Theories about John Titor....


Temporal Novice
Theories about John Titor....

Theory 1 - John Titor was/is an Internet prankster and a fake looking to get his jollies by stirring up others for mere kicks and grins.

I think this unlikely. Why? It obvious from the content and tone of John's posts that at least some of the views he personally feels/felt strongly about were being voiced through his Time Traveler persona (i.e., anger at the government; disgust and/or disappointment with the present apathy and ignorance of the masses; a clear desire for a more God/family/community centered future world, etc.).

If John was a mere prankster, then much of who he is and what he believes went into his Time Traveler persona, which ... in my mind ... makes him less of a prankster and more of a disgruntled person looking to vent his frustrations to the "Fringe Element", with whom he obviously feels some kinship, via his Internet mythos.

Theory 2 - John Titor is an active and direct agent of the government's "Disinformation Mill" whose objectives were:

(a) get the anti-government radicals to expose themselves by voicing their pro-"Damn straight! It's time for a Civil War!" sentiments, and/or;
(b) create an Internet mythos in order to give the "Fringe Element" a medium through which they might vent their anti-government sentiments, and/or;
(c) create an Internet mythos in order to give the "Fringe Element" something else to waste their time on, whilst they go about the government goes about its business of controlling the masses, and/or;
(d) create an Internet mythos in order to make the "Fringe Element" feel even more disenfranchised from the apathetic, skeptical and "uniformed" masses, thereby further cementing said element's status as (and within) the "Fringe", which in itself fulfills said element's Maslow-esque NEED for "belonging" and "self-esteem" - in as much as it gives said element the illusion that they aren't a part of the ignorant masses or the (witting or unwitting) minions of the powers-that-be....

Theory 3 - John Titor was/is a Ted Kaczynski-esque brainiac and/or a quasi-Messianic wanna-be and/or a person with a Messiah complex, who was/is fairly well-read and/or studious, who had or does have access to some inside knowledge about IBM, who sought to:

(a) create an Internet mythos in order to get the "Fringe Element" to be less apathetic and more pro-active with regard to their own (and/or the Nation's and/or the planet's) destiny, and/or;
(b) create an Internet mythos around which the "Fringe Element", individually or collectively, might utilize to break free of the bonds, which the powers-that-be use to shackle the masses and said "Fringe Element", and/or;
(c) create an Internet mythos that would be the catalysis for a self-fulfilling prophecy....

Theory 4 - John Titor was/is a psychology and/or sociology student exploring, testing and/or conducting an experiment on the "Fringe Element" as part of a class assignment/project and/or as part of his thesis....

Theory 5 - John Titor was/is a creative writer working out a character for a novel and/or what-have-you and merely used the "Fringe Element" as a sounding board....

Theory 6- John Titor is an active and direct agent of one or more of the many doomsday-mongers out there, who simply created an Internet mythos to scare or worry the “Fringe Element†into buying products or services or what-have-you being sold by the doomsday-mongers and advertised by their minions….

Theory 7 - John Titor was/is a delusional person and/or one who suffers from a psychological disorder to whatever degree....

Theory 8 - John Titor was/is exactly who and what he claimed to be....

Whatever John Titor was or is.... It's been a blast! John, where ever or when ever you are ... thanks! At the very least it's been a lark and at the very most it's been sobering and thought provoking. ;)
Interesting post. I've also given consideration to the idea that there was something of an agenda behind Titor's posts, although I think it's unlikely that it's anythig to do with a government.

I think the agenda, as much as there was one, was simply to get more people believeing in his ethos. I wouldn't be at all surprised if he was something of a survival nut.

I'm too tired to really go into it right now, but I've definately been thinking in the same areas.
Yep! Ethos preaching Survival Nut. That would fall under Theory #3, more or less. That's pretty much what I think he was/is, though ... he could well be a combination of any of the aforementioned theories.

Nevertheless, after reading John Titor's blurb regarding the American Federal Empire (AFE) and the coming civil war ... I figured the AFE stands in need of a seal, so ... here it is!


© 2004 by Steven B. Madewell

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