Temporal Novice
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John may or may not exist. I say that there is a high probablility that he can/does exist. [For the purpose of this post I say he does exist.] And even if he does not exist, it seems that things are heading toward fulfilling the events of his "future." Right now I'll just post a few ideas/observations. Feel free to agree or disagree. I am not a time traveller yet.
I think Titor stands for TI_me T_ravel O_perate_R, [John wrote TI_me T_ravel operat_OR, if I recall correctly.] (Whatever "realtor" is not an actual word either.)
This is a lengthy post. This material is copywrited by me dreadstar_0 and is property of me and the Time Travel Institute. Anyone may reproduce this content in any manner as long as they include the original text in it's exact form in the reproduction. [At a font no smaller than 7 pt.] 01.22.2004
First off he mentioned "Mad Cow" disease (hereafter referred to as MCD) and not eating animals that eat thier own dead. It seems we've had a recurrence of the disease in the northwest and maybe other areas as well.
This article does well to explain the phenomena.Here is another article on the subject.
John mentioned that things came to a head in 2015 only after several "Waco style events" starting in 2004. Currently, there are large groups of people being disenfracnchised by the administion. If you say wealthy people comprise about 10% of the US population and 50% of the population[US] is living below poverty then I'd say conservatively about 75% of the pop. is being shafted on a daily basis for an ever increasing period of time. (Being that the current administration serves the U.S. wealthy only and the plutocratic nature of our gov.)
Here is one article that comments on the decline of US civiliazation and it's causes.
This article also comments on the decline of American civilization.
Third John mentioned that the new capitol of the United States was Omaha, Nebraska and that the major cities of the US were hit with nuclear missles.
This article (Jan. 16, 2004) talks about StratCom (which is in Omaha) and low-yield nukes. Low-yields would make it possible for the cities to be nuked while affecting people in the rural areas very little directly.
Quoth the article: "...is the nerve center of the U.S. Strategic Command, or StratCom, arguably the world's most important and powerful military installation. StratCom,..." It makes more sense that Omaha would become the capitol if something happened to Washington D.C..
This article (March 13, 2003) further expounds upon US delcine it also mentions the president in a meeting in Omaha.
Quoth the article: "In August[2003], the Bush administration will convene a secret meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, to discuss the construction of a new generation of nuclear weapons, including "mini nukes", "bunker busters" and neutron bombs."
I think that if the US pop. was warring against the govt. that after 11 years they would consider nuking the city population and blaming it on another country.(Most cities have large minority populations. Steps would be taken to ensure "the right kind of people" have supplies the rest have to fend for themselves.) [There is a similar theme in some sci-fi writings. i.e. "Brother to Dragons" by Charles Sheffield, "Judge Dredd" #1 - #8] This would also explain why there are still corporations. (GE,GM, Recording companies, etc.) Conversely, there are many unaccounted for nukes in Russia(So far, most of those are the "old-style" high yield kind.) and unemployed nuclear scientist. And if the U.S. was "out-of-control" it is quite possible that Russia(or any one with a good nuclear capability) would consider nuking this country.
John's car it may be a Corvette from "our time", I'd guess a '68 or some other year when they looked cool (pick one.) The term "2036 Corvette" is probably just a soldier slang for the modded retro vehicles. It would explain also why someone traded their truck to John for the 'Vette without too much trouble. And why it would exist even if GM was nuked.
John may have been a soldier and learned some history and decided to join "the Rebellion." Which would explain why he "disappeared" and why there have been others coming back in time to find him.
Wireless broadband is the future of the internet. It is the best option availible and eliminates the dependence on land lines and telephone monopolies. Quite possibly an anyone-can-do-it task in the future.
------------ Something a little less serious. ---------------------------------
John's story does sound very similar to "12 Monkeys"(directed by Terry Gilliam). With the meeting himself as a child, meeting a woman (Pamela), defecting from the "Time Corps.", large loss of human life in the future, etc...
There is also a movie called "Happy Accidents"(with Vincent D'Onofrio) which is even more similar to the John Titor tale.
If I agree that John is from 2016, I'd say that Terry Gilliam(maybe others) is from the far future when time travel is more advanced. And there is probably a nostalgia for our time. So he came back to make some movies. [They always make exceptions for famous people /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif] There is a time-theme in most of the movies he's made. Maybe his world is more like "Brazil" which would make anyone want to return to the past. I would say he made 12 Monkeys to tell John's tale, just changing a few of the facts. If John was one of the first travelers and he rebelled, he may be a historical figure in the far future.(or not.)
-------Thoughts on the time stream - Conjecture on my part inspired by books I've read--------
I believe that time is one large "rope", with all temporal events are happening simultaneously. The "rope" consists of a main temporal core surrounded by a "temporal flux cloud." [A person is turning five one year. at the same instant 5 years further down the rope that person exists as 10-year-old, etc..] If you were knew how you could will yourself to a different point on the thread of your life Each event has multiple outcomes. So if you went back in time an change some aspect of your life, it would play out in the cloud but not affect the main core of time. Thus avoiding multiple dimensions of existence that would result from the "Temporal Branch Theory." [[Though maybe there are multiple "ropes"?]]
This leads me to think that while John Titor's future has "occured" it's not set in stone. So right now we are at a time where certain events will cause our future to become the Titor line, or something better or something worse. While the U.S. has been in decline, the decisions our country makes still influence the actions of other countries for better or worse. Therefore I think the direction our "timeline" goes depends on the 2004 presidential election results and if the [U.S.] public can wake up from its apathy and lethargy and throw off it's selfishness. A positive change is possible. Personally, I believe Senator John Edwards is the key figure in determining our future. I think he will win based soley(sp?) on the Quality of his campaign and ideas. Objectively I could say he has the "intangible characteristics" that will result in his victory. (Though I do support him.) Moderate Republicans, Independents, Democrats, people who usually care about politics, will vote him in. [Landslide.] The main thing is preventing an assasination attempt by those in opposition. (Insurance Co.s, Lobbyist, Neo-Conservatives, etc..) That would cause things to continue on to hell in a handbasket.
End Transmission
John may or may not exist. I say that there is a high probablility that he can/does exist. [For the purpose of this post I say he does exist.] And even if he does not exist, it seems that things are heading toward fulfilling the events of his "future." Right now I'll just post a few ideas/observations. Feel free to agree or disagree. I am not a time traveller yet.
I think Titor stands for TI_me T_ravel O_perate_R, [John wrote TI_me T_ravel operat_OR, if I recall correctly.] (Whatever "realtor" is not an actual word either.)
This is a lengthy post. This material is copywrited by me dreadstar_0 and is property of me and the Time Travel Institute. Anyone may reproduce this content in any manner as long as they include the original text in it's exact form in the reproduction. [At a font no smaller than 7 pt.] 01.22.2004
First off he mentioned "Mad Cow" disease (hereafter referred to as MCD) and not eating animals that eat thier own dead. It seems we've had a recurrence of the disease in the northwest and maybe other areas as well.
This article does well to explain the phenomena.Here is another article on the subject.
John mentioned that things came to a head in 2015 only after several "Waco style events" starting in 2004. Currently, there are large groups of people being disenfracnchised by the administion. If you say wealthy people comprise about 10% of the US population and 50% of the population[US] is living below poverty then I'd say conservatively about 75% of the pop. is being shafted on a daily basis for an ever increasing period of time. (Being that the current administration serves the U.S. wealthy only and the plutocratic nature of our gov.)
Here is one article that comments on the decline of US civiliazation and it's causes.
This article also comments on the decline of American civilization.
Third John mentioned that the new capitol of the United States was Omaha, Nebraska and that the major cities of the US were hit with nuclear missles.
This article (Jan. 16, 2004) talks about StratCom (which is in Omaha) and low-yield nukes. Low-yields would make it possible for the cities to be nuked while affecting people in the rural areas very little directly.
Quoth the article: "...is the nerve center of the U.S. Strategic Command, or StratCom, arguably the world's most important and powerful military installation. StratCom,..." It makes more sense that Omaha would become the capitol if something happened to Washington D.C..
This article (March 13, 2003) further expounds upon US delcine it also mentions the president in a meeting in Omaha.
Quoth the article: "In August[2003], the Bush administration will convene a secret meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, to discuss the construction of a new generation of nuclear weapons, including "mini nukes", "bunker busters" and neutron bombs."
I think that if the US pop. was warring against the govt. that after 11 years they would consider nuking the city population and blaming it on another country.(Most cities have large minority populations. Steps would be taken to ensure "the right kind of people" have supplies the rest have to fend for themselves.) [There is a similar theme in some sci-fi writings. i.e. "Brother to Dragons" by Charles Sheffield, "Judge Dredd" #1 - #8] This would also explain why there are still corporations. (GE,GM, Recording companies, etc.) Conversely, there are many unaccounted for nukes in Russia(So far, most of those are the "old-style" high yield kind.) and unemployed nuclear scientist. And if the U.S. was "out-of-control" it is quite possible that Russia(or any one with a good nuclear capability) would consider nuking this country.
John's car it may be a Corvette from "our time", I'd guess a '68 or some other year when they looked cool (pick one.) The term "2036 Corvette" is probably just a soldier slang for the modded retro vehicles. It would explain also why someone traded their truck to John for the 'Vette without too much trouble. And why it would exist even if GM was nuked.
John may have been a soldier and learned some history and decided to join "the Rebellion." Which would explain why he "disappeared" and why there have been others coming back in time to find him.
Wireless broadband is the future of the internet. It is the best option availible and eliminates the dependence on land lines and telephone monopolies. Quite possibly an anyone-can-do-it task in the future.
------------ Something a little less serious. ---------------------------------
John's story does sound very similar to "12 Monkeys"(directed by Terry Gilliam). With the meeting himself as a child, meeting a woman (Pamela), defecting from the "Time Corps.", large loss of human life in the future, etc...
There is also a movie called "Happy Accidents"(with Vincent D'Onofrio) which is even more similar to the John Titor tale.
If I agree that John is from 2016, I'd say that Terry Gilliam(maybe others) is from the far future when time travel is more advanced. And there is probably a nostalgia for our time. So he came back to make some movies. [They always make exceptions for famous people /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif] There is a time-theme in most of the movies he's made. Maybe his world is more like "Brazil" which would make anyone want to return to the past. I would say he made 12 Monkeys to tell John's tale, just changing a few of the facts. If John was one of the first travelers and he rebelled, he may be a historical figure in the far future.(or not.)
-------Thoughts on the time stream - Conjecture on my part inspired by books I've read--------
I believe that time is one large "rope", with all temporal events are happening simultaneously. The "rope" consists of a main temporal core surrounded by a "temporal flux cloud." [A person is turning five one year. at the same instant 5 years further down the rope that person exists as 10-year-old, etc..] If you were knew how you could will yourself to a different point on the thread of your life Each event has multiple outcomes. So if you went back in time an change some aspect of your life, it would play out in the cloud but not affect the main core of time. Thus avoiding multiple dimensions of existence that would result from the "Temporal Branch Theory." [[Though maybe there are multiple "ropes"?]]
This leads me to think that while John Titor's future has "occured" it's not set in stone. So right now we are at a time where certain events will cause our future to become the Titor line, or something better or something worse. While the U.S. has been in decline, the decisions our country makes still influence the actions of other countries for better or worse. Therefore I think the direction our "timeline" goes depends on the 2004 presidential election results and if the [U.S.] public can wake up from its apathy and lethargy and throw off it's selfishness. A positive change is possible. Personally, I believe Senator John Edwards is the key figure in determining our future. I think he will win based soley(sp?) on the Quality of his campaign and ideas. Objectively I could say he has the "intangible characteristics" that will result in his victory. (Though I do support him.) Moderate Republicans, Independents, Democrats, people who usually care about politics, will vote him in. [Landslide.] The main thing is preventing an assasination attempt by those in opposition. (Insurance Co.s, Lobbyist, Neo-Conservatives, etc..) That would cause things to continue on to hell in a handbasket.
End Transmission