Re. Chris
Chris, what tenant I think you have to go with in reference to cosmologies in this forinstance, is polarity, giving a possible secondary sense of direction?
In the sub-Halking black hole investigation group, what had come about with scientific representation of black holes, is that black holes had both north and south points, to them.
In some respect, this would mean at-least an up and down reference, although one can not really say, gravity wise, that there is an up or a down in space.
To polarity investing itself as gravity one can.....?However to a readily definable up and down, so this coordinates a universal XYZ axis, well' this remains to be seen.
I suggest the intro to the movie, Search For Spock, which involves friends trying to return a lost friend, that they find through bravery, fool stupidity and sheer dumb luck.
>The introphase to the movie, shows a three dimensional representation, via a advanced computer imagery, of what it is like to fly in space?
>In dealing with super-beings I would like to quote what a later proponent of the 24th century, by Star Trek rules, had said about the latter part of the 19th and twentieth centuries.,
Cuda writes>Then it came to my mind, as if in a dream that it was the wimen of the SUVs, which were spawned from the four by fours, in the late 19th century who had been responsible for Earth's horrible eugenics wars, that were to come.
It was the everyday parents, housewives and officer workering males, wanting that more perfect smile for their child, or a riddance of a genetic disease, which was in-part responsible for the rise of the terrible Khan, the Siek Tribed Indian, who was a laboratory made model of perfection.
These wars were Earth's most terrible. However, in time, it was common sense and a fine understanding of the overpopulation clause and final space exploration, which had unraveled Khan and his perfect band of followers.
In the twenty-fourth century, it was a James Tiberius Kirk.Kirk, who along with a old dominion stile Earth Southern doctor, a Leonard Mc Coy, who had thwarted a new genetics threat, the genesis weapon.This weapon which could have again played havoc to the galaxy, if it had fallen to the Klingon Empire?
I find it stimulating being a quarter Romulan myself, the extent that Earthlings, within their self enforced dumb-luck scenarios, will exercise the bounds and practice of friendship?
Most in houses of Romulus would have simply said, "Spock is done, be rid of his spent katra and light the pyres and be on with it"!?
To a truer light, as to the likes of which I can not understand,. all of Spock's fellow crew members, had dearly risked their commissions.Furthermore standings in their stations and everything that they had ever earned or owned, to bring Mr.Spock back.
The Old Vulcan tenant of philosophy states, through T-Planahoff, that in>> the adjustment of keeping one's friend, there are sometimes duties, which rise, where the keeper, or the one who hold the friendship dear, must risk all. _+This is in order to maintain this friendship.
I as a twenty-fourth century historian I am often astounded, to the lengths that some beings will go, in order to keep a friendship going, when otherwise, this friendship would have phased.
This by hot Vulcan order of logic, is improbable by the constraints placed on and within Vulcan physlosphies; but in the finally analysis concerning the quality known as friendship, is never the less true.
Ving Cuda, Cestus 7 worlds, scibe histor 24th