This will end it once and for all!


Temporal Novice
The TimeTraveler_0 that is on now is the same person as the real john titor that was posting in 2000 and 2001!. I looked up the new TimeTraveler_0's ip address and it says he lives in orlando florida(central florida). John titor mentioned way back in 2000 and 2001 that he lived in central florida in the year 2036. Quote:" In 2036, I live in central Florida with my family and I'm
currently stationed at an Army base in Tampa. A world war in 2015 killed
nearly three billion people". Heres the link to the actual source I got my info from, Titors earlier post's, click the edit tab then click find, type in florida. Oh yeah to really make sure here is the link where I got that link link where I got link. Go to and put in the ip addresse of of the current TimeTraveler_0 in, his ip is, link where I found the ip is Thread called death of John Titor and is a thread on this forum,
(look for timtraveler 1 and timetraveler 0). Turns out the current one lives in orlando, florida too.

P.S. Anyone got reply's?.
This is an action which is similar to world war two submarines, sneaking into harbors, by hiding beneath the hulls of freighters, so that they can not be detected on sonar.

We now have two similar instances of this action being done and these have been the said isp provider for poster Alien Child and Chronohistorian being the same.

Two now that time has passed there should be someone like Darby Darbyshire that can at least verify to whether Pamela Moore did have government cars, it seems for observation, parked out in-front of her residence. Or whether there were no such cars, or an observation attempt on her home at all?**Derbyshire is an MOP affiliated with who moderates the time travel section there.

Time has passed and surely any need to have secrecy about observing Pamela Moore at all, should now be able to be brought out into the open.
*Moore publicly posted herself, that said government cars were said by her to be watching her residence.If this is the case, how on Earth did she know that they were NSA?
NSA, I'm sure would use a plainly marked car, with no observable outward sings, that it was even any branch of the government at all.*She said NSA FBI and or DIA types of autos??

*Note the same tactics it seems, using both similar isp providers and other elements surrounding the said Titor case, are it seems still being repeated at TTI?

I'm not saying or believing anything with the Titor case as any more I'm like anyone else, watching from the sidelines.
The John Titor debauchel could have been an orchestrated ruse, in order to both get something and cast a certain social effect, other than any said one woman's say, or a supposed writers say?