Thirteen sealed coffins, 2,500 years old, found in the Egyptian desert


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According to Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, at least 13 ancient coffins, all made of wood and completely intact, have been uncovered in the necropolis of Saqqara, a large desert burial ground in what was once the city of Memphis.  

The cache is special because the sarcophagi have remained intact for millennia, according to a report by Science Alert. Found in a shaft 11 metres below ground and stacked together, some of the colours painted on the coffins are still visible. It’s believed the coffins have remained this way since their initial burial, their contents sealed off from the world.


This is amazing. You don't often see things like this turning up after so long in nearly perfect condition... Let alone two and a half millennia. Hopefully we find out who they were and what was inside; very cool.
