what is another name for time? a headscratcher eh?
i think that if you were to stop light and walk into it, nothing happens and time doesent change.
You're pretty adept at making some good guesses about how the world works.
I don't know if there's another name for time. But the word is just a label that we attach to something that we can indirectly perceive.
Time, like space, seems to have no substance. There's no experimental evidence that says that either actually exist as something that can be physically perceived. But Minkowski and Einstein did rename them by combining the two into space-time by saying that they are inseperable - they can't be thought of as being two seperate entities.
In the end we use space-time as a metric to gauge the the duration involved with "things" changing position. Because the speed of light is a fixed maximum for any change in position we can apply a consistent metric to define the duration of "time" involved in a change of position in "space".
If everything in the universe was cooled down to absolute zero (impossible but we're speaking theoretically) then there is no possible way for any changes to occur. No change, no duration. No duration then no time.
Remember "cooling" and "heating" - change in temperature - is nothing more than an expression of the rate of change in momentum. Mass and velocity - a change in position over time.
The same applies more generally to "energy". Energy isn't something that you can hold in your hand, taste, smell or directly perceive. It isn't a"thing". It's just an experssion of a preportion of mass to velocity...a form of momentum.