There is a new Time experiment on the Horizon!


Chrono Cadet
"When the living creatures moved, the wheels moved beside them; and when the living creatures rose frm the earth, the wheels rose. Wherever the spirit would go, they went, and the wheels rose along with them; for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels"
---Ezekiel 1:19 (New Revised Version)

This new experiment evolved out of a recent conversation discussed between myself and "GS-Rgrunt".

We often discuss many topics of interest, but human ascension techniques always seem to become the most interesting of all. We discussed his last experience and how we may repeat the process and turn into a human merkabah, afterwhich use your new spirtual space probe vehicle to visit the moon, mars, and beyond to include making contact with other enlightened beings & "Friendly" ET's.

The purpose of this experiment progressed into delivering a message through Time before he acually invoked the experience! I suggested that we document (everything)on the computer to include the process/procedures involved, the goals we intend to establish while in merkahba state, making sure to keep the document on the PC screen before going into this state, return with all the memories of the experience within one hr. Before it was initiated, (in other words, IMHO Travel Backward in Time in the merkabah form) and make an attempt to "Download" all of this new gained information & knowledge into your past self with a subliminal message to help you retain as much of that information once you have returned & awakened from the experience.

As another suggestion, we agreed that by repeating a mantra of sorts, (prior to going into a deep state of meditation) for all intentions to ensure a higher degree of success during this journey, to tell yourself that you will be in full control of the experience by your guardians of the light, and Remember Everything.

As we prepare to embark upon this experiment, we can only hope that this two-way form of communicating to one's self should ensure some form of success. I'll be sure to reveal our results when they become available.

Then by traveling backwards in time, via the Merkaba meditations into the old timeline where by laws of experience the particulars must not be adequate at that date, what one will do is to construct an alternate timeline of super aware people and beings.

You can not alter the past without changing it to another timeline.

Our past inadequacies must remain that and never be changed, as if we of the future so attempt to accomplish this, we only add power to a non-intended timeline.
I wish you luck in your experimental endeavors, T12.

Since I am very aware of your knowledge of closed-loop frequency dynamics, I hope you can avoid destructive time/frequency resonances in your experiment. I tend to think the dynamics of the motion of the Merkaba vehicle (be it physical or not) can be subject to resonant frequency effects in much the same way that aerospace aircraft have resonant which they oscillate and diverge into destruction. Be careful with closed-loop dynamics as you perform your experiments.

I look forward to your reports. Test reports are always interesting reading!
i think i have to agree with what creedo has just stated. It may (most likely will) cause another brance in the timeline past timeline If indeed you can stay on the same timeline in the first place.

If you did it for the present then you will be creating your future. If you intend it to occur for the past then you may well only be creating another future that you will not conciously experience.

I still would ask that you keep us posted on whatever happens.

kind regards,

I wish you luck in your experimental endeavors, T12.

Since I am very aware of your knowledge of closed-loop frequency dynamics, I hope you can avoid destructive time/frequency resonances in your experiment. I tend to think the dynamics of the motion of the Merkaba vehicle (be it physical or not) can be subject to resonant frequency effects in much the same way that aerospace aircraft have resonant which they oscillate and diverge into destruction. Be careful with closed-loop dynamics as you perform your experiments.

I look forward to your reports. Test reports are always interesting reading!

TPM of MST = Triplex Physical Matrix of Massive SpaceTime.

Thanks RMT,
I will take your concerns under advisement!

I plan to delve deeper into this latter by adding a few sensors/detectors Encephlographics just to name a few.

This will also become another data component for our Quantum Tunneling Interface Project, (Operation Q.T.I.P) to include our friends at Unitel Areospace, which is another project all together.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with RMT, I just want add that He does in fact know what he is talking about here from quite an extensive base of knowledge and experience. just check out his resume yourself if your curious, it satisfied me.

Thanks Rainman!

Since we are damn near neighboors, perhaps we can arrange a meeting some Time?
just look me up, I'm in the Book of Time~
until latter becomes now...
Take care
