While I have problems with the concept of the multiverse, I do believe that there are different dimensions which could be construed to be what we would conceive of multiverse. As far as our thoughts being capable of creating dimensions or multiverses, it brings to mind the Apochyphal writings, especially the Book of Enoch. It states that there are multiple dimensions and our thoughts are VISIBLE in them like a cloud would be visible in ours. The fifth dimension is supposedly the realm of the dark forces or fallen angels which were cast out of the heavenly realm and because they reside in the fifth dimension as opposed to our four dimensions, they also have the added "gift" of being able to see for short periods in the future. This would certainly explain a lot of things.
Imagine being able to see another's thoughts, especially those whom you consider your enemies and usurpers of your authority given to you at creation. Add to this the ability to see for perhaps a few hours, a day, or maybe even a week into the future. You certainly would have some definite advantages over your enemy. You could tell what they believe in, circumvent those beliefs and peer into the future to see the outcome of your efforts. Unfortunately, you would be ethereal in the fifth dimension so you would be limited to deception, insinuated lies, create doubt, and stir up passions to effect the ends you foresee. Very formidable foes indeed. However, there is one drawback to their power.
They cannot stand and flee from prayer to God. It has a power that totally dissipates theirs, and a literal power from another dimension flows into the fourth to add to the power of prayer. It dissipates doubts, takes scales away from the eyes, gives assurance of right objectives, places light upon the truth and brings peace where once was anger, greed, hatred, frustration, and worse of all--loneliness. We become assured we are not alone. While this may all sound very religious, it has practical applications to wage this war which we are all battling with alien forces who are bent on our destruction because we have inherited that which they have squandered. It really is sad that so many people believe that this is a weakness to be avoided at all costs and a delusion of weak minds. They each have a spark of this divine power in them which enables them to do limited battle with these alien forces, but without the benefit of foresight and knowing the mind of our enemies, the battle is only delayed until those times when are defenses are down. The enemy has had patience for milennia, working on each generation who believes that they are progressing when, in reality, they are degressing and devolving into mindless hate, deception and lies. The very life-force of our species is being depleted. However, their time is short and events are drawing to a conclusion and so they are said to be stalking like never before as roaring lions, seeking to destroy the remnant which has held true to form. If not for the remnant, the race would be lost. The Bible is far more than just a religious document. It shows the true battle that was begun in a heavenly sphere and has outlined its history down to this time. It reveals the weapons of war, and outlines the pure science needed to outwit and out maneuver the enemy who has every understanding of its existence but does not have access to it because of their uncorporeality. They can create manifestations to make us believe in lies to have us follow aparitions as the only means of our escape. They take many forms all over the world and the last deception will be a genius of sorts to lead us down the path of self-destruction. It all sounds like religion, but it is history and science. Listen to your thoughts. Are you giving the enemy any advantages? Do you sometime wonder how your trials and tribulations can be so perfectly tailored to your lifestyle and to the things which you believe in the most? Someone may be listening who bears you ill will!!