The Topo


Epochal Historian
The Topography of Time

Hello Seekers
Have you been reading that the nature of time itself has changed and perhaps you might have investigated the late Terrence McKenna’s concept of the nature of time itself speeding up, if so, this may interest you.
Also this brings to mind the1987Supernova A, which has been called The Hourglass Nebula, whose light earth is now receiving for the first time. Could this eye in the sky be telling us the Hourglass is about to turn upside down?

In the book of Daniel, king Nebuchadnessar, had a dream which Daniel interprets as the kingdoms which would follow in succession after the kings reign, but could this have a greater cosmic meaning hidden within the text? If the reader is familiar with the Hindu Yugas, then the four metals take on greater meaning than just a prophecy of world powers rising and falling.

Daniel 2. (31-35) Daniel describes Nebuchadnezzar´s dream.
"You, O king, were watching; and behold, a great image! This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood before you; and its form was awesome. This image´s head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. You watched while a stone was cut out without hands, which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them was found. And the stone that struck the image became a great mountain and filled the whole earth."

The Hindus kept an intriguing time count as follows:

Here is the breakdown of the Four Ages of the Yuga system.

Satya Yuga= Golden Age=1,728,000 years= the age of extreme splendor free of wars and strife, famines or evil

Treta Yuga = Silver Age= 1,296,000 years= life begins to deteriorate and it is the beginning of corruption and evil

Dvapara Yuga= Bronze Age =864,000 years=The fall of humanity begins. Evil spreads and disharmony flourishes

Kali Yuga= Iron Age=482,000 years= corruption becomes the driving force. Wars, famine and evil spread across the planet.

These Ages are part of a revolving cycle and the Iron Age earth is presently finishing then leads back to the Golden Age. In both accounts this end of the Age does not come by human hands as Daniel says a stone cut not by hands crushes the Old Age of Iron and it blows away in the wind and that stone becomes a large mountain to fill the entire earth.

What has always been a problem is the length of time given for the four Ages of the Yugas. The Golden Age is one quarter longer than the Silver Age. The Silver Age is one quarter longer than the Bronze Age.
The answer lies in time itself.
At the beginning of the Golden Age time itself is slower, but as humanity enters the Silver Age, time itself speeds up. In actual years it takes 6,480 years to go through The Golden, Silver, Bronze and Iron Ages, making the 25,920 which matches the Precessional or Platonic Year, but it is the nature of time itself that is changing, not the actual length of years.

Everything in the material world is spinning vortices. Every atom that makes up matter, spirals and has around it an energy field or sphere. Time only exists in the material world. This can be represented by the spinning vortex. Outside the vortex but within the sphere is 4th dimensional space, hence the name, hyperdimensional, one overlapping the other.

A picture is worth a thousand words so before continuing please refer to the illustration on this page:

As the 3rd Age begins at the top of the vortex, it begins to speed faster and faster so it is the rate of time not the length we must consider. The nature of time itself changes going faster and faster as we enter the Iron Age and this accounts for the rapid rise of civilization as if in the twinkling of an eye we go from horse and buggy to high technology. It is not by accident that the Goddess Shiva uses her drum shaped like an hourglass to dance in each New Age. Each second in the Iron Age is shorter than the previous one. Time is not expanding like it did in the Golden Age but is contracting and speeding ever faster as it rushes to the null point. In this case, the null point is in 2012, where like an hourglass being turned over, time, begins to again expand. The years of the Yugas, then are symbolic not literal years. It is time as it is felt not as it is lived.

In an interesting and perhaps related item, a man named Stan Romanek, who does sleep writing, came up with these mystery equations, not knowing what they meant, he passed them to others to decipher. I am putting the link below, for both the planetary alignment and the hyperdimensional cube are displayed among Stan’s sleep writing.
It is not by accident that the Goddess Shiva uses her drum shaped like an hourglass to dance in each New Age. Each second in the Iron Age is shorter than the previous one.

Big mistake. It's not Godess Shiva. Shiva is a male God.