According to my star program (which also has some dates digits misplaced) which I have not checked further on, if anyone wanted to know (which was discussed a little while the great Titor discussion was going on) here are the Total Eclipses of the Sun in the USA in the upcoming years. I had mentioned 2017 as a year for one, and here it is listed although I have seen some places where it was not listed. A total eclipse occurs on this planet usually every 1-1/2 years but usually is somewhere else where you might have seen on the News July 22, 2009 about the one that just occured in Indonesia (spelling? seems close and not phonetics). Here those are for the USA in case anyone lives for this type of time travel (or why is the Moon 400 times smaller but about 400 times closer than the Sun and appear to be the same size giving the humans on this Planet - Total Eclipses of the Sun (and Moon Eclipses of the Moon also)).
Total Solar Eclipse Calendar
Aug. 21, 2017
Oregon to central Nebraska, then through Tennessee and South Carolina (ah so I said Ohio at the time but I was going by what others state and so are these dates.)
April 8th, 2024
central Texas, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, southern Ontario, and southern Quebec (oh, there is Ohio and other states to view the eclipse in or Nebraska if anyone can drive anywhere in the future).
Now, check what equipment you need besides the welder's probably #12 (or #14 welder's glass?)glass shield (used in welder's helmets) if you want or Mylar Sheeting for your telescope or any of the new type of filters to block out the Sun so you do not go blind. Camera's ? I think the exposure is so fast that a camera has less problems but I am not sure since I did not aim my camera at the sun during the Feb. 27, 1979 somewhere in Montana while Canada was overcast or cloudy or something like that that day where I had logings, but hey, it was clear in Montana.
So if they still do, get a map from the Naval Observatory people on where the center line of the eclipse will be when the time comes. Allow for postage whatever - contact them on that because it is a book sort of like 8 x 11-1/2" or it use to be. Perhaps it will be on the Internet if there is one then.
Well, look up! (but not at the Sun without protection for your eyes.)
The sky that day in Montana was an eerie kind of dark, and it was very quiet - but hey, I don't even remember now where I was - probably out on a cattle ranch just set up off of the highway - all I know is I remember driving still while the eclipse was starting. That is about an hour before the Total Eclipse will occur, so I verily got set up and could not check anything either but took a couple of shots through my telescope (at too long of a speed at 1/60 of a second).
Well, I am getting those slides finally put to digital so a little later (should have been done today but they did not call) I will give a link to see my - Shadow Bands on the Moon with the Sun just coming out of the Eclipse. The Sun was just starting to shine between two walls of craters (??) but since the exposure was longer than needed I did not get the Ring like usually what is taken by people besides the Eclipse. I got the Eclipse also but still the exposure was too long. When I get more slided processed into digital I may include some more pictures that show the sky and how it looked also, since some of those are good to look at for the bleakness of the landscape.
(I did not have a solar filter either - hey but it is an eclipse and then when the Sun is behind the Moon you can look at it naked eye or camera or telescope or binoculars or whatever.)
Total Solar Eclipse Calendar
Aug. 21, 2017
Oregon to central Nebraska, then through Tennessee and South Carolina (ah so I said Ohio at the time but I was going by what others state and so are these dates.)
April 8th, 2024
central Texas, Arkansas, Indiana, Ohio, southern Ontario, and southern Quebec (oh, there is Ohio and other states to view the eclipse in or Nebraska if anyone can drive anywhere in the future).
Now, check what equipment you need besides the welder's probably #12 (or #14 welder's glass?)glass shield (used in welder's helmets) if you want or Mylar Sheeting for your telescope or any of the new type of filters to block out the Sun so you do not go blind. Camera's ? I think the exposure is so fast that a camera has less problems but I am not sure since I did not aim my camera at the sun during the Feb. 27, 1979 somewhere in Montana while Canada was overcast or cloudy or something like that that day where I had logings, but hey, it was clear in Montana.
So if they still do, get a map from the Naval Observatory people on where the center line of the eclipse will be when the time comes. Allow for postage whatever - contact them on that because it is a book sort of like 8 x 11-1/2" or it use to be. Perhaps it will be on the Internet if there is one then.
Well, look up! (but not at the Sun without protection for your eyes.)
The sky that day in Montana was an eerie kind of dark, and it was very quiet - but hey, I don't even remember now where I was - probably out on a cattle ranch just set up off of the highway - all I know is I remember driving still while the eclipse was starting. That is about an hour before the Total Eclipse will occur, so I verily got set up and could not check anything either but took a couple of shots through my telescope (at too long of a speed at 1/60 of a second).
Well, I am getting those slides finally put to digital so a little later (should have been done today but they did not call) I will give a link to see my - Shadow Bands on the Moon with the Sun just coming out of the Eclipse. The Sun was just starting to shine between two walls of craters (??) but since the exposure was longer than needed I did not get the Ring like usually what is taken by people besides the Eclipse. I got the Eclipse also but still the exposure was too long. When I get more slided processed into digital I may include some more pictures that show the sky and how it looked also, since some of those are good to look at for the bleakness of the landscape.
(I did not have a solar filter either - hey but it is an eclipse and then when the Sun is behind the Moon you can look at it naked eye or camera or telescope or binoculars or whatever.)