I do not consider the stories of time travel on this site, as exhibited by chronoAttentionSeeker and the likes, to be worthy variables
And let me point out something to people like Chrono, Gilmore, and even you, Creedo, when you go off on your Star Trek (et. al.) fantasy loops: Awhile back we asked Raul to set up SPECIFIC forums for discussions of time travel stories and fantasies. THAT is the forum where such discussions belong that do not adhere to the basic premises of scientific investigation. I would also submit that it is also the area of this forum where discussions of vampires and Pleidians belongs, since the vast majority of scientific evidence tells us these beings are not yet shown to be real.
Here's something that is really interesting: NONE of these so-called "time travelers" have even attempted to challenge the more scientific discussions of Time and how humans perceive it that some of us have been engaged in. For instance, why doesn't Chrono come into our Time Particle or Massive SpaceTime threads and tell us "you are all wrong"? I would submit that this is because those of us in these discussions are using ESTABLISHED science as the basis from which we postulate how that established science can be extended to explain other aspects of Time and the potential for Time Travel. These "time travelers" limit themselves to telling us ONLY what things are like in the future, because no one can practically (scientifically) refute what has yet to come.
The one time Chrono did try to delve into existing science (the Fission vs. Fusion issue) look how terribly he failed in exhibiting any basic knowledge of science! That, in itself, exposes them as the hoaxers they are... for think of this: A man from 200 years ago would no NOTHING about about the structure of the atom as being electrons, protons, and neutrons. One would not expect a person from that time to know such things. However, it is such basic, fundamental knowledge in our time, that if someone from our time were to travel 200 years in our past, for them to NOT know these basics would be unheard of. For them to NOT understand the even more primitive science of 200 years ago would be utterly laughable. Now apply this to Chrono and his situation: Most people of reasonable education in our time know that fission was discovered in the early 30s, and that fission is what powers nuclear reactors of today. Certainly ANYONE who has received a university degree knows this.... and yet Chrono, an alleged historian from 500 years hence, did not know this simple fact!
And this is not even addressing his atrocious use of language and VERY poor recollection of historical events, both of which would not be acceptable in the profession of historians, now or in the future.
I rest my case,