
Sure. You can look em up, on the theories and concepts section of the TTI website. Or do a google. Too much information to post in this thread, lol, but its out there.
Re: TimeTraveler23

As your speed increases, the duration of time it takes to travel between your current position and your destination decreases. Traveling fast enough, time could decrease between your position and your destination until the amount of time it takes between those two points zeros out (No duration of time). If you manage to travel faster than that, the duration of time it takes to get to your destination will be a negative number, aka: negative time or traveling into the past. You arrive at your destination before you left your original position.

Hi Bob

I don't know if you realize what you are saying but it sounds to me like there a two different flows of time unequally balanced. If that is the case then it might not even be necessary to even approach light speed to access the reverse flow. Just remember that I am not a supporter of Einstein's equivalence principle. Relative motion isn't necessary to access the reverse flow. I have experimental indications that suggest the stopped time flow condition at the speed of light can exist within our reference frame. The reversed time flow condition could possibly be accessed from this stopped time flow condition. By the way, I recently had to reformat my hard drive. So I lost your email address. Send me an email so I can get it back. Thanks.
Re: Einstein

"Relative motion isn't necessary to access the reverse flow."

It may not be necessary. I was just stating a way in which I know it to be likely (possible) to travel backward in time. I believe there are two techniques for traveling in time; Micro and Macro.

Micro - Altering the speed/state/existence of the atomic structure of an entire object by forces (gravitational, or something otherwise). Probably a lot easier than 'Macro' since you would only have to distort space/gravity/whatever to warp time.

Macro - Basically what I've mentioned in the post you replied to. An entire object traveling, as a whole, faster than the speed required to reach a specific point. Arrival before departure.

Possible combination - What if you had a space ship and you wanted to travel to vast distances without the effects of time dilation? What if you concentrate a force which alters the atomic time perception to counteract at the precise and opposite rate at which you are traveling in time as a whole. Picture a ship traveling faster than light, and traveling backward in time. A 'force' is being applied to every atom within the enclosure (securing the ship from G forces) which slows the speed of atoms so that time is seen as traveling faster around them; thus, traveling faster into the future. You could figure out a nice balance.

Hi Bob

The reason I suggested Einstein's equivalence principle was not valid is because it relies on a two and only two reference frame universe. He stated that there was no difference from the inertial force effects felt either in a rocketship or in a windowless room here on the earth. The difference is that the rocketship is undergoing relative motion in relation to our reference frame. Thus time dilation would accrue. Here on the earth we feel the effects of acceleration through space as well but we are not accelerating through the space. The space is accelerating through us. But in reality a minimum of three reference frames are involved in every situation.

Just using conventional technology at our disposal today prevents us from accessing the other time force.

But you probably know that I don't ascribe to conventional technology. I don't know if you are aware of the concept of negative length. There are many areas on the planet where the phenomena can be observed. Commonly referred to as gravitational anomalies. Negative length would be something to consider in any spacedrive engine design. Breaking light speed wouldn't even come into the equation with a negative length generator. Just negate all the length between here and there and your destinastion comes to you. Don't laugh. I think a gravitational field is a negative length engine.

I suppose it would work the same way with a time machine. The only thing different is that you would have to have access to both forward and reverse time flows to move thru time.

By the way, this stopped time flow condition that I have been experimenting with kind of acts like an inertial dampener. Anything within the stopped time flow zone would not feel the effects of high external forces applied.
Re: Einstein

"I think a gravitational field is a negative length engine."

I'll assume you are talking about generating worm holes and that finding negative length between two points would create a direct connection. It seems to me that you would need quite a bit of energy and attraction to create this effect. Wouldn't I have to attract space or a gravitational pull from the point I want to travel to all the way to the point that I am at? So that I could ride that gravitational force back to it's original position once released? I am picturing a sling shot here. The rubber with no tension being the location I want to travel to. Pulling the rubber back to where my position is, then letting go with my craft bound by it.

Is this what you are talking about?

If so, maybe it would be possible for a ship to create a constant pull in front of it towards a "negative length," rather than grabbing a position from very far away.


I'll assume you are talking about generating worm holes and that finding negative length between two points would create a direct connection.

Actually I have to question the concept of wormholes altogether. Because I can directly observe negative length phenomena with no apparent wormhole phenomena going on. You could visit a gravitational anomaly area yourself and make your own observations on apparent length changes.

It seems to me that you would need quite a bit of energy and attraction to create this effect. Wouldn't I have to attract space or a gravitational pull from the point I want to travel to all the way to the point that I am at?

The energy required is a whole other area of research. My idea is to create a cycle of positive and negative energy flows and then become part of that cycle. So in reality no energy would be used as long as both positive and negative flows remain balanced. Creating negative length may not be used in the manner you propose. Balance has to be maintained. Even newtons laws have to be observed. So to move from point A to point B using a negative length generator in the manner you propose would violate newtons laws.

I am picturing a sling shot here. The rubber with no tension being the location I want to travel to. Pulling the rubber back to where my position is, then letting go with my craft bound by it

Yes you understand part of it. But that rubber band effect can only work if both ends of the rubber band are attached to something. And that is a very interesting topic. Because apparently this null time zone spatial effect that I have been playing with could also be interpreted as a property of mass. Which led me to the idea that what if I could turn this effect on and off? That would be directly manipulating spacetime itself in order to do that. It would be like turning mass on and off. When its on just move it. All motion has to balance according to newton's laws. So if I turn on the temporary mass and move it in one direction, then something else has to move in the other direction. That something else being a spacecraft. And of course once you have moved the temporary mass away, just turn it off and repeat the cycle. And this method would be legal using existing scientific understanding. It is all fringe area experimentation at this point. And I don't have a way just yet to turn on and off this temporary mass condition. But it does seem like it is within reach.

I believe this temporary mass condition would be integral in the development of a time machine. But I was saying the same thing about gravity just a year ago. And I do have my foot in the door in my understanding of what gravity is.

Would I be wrong in guessing that your negative length points in a 4th dimensional direction?

Actually negative length is just a component of positive length. With relative velocity I'm sure you are aware that length changes toward zero as light speed is approached. That could be viewed as a change in dimensional length toward the negative direction.

Length and time are integral with each other.
Einstein, i take it you do not agree with string theory then? I think you have a good point about time stopping as you hit light speed but you suggest that you could access the negative time frame without hitting light speed. However surely this would require a tunnel to bypass the area in front of you, creating a short cut and this would be the wormhole.
Einstein, i take it you do not agree with string theory then? I think you have a good point about time stopping as you hit light speed but you suggest that you could access the negative time frame without hitting light speed. However surely this would require a tunnel to bypass the area in front of you, creating a short cut and this would be the wormhole.

Not so. We sit in a negative time frame. Time flows slower around bodies in space with gravitational fields. If we master control over the gravitational force then it does seem to me that we would also be mastering control over the flow of time.

As for string theory? Where are the other dimensions? There doesn't seem to be any factual evidence to support string theory. It's just pure mathematical fiction at this point in time. As is also the case for wormholes. Just looks like snake oil to me.
:D yeah bud if u can dissassociate yourself from yourself,then this might be the key.if u can come to terms with the fact that times a ridiculous concept then all will come clear.
:eek: interesting theory but the universe does have a speed limit thats why light adheres to u think its possible to travel faster then light?