thanks for the answers, i feel really dumb now

all of your answers were very technical, so maybe i should reprase: im not talking about a million dollar atomic clock or anything of the sort,im just talking about a simple pocketwatch.
heres my thoughts:the watch is mechanical and has no idea what time is, just its job to turn the hand.
so with that being said, does that mean that we also slow down at the same time? do our hearts slow? what about our reaction times? as this is surely the only way to slow time on a watch,we would have to slow too.
also to the poster above, i couldnt agree more, i think people look at time in the wrong way to TT.
hence my "can you math travel" and these posts. i feel time travel will always lead to a dead end, because the"time" we think of is very different than the time travel "time"
i strongly believe that math and time were measurements created by man,not some miracle by god. to me, time is an illusion,and understanding how to percieve time correctly is the true problem in time travel.
i could very well be incorrect,but,thousands of hours of thinking about this subject has led me to this conclusion.
i admit im no expert in any way on these subjects, i just realize that time travel is something people have been trying for a long time,with no success,therefore i think the answer must lie in perception and understanding of the problem.
now i feel a 'lil smarter :D