ive been jugling a little thought of mine if time dilation causes time to slow as speed increaces how do you know if speed really in since speed is relitive let me explain what i mean... suppose for a minute the universe consisted of two points of matter (this is merly to simplify the concept to needed somponents) and point A begins to move away from the other at a speed of 5 unit of measure a second (the unit doesnt really matter)if we used point B as the fixed refrence point then we would assume that point A where at a slower relitive time compared to point B's time but if we where looking at this from point A's POV (point of view) then point B would be moving at 5 units of measure a second and therfor would have to consider point B's time to be slower... so how could we EVER predict which time is going to be slower and if we cant then how do we know how the laws of phisics to this matter aply?
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