They've been here all along...


Temporal Novice
They\'ve been here all along...

Well, as I have said, I think they have been here all along. Probably helped our species with evolution. "Ancient astronomers" have been recorded throughout written history. Some say even in the Bible. No solid evidence though...just some thoughts.

RE: They\'ve been here all along...

Yeah. Well, who knows. Nothing can really be proved- but nothing can be disproved either. I just find it hard to believe that our species made the evolutionary jump FROM primates to who we are now without any guidance.

RE: They\'ve been here all along...

I don't know very much about time travel or even science for that matter. But you speak of the Bible and then about evolution. How can both possibly be true? If we evolved FROM monkeys (or whatever the theory is; crazy in my opinion) then it is highly unlikely that "aliens" helped us. But, assuming they did, where are they now? Wouldn't they have revealed themselves to us? Personally, I beleive that God created man and everything else on earth. I don't beleive we evolved FROM anything; much less got any "help" doing so.
RE: They\'ve been here all along...

I don't know very much about time travel or even science for that matter. But you speak of the Bible and then about evolution. How can both possibly be true? If we evolved FROM monkeys (or whatever the theory is; crazy in my opinion) then it is highly unlikely that "aliens" helped us. But, assuming they did, where are they now? Wouldn't they have revealed themselves to us? Personally, I beleive that God created man and everything else on earth. I don't beleive we evolved FROM anything; much less got any "help" doing so.
RE: They\'ve been here all along...

Personally I know very little about the Bible, but I see no reason why both evolution and the Bible can't be correct. Perhaps God created the universe and let evolution take over FROM their. If you were God, wouldn't it be more interesting to see how your creations evolved on their own. Also, in my opinion it is unlikely that any religous writing is still accurate hundreds or thousands of years later after being handed down orally and suffering several language translations, but the concepts could be accurate. If God created the universe, then everything evolved, wouldn't he (or she or it) still have created Adam and Eve?
RE: They\'ve been here all along...

But if there's a God then the theory of evolution, in fact any theory, is useless. Even if a theory fits every recorded fact, God could just come in and do something to completely mess it up. At any time. Without warning. What's the point, then? Why should I bother thinking or doing stuff if God could, if he wanted to, just snap his fingers and make all my loved ones turn INTO piles of bananas? All science is useless and pointless if one believes in God.
RE: They\'ve been here all along...

So are you saying that we should never attempt to understand anything? I'm pretty sure that God gave us curious minds for a purpose.
RE: They\'ve been here all along...

Of course we should try to understand stuff! What I'm trying to say is that belief in the existence of a god ruins that understanding, and makes all existence acausal and completely unpredictable. If God can do anything, then we can't predict anything. I prefer to think that my free will is true free will, not governed by some omnipotent deity, albeit benevolent.
RE: They\'ve been here all along...

OK, I believe the original question was whether UFO's were from, basically, other planets or other time frames. The answer is difficult because evidence seems to support both sides. For Time Travelers FROM the Future: 1.)Many UFO reports that end with the object "disappearing" that is, not just moving away at a high rate but flat-out vanishing. 2.)No one, out of all the abductee reports, can seem to get their hands upon a piece of solid evidence. If I were a time traveler FROM the future and accidentally left something behind during one history recon trip, I sure would zip right back and undo my goof. 3.)UFOs have been reported not just since Kenneth Arnold's time, but thru ALL time. And the models are bacically the same: cigar-shaped or disks. Lately, there seems to be a rash of triangles, but I think that is just us trying to come up with our own flying saucer. So the stability of models over time is patently absurd. No major improvements? No revolutionary shapes? Can't get any better than this?? 4.)Their occupants basically resemble our basic, human structure: one head, two eyes, one nose, mouth, two ears or ear holes, two arms, two legs, hands and feet. Plus, they seem to be adaptable to our planet's atmosphere. The Greys could be us at an incredible future time. Or genetically reengineered homo sapiens. Supporting arguments for They Come FROM Other Planets: 1.)If their ships do bend gravity and light, that would tend to render them a degree of invisibility and would also accountg for "disappearing" reports. 2.)Many reports of UFOs in space. 3.) ...?
Personally, I tend to favor the Time Traveler because 1.)What would tip-off extra-galactic beings to our presence? Enough to want to make them come here? 2.)We are already here,and if in the future, we have developed a time machine, then we are just checking ourselves out. Maybe something tragic has happened to us in the far, distant future and we're just trying to figure out a way to undo it thru the past time.
RE: They\'ve been here all along...

They may well be time travelers FROM our future or FROM another species. I think they use spacecraft because it's the safest way to time travel. When the craft materializes in space in the vacinity of the target place and time, there is little danger of materializing above ground, below ground, in a rock, under water, etc., which would be a disaster. Maybe someday we will dig one up, if we haven't already.