There may be hope for us Marti McFly wannabes yet!!! a must read!!

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Hey People i thought u might be interested in this;

New Quantum Weirdness Theory

Physicist Mark Hadley of the University of Warwick claims that he has solved the problem of quantum weirdness. Particles at the subatomic level remain in a fuzzy state called "superposition" until something affects them, whereupon they instantly focus into a definite form. They may also be 'entangled' or connected in some way that causes particles separated over long distances to change either other's condition at speeds faster than light.

It has been theorized that the change in a particle from the fuzzy uncertain state to certainty could be caused by the application of a measuring tool, or even by the simple fact that it has been noticed by a conscious, aware mind.

Hadley theorizes that there exist kinks in space-time that he calls "geons." Inside a geon, a particle will be instantly affected not only by the present, but also by events in the future and the past. "Measurement is simply an abrupt change in the topology of space-time," Hadley explains. Another physicist asks an incredibly important question: "If the direction of time can change on a quantum scale, why can't it change in the large- scale Universe?"

Well, when we fully understand the mechanism, maybe we'll discover that it can.

I would love too hear your views on the implications!!
Sorry, Mr. Thinker, but your "physicist" Mr. Hadley has been smoking more than just cigerettes. His mombo-jombo ramblings fit right in with subjects such as "channeling", UFO's, psychic readings, tarrot cards, and ouja boards! Anybody can spew out unscientific terms (e.g., "geons") and vague, ambiguous, and just plain silly theories that may impress the general public, but that the scientific and academic communities agree are totally ludicrous.

Time travel will forever be condemned to the imaginations of Sci-Fi writers, Producers, and imaginative physicists. I don't mean to be so hard-nosed about it, but people seem to waste so much time trying to travel through it! (I'm referring to "time", not my nose!).
Re:Re:There may be hope for us Marti McFly wannabes yet!!! a must read!!

Well Mike,
I dont blame u for not taking whatever anyone says as the gospal but after reading a number of papers concerning this matter, and there are a few, my opinion is that this is an exciting prospect which is not based entirly on "mumbo jumbo". Sure there are a few week points in the theory but if you you take time too look into the area im sure you will find some of the more interesting details. Well maybe u already have read into it? If so then i would be grateful too hear why u think this and not just that u dismiss it...
As for UFOs, U think they are mumbo jumbo too? Well the odds are in not in your favour on that one im afraid.
"Superposition" is an interesting word for me, because it implies some other dimension of space-time which we are not directly aware of. The observable universe is I believe a subset of what might be called the macro-universe. So you have atomic & quantum phenomena, "large-scale" phenomena and what I figure must be unseen "macro" phenoemna.

Unless you can believe (like most physicists apparently do) that all the matter in the universe was compressed to the size of a electron and then exploded, the universe created by the Big Bang had to be "piped in" through some kind of hole (black hole?) in the macro universe. Time began in "our" universe with the Big Bang event. But time existed before the Big Bang. So "superposition" might be a concept useful in not only explaining the duo wave-particle nature of atomic matter but also in expanding the conventional cosmological view. Atomic matter may exhibit this duo nature because it has a corrolary or root in the macro (parent) universe.

I think it's likely that the bridge from our universe to the macro universe lies in dark matter.
Re:Time before the BIG BANG


In reference to your "There was time before the Big Bang", I agree & asked myself if what we call the BIG BANG was really just the pop of a star in the grand scale of things, What I mean is if things (Anything) existed before our Big Bang, Who's to say it was so big. What we call the explosion of a star may in Billions of years be called the Big Bang by who ever it is that event MAY create.


Also: When was time actually 1st used by the Human race, When did we name what we call time, time ?
Re:Re:Graewood and Bruno the same. But no Bridges!!!!!!

The term' bridges' has been discussed below. See the posting of'Sorry but brunos not the first' , you can see that good old graewolf still believes what Big Bruno had stated. Bruno was right in analysing the fact that there are suns and plantets. But what Graefwood doesnt understand is that Bruno had forgoten to state that there are 'bridges'. ie that there are bridges in the heavens. But what is important here is the fact that Bruno had stated that the sun and planets (Im going on Graewolfs understanding of Bruno) are independant ie they are unique unto themselves.
Well we can see here from not only the Koran but from physicists findings that Big Bruno was actually wrong.
The truth is there are Bridges, linking all that is in the universe. wether they are termed 'smoke', 'dust', or intersellar material.

I thank you for your insight.
Re:Re:Re:Graewood and Bruno the same. But no Bridges!!!!!!

I don't attribute the term "bridges" to Bruno, I attribute it to me, although I'm sure it's been used before in similar theoretical contexts.

For his part, Bruno was one of the most prescient philosophers of the last 1000 years. The political, philsophical and cosmological Western World (and universe) we live in today was first glimpsed by this itinerant and thrice-excommunicated priest. He invented the term "philosophical liberty"; he steadfastly championed the idea "freedom of thought" a real no-no in his time, freedom of religion, mutual toleration among the religions, was one of the first to posit the notion of an infinite universe populated by innumerable solar systems (indeed, he was the first to espouse the very idea of a "solar system"), one of the first to proclaim the notion of romantic love (Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" and "Love's Labors Lost" were inspired by Bruno!), the first to correctly describe the basic structure of the universe as one comprised of suns and their orbiting planets, the first to posit the existence of intelligent extraterrestrials that reside on some of these "extrasolar" planets, one of the first to publically champion Copernicus's and (earlier) Nicholas of Cusa's notion that the planets revolved around the sun and not the other way around. Almost every basic tenet of modern intellectual, political, and philosophical thought taken for granted today was loudly espoused by Giordano Bruno -- born 1548 and burned at the stake in Feb. 1600. He is credited (not by me but by scholars) as one of the founders of science and modern philosphy.