsible for inertia and the reason why mass at rest tends to stay and rest and mass in motion tends to stay in motion. The E and B fields according to this theory I am putting out regulate time by regulating as a clock would a computer the sub-atomic world thus determining the rate of time. Time is not the same all across space that has been proving. Gravity has an equation for how weak it gets from its source which strangly enough is a lot like the equation for how weak a magnetic field gets away from its source.

Java applet of EMF waves propagating.

Science explanation between a mechanical wave and a EMF wave.
General relativity dictates that the presence of electromagnetic fields themselves induce curvature in spacetime.

General relativity dictates that the presence of mass induces curvature in spacetime.

Could it be that the link between EMF propagating by E and B fields and matter having E and B fields have something to do with this? When the big bang created the universe it also created things I believe physics has yet to understand. Well I am off for another adventure thru time. Everyone have a good weekend.

If you bend space you create gravity;
so to test your theory all you need to
do to verity it is use an accelerometer.
There is one built in the IPhone and all
you will have to do is spin a coil to test
your theory out.

It should be relatively easy to get a spirit
level program for the IPhone to test with
the magnetic field. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

So who want to try it? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif

If you bend space you create gravity;
so to test your theory all you need to
do to verity it is use an accelerometer.
There is one built in the IPhone and all
you will have to do is spin a coil to test
your theory out.

It should be relatively easy to get a spirit
level program for the IPhone to test with
the magnetic field.

So who want to try it?

Life is a choice we made to learn truth.

The theory has been tested with the hutchison effect. EMF fields have been shown to not only levitate objects even none metal objects but to change materials at the sub-atomic level. I like your cute little experiment but it needs a little more kick. The theory needs a little work to show it working on a planetary level. The EMF spectrum as it travels across space creates these E & B fields which in turn interacts with matter and energy as gravity and lines of space.
E & B fields which in turn interacts with matter

Some but not all matter interacts with E&M fields. Electron, tau and muon neutrinos do not react to those fields. They react to the weak force.
Some but not all matter interacts with E&M fields. Electron, tau and muon neutrinos do not react to those fields. They react to the weak force.

The electron I am not so sure about that. In the Hutchinson effect there is a video of wood and metal melted together but there was no heat. The electrons would have to be effected for this to happen. Now for something you might better relate to salt water bombed with certain EFM frequencys will release hydrogen at a fast enough rate to which it can be burned. This has been done with salt water in a test tube. Also, matter is made up particles which themselves are made up of even smaller particles. Like the neutron for example. It might be neutral but the particles that make it up are not all that way. They could interact as well. It has been shown that emf does interact with the weak force. As I said salt water is an example. Salt helps loosen the bonds and low emf power not frequency can be applied to finish the job. Now if enough emf were used I doubt salt would be needed at all. The electron can be slowed down with a magnetic field. When it does it itself emits emf. This is called a FEL laser and it is very well established in the science realm. Electrons can be directed with positive and negative charges and that is very well established so electric or magnetic fields can effect the we weak nuclear force. Hydrogen can be made from water with both a positive and negative terminal which rips electdrons and protons away from each other so the EFM spectrum (all the frequencies) traveling across space-time progating with E & B fields yes indeed does effect matter and energy and at the weak level you and I talked about.

Yeah, they do taste like that, don't they. Upside, they slide right on through like grease through a 1 LY thick goose.
The reason gravity can not be measured as energy effecting mass and mass effecting energy is because the background energy of space-time is <font color="red"> Homogeneous and Isotropic [/COLOR] it can,t be measured because it is the same every where. There are no potential differences to make any readings from. Only the effect of gravity and the Casimir effect are the only ways that I know of to see this energy difference in space-time.