the year 2007-2009 are very telling years why? *DELETED*

Re: the year 2007-2009 are very telling years why?

alkadia will attach our boarders

Our "boarders"? To whom are you referring? Illegal Mexicans? And what are they supposed to be getting "attached" to? And with what? Glue? Zippers? Velcro? And what do you mean with the word "Alkadia"? Are you talking about Cajuns (Acadians)? What do they have against the Mexicans? Both groups are Catholic; you'd think they'd get along okay. So what are you saying then, that the Cajuns are planning a terrorist attack against illegal Mexicans with Velcro?

Are you an ESL (English as a Second Language) student?

- Peter
Those years are important because most people realize that they should stick his/her/spacealien head in the toilet. Whatever is going on may not be time travel!