They , have had enough of us


Chrono Cadet
HI guys
apparently they , have had enough of us all truthseekers and conspiraty nuts , and have set there plans in motion some folks say that those fema camps are activated now and there are new prisoners in them now i dont know wich its a message i got on my cellphone (sms) from one of my contact in ohio he say they have had enough there plans his in motion now and they will start to take the trouble maker down one by one and hunt them down like the propagandist that they are ) him one of them in my community ) here about 45% of the local populus are aware of whats going on and plan to leave st the first sign of [censored] , some of them wants to fight and even my army buddy wont let there officier take over us civilian
so keep your eyes peel they have had enough
Dr z
AJ you better watch your ass your the biggest loud mouth outh there and you are probably the number one on there list
even my army buddy wont let there officier take over us civilian ...

A question that I have about you account of the "Brossard Experiment," concerns why your army buddy was there at the conclusion of the experiment. You know that if you can achieve what the account implies, the military will be quite interested in what is going on. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/devil.gif
my friend in the army are loyal citizen not mindless army drone there faith lie within the human populus not serving the man , they have a secret affiliate with the canadian secret service that wish to use this technologie to help and prevent event or make change in the pass , they dont have there own agenda except the one of serving and defending the population interess , thats who they are , they help me fund my first experiment and have help protect me from any negative outside force but for now they ran out of faithfull people so im on my own for now i no longer have a shield over my head to protect me , that why i posted this message and no one in the US army are like them they are all drone , brainwash citizen made to serve the man not the US citizen interess, so beware of any army personal who look sympathic to our cause.
Ralph Nader or Darth Vader?

In all honesty, if that was the case, who cares? What will be, will, what won't, won't.

It's pretty silly in any plausibility when you look at everything through an international game of chess. I suppose it would break the boredom for alot of mundane lives to fantasize about the incredible (even if the subject is pretty crazily dark) - how many people get a thrill out of horror movies?