The \"Z\" Machine...
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 21-Dec-01 AT 02:55PM (EDT)</font>
I thought you'de want to see this.,6903,416412,00.html
Science 2001
********** A machine called "Z" *************
Under a ring of water in a sealed chamber in the middle of the New Mexico desert lies the heart of a machine that could change the world!
Michael Paterniti
Sunday December 31, 2000
It is never night inside the Machine. Even after the sun has set on the mesa and Jimmy Potter and the frogmen and the men in white jumpsuits and the men in blue jumpsuits have showered, packed up, and gone home; even as yawning, befuddled scientists -with names like Jim Bailey and Mark Derzon and Melissa Douglas - sit in offices in a nearby building, trapped by their own reflections and in the blackened windows; and even as this oesophageal dark falls over coyote and jackrabbit and moves everything towards sleep and dreams, towards the deepest centre of the night, the Machine is awake.
Its 36 Marx generators are set in a ring like a metallic Stonehenge. The 20 Rexolite disks of the vacuum chamber look like flying saucers. Its vast, concentric pool of five-weight oil and deionized water seems bottomless - real oil and real water, in half-million-gallon tanks that sit one inside the other like a wheel within a wheel. Even now, there are depths in the Machine, invisible worlds revealing themselves, the secret body of the universe floating up. Deuterium,
tritium, helium.
It begins with the flip of a cyber switch in the control room at the north end of the hanger. Before a bank of computer screens, a man clicks a mouse, and then electricity, quietly sucked off the municipal power grid in Albuquerque, floods into the outer ring of Marx generators. Which is when the Machine takes control. A siren sounds, red lights flash, doors automatically lock. The frogmen and the white and blue jumpsuits clamber over the high bay, down metal steps, and retreat to a copper-coated room behind a foot of cement.
Another switch is flipped, another mouse clicked. To the piercing sound of an alarm, a countdown in the Marx generators ensues, or rather a count up, in kilovolts, comes in a monotone, almost hollow voice beneath the frantic alarm. The man in the control room on a tinny loudspeaker, the Machine speaking through the human.
'Twenty kV...'
'Thirty kV...'
'Forty kV...'
To continue, Goto the following link...,6903,416412,00.html
Science 2001
Sandia's magnetic gun
A magnetic field that accelerates pellets faster than anything except a nuclear explosion has been developed experimentally at the Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories. The machine that generates the field has been jokingly dubbed "the fastest gun in the West," but the description is an understatement.
"It's the fastest gun in the world," says Sandia physicist Marcus Knudson, lead scientist on the project. The propulsion speed of 20 km/sec — almost three times that necessary to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth (about 7 km/sec) — would send material from New York to Boston in half a minute, and from
Albuquerque to Santa Fe in a few seconds. A rifle bullet is typically propelled at 1 km/sec.
The machine, Sandia's Z accelerator, currently propels dime-sized pellets called flyer plates only a few hundred millimeters to gain information on the effect of high-velocity impacts. The data gained can be used to simulate the effect of flying space junk impacting the metal skin of an orbiting observatory traveling in the opposite direction. The data is expected to aid materials scientists trying to balance lightness against strength for satellite and observatory shells.
To continue copy and paste the following link into your browser...
Also the updated website to Sandia's Lab Research pertaining to this unbelievable (But Very Real!) Experimental Research Project can be located at the following URL...
---T-12 of TAP-TEN
TAP-TEN MAGI~SYSTEMS International Associated Networks
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."
<font size="1" color="#FF0000">LAST EDITED ON 21-Dec-01 AT 02:55PM (EDT)</font>
I thought you'de want to see this.,6903,416412,00.html
Science 2001
********** A machine called "Z" *************
Under a ring of water in a sealed chamber in the middle of the New Mexico desert lies the heart of a machine that could change the world!
Michael Paterniti
Sunday December 31, 2000
It is never night inside the Machine. Even after the sun has set on the mesa and Jimmy Potter and the frogmen and the men in white jumpsuits and the men in blue jumpsuits have showered, packed up, and gone home; even as yawning, befuddled scientists -with names like Jim Bailey and Mark Derzon and Melissa Douglas - sit in offices in a nearby building, trapped by their own reflections and in the blackened windows; and even as this oesophageal dark falls over coyote and jackrabbit and moves everything towards sleep and dreams, towards the deepest centre of the night, the Machine is awake.
Its 36 Marx generators are set in a ring like a metallic Stonehenge. The 20 Rexolite disks of the vacuum chamber look like flying saucers. Its vast, concentric pool of five-weight oil and deionized water seems bottomless - real oil and real water, in half-million-gallon tanks that sit one inside the other like a wheel within a wheel. Even now, there are depths in the Machine, invisible worlds revealing themselves, the secret body of the universe floating up. Deuterium,
tritium, helium.
It begins with the flip of a cyber switch in the control room at the north end of the hanger. Before a bank of computer screens, a man clicks a mouse, and then electricity, quietly sucked off the municipal power grid in Albuquerque, floods into the outer ring of Marx generators. Which is when the Machine takes control. A siren sounds, red lights flash, doors automatically lock. The frogmen and the white and blue jumpsuits clamber over the high bay, down metal steps, and retreat to a copper-coated room behind a foot of cement.
Another switch is flipped, another mouse clicked. To the piercing sound of an alarm, a countdown in the Marx generators ensues, or rather a count up, in kilovolts, comes in a monotone, almost hollow voice beneath the frantic alarm. The man in the control room on a tinny loudspeaker, the Machine speaking through the human.
'Twenty kV...'
'Thirty kV...'
'Forty kV...'
To continue, Goto the following link...,6903,416412,00.html
Science 2001
Sandia's magnetic gun
A magnetic field that accelerates pellets faster than anything except a nuclear explosion has been developed experimentally at the Department of Energy's Sandia National Laboratories. The machine that generates the field has been jokingly dubbed "the fastest gun in the West," but the description is an understatement.
"It's the fastest gun in the world," says Sandia physicist Marcus Knudson, lead scientist on the project. The propulsion speed of 20 km/sec — almost three times that necessary to escape the gravitational pull of the Earth (about 7 km/sec) — would send material from New York to Boston in half a minute, and from
Albuquerque to Santa Fe in a few seconds. A rifle bullet is typically propelled at 1 km/sec.
The machine, Sandia's Z accelerator, currently propels dime-sized pellets called flyer plates only a few hundred millimeters to gain information on the effect of high-velocity impacts. The data gained can be used to simulate the effect of flying space junk impacting the metal skin of an orbiting observatory traveling in the opposite direction. The data is expected to aid materials scientists trying to balance lightness against strength for satellite and observatory shells.
To continue copy and paste the following link into your browser...
Also the updated website to Sandia's Lab Research pertaining to this unbelievable (But Very Real!) Experimental Research Project can be located at the following URL...
---T-12 of TAP-TEN
TAP-TEN MAGI~SYSTEMS International Associated Networks
<hr size="1" width="80%" color="#000099" align="left">"Everything you know, Wrong!
soon we shall all discover the truth."