Old info:
Each timeline is constructed so that there is a prominate fifteen minutes to an hour before, to a fifteen minutes to an hour behind, as this timeline functions.
Each variant from invasion from other timelines, forms a certain, not certain and alternate timeline, depending upon how that innervader has infracted.
Hello Im a time traveler everyone see me, of course is going to cause a great change within that timeline and then that timeline will not be that timeline, however some other timeline all together.
Because of the cause and effect of the tag ahead and lag behind, affect to characteristic of timelines, they are easy to find, if one has an event localizer.
This is recorded by frequency, as each timeline worldline, has its own assigned frequency.
So starting from point A to B, might involved round about trips, if that time travel, does not possess sufficient technology to do a straight time travel through, in order to get from A to B.
Oh Pamela', lovely Pamela,
She had said that John had started from a point in time, however had to shift to other worldlines in order to get to his destined time.
She is right, however also said something different.
Pamela is not a politician, however knowledgeable of Boolean elements of the sets of and not nor and then, with respects to how timelines function.
Prose>I said I loved her as I held my hand to her soft white face.
You love me?, she whispered back.
You know I must go, but I will, in some way, be with you always.
The element of love in time travel, is ever lasting as it is universal and knows no boundaries.
I sat there in my vehicle, hit the switch, everything that I knew was her faded and I was now to other places.
You tell me, what is fair, or right about time travel?