The Ultimate Evil


Temporal Novice
There is a book by Terry Maury of this name that makes scary connection between the murders that occurred during the Son of Sam/Manson years. The conspiracy here is that there was a cult connecting these murderers during said time period. After reading this I had a hard time shaking the idea.

Do you think it's possible when serial killers were all over the papers across the states daily that they were somehow making direct contact with each other?

Certainly not in the cases of Manson and Son of Sam killer, Berkowitz. Their crimes were ~7 years apart. Were there/are there copy-cat killers, Yes, then and now. It would seem more so now. With wall to wall 24 hr media frenzy attached to every despicable act committed today, all the little mentally deficient sociopath wanna-be's see their chance at Fame and Glory.

The book spans a decade or so. I wasn't implying it happened in the same year. The contact between them was separated by a few degrees as well. Basically the idea is that Manson was in contact with the Process church as was Berkowitz. Thus being the 'middle cult'. It's a fascinating book. It's also out of print & never followed up on (adding to conspiracy).

I would love to read that book! I admit, I try to resist, but I am a sucker for a new conspiracy theory. I wonder what the purpose of it was? Was the idea to promote mass killing across the entire country? Was that the conspiracy? This would be a fascinating read!
