Time Cyclical?


Temporal Novice
Read a short story the other day, was about two chaps who built time machine then travel forward in time. Problem was that the machine used little power getting forward but it was impossible to go back more than 50yrs. Something to do with the amount of power required. So after a couple adventures one of the chaps dies, the other upset of course decides to travel to what he hopes is the end of time, but it doesn't quite work that way, and he ends up eventually back where he left off.
I wondered about this and thought that I would benefit from others views on this idea, considering it is fiction, and whether it pans out with any fringe science known at the moment?

Could time be cyclical?
Well I think but I may not be right in saying that time is not standard in the universe. Time runs at different speeds depending on where you are and how fast your moving through space. The closer to the speed of light you go the more time slows. Now if you could go through the speed of light then maybe time will then be put in reverse. Obviously it would therefor be harder to achieve the speeds to go back in time. Please note I don't know this as FACT.

Time is complicated, I think of doing a task on earth say washing your car. The faster you wash the car the less time it takes. But could you wash the car so fast that you would travel back in time to before you started washing the car and therefor your car would still be dirty.

If fact I'm gonna go read up on how you go back in time.