Chrono Cadet
Are there any theories on how time travel to the past would be possible to be achieved? /ttiforum/images/graemlins/confused.gif
I'll assume you are talking about generating worm holes and that finding negative length between two points would create a direct connection.
It seems to me that you would need quite a bit of energy and attraction to create this effect. Wouldn't I have to attract space or a gravitational pull from the point I want to travel to all the way to the point that I am at?
I am picturing a sling shot here. The rubber with no tension being the location I want to travel to. Pulling the rubber back to where my position is, then letting go with my craft bound by it
Would I be wrong in guessing that your negative length points in a 4th dimensional direction?
Einstein, i take it you do not agree with string theory then? I think you have a good point about time stopping as you hit light speed but you suggest that you could access the negative time frame without hitting light speed. However surely this would require a tunnel to bypass the area in front of you, creating a short cut and this would be the wormhole.