A friend suggested a theoretical blueprint for a time travel device. It involves fire and water. Suggested materials include everything from metal, wood, clay, stone, ivory, bone, glass, and plastic. Glass and clay happen to be the top suggestion. For those lacking glass-blowing skills and equipment, one could be made out of ceramic, even if you do not have a potter's wheel (which I recommend). Simply construct a bottle-shaped (or simply a hollow cylinder with an open top) out of glass or clay. Next attach a tube over a hole in the side with a built-in metal cup with strategically placed holes, grating, or wire mesh. The tube should be angled upwards. This allows air passage from the bowl out the top. When completed, fill with water, with the water level above the first hole from the bottom. Reportedly inhaling through the top draws smoke up through the water from the pipe. The smoke is cooled and filtered by the water. The combustible material in the bowl of the pipe is the fuel for all sorts of time , multiverse, and astral travel adventures. Unfortunately, I can not identify this substance. I was not involved with this project, but reportedly, those who used this magical device saw all kinds of weird, cool, trippy stuff including flashbacks! DUUDE!