the time travel falacy


Temporal Novice
I've read many of the posts on this forum, and I am quite amazed at the complex set up here. Many of you seem to be enthralled or disenchanted with John Titor. I read a post about this person at another site, and it actually makes sense. John created a world which for many believed it to be true. I mean, he stopped posting on his treads the day he said he would make his supposed jump back. This only compounded to the intrigue and mystery of the whole story in general. It was almost like a novel, except you could talk to the characters, as this other site made aware.
Now if the story was true or not, I cannot be the judge, but the whole idea of some imaginative person sitting in their basement, punching away at a keyboard does come to life more apparently. Plus, if there was a civil war abound, we would see signs of it that match our own history trends.
Do I belive time travel is even a neccesary science to look into. No, because that's why people write history books so we don't make the same mistakes again. I don't need to throw a time travel unit into my 2036 Corevette to save my generation. All I need to do is open a book, and be enlightened instantly on how to prevent a problem.
Going back is unrealistic. We all have thought about what if scenarios. What if I invested in yahoo, or what if I didn't get in that fight? What if's are bull. They cause you to lose sight of what actually is comming up. We make are own destiny. Not somebody playing with parrallel universes, but ourselfs.
As for those who pose as time travelers on forums, good job. Many writers tend to lack communication with their readers. You set a good sci fi theme for everybody to enjoy, so keep doing it.
Doesn't the fact that "The victors write the history books" make looking into the history books for an answer a flawed endeavor? Not trying to be rude, just making an observation. Perhaps the real falacy is the "fluff" added to history by the victors.
The problem is, are you not a result of the so called victors? If not for your victors, probabilty dictates you not to exist. Plus, people will also be people. Human nature will never change in writing. Man has the same feelings regardless of society. Greed, lust.. it's all there, it's part of the human mind.
^ I think you missed the point, you say look in history books to help guide your future yet you fail to understand that if the History books are wrong then you cant possibily do that.
History books regarding the current Iraq war will be written by the victors but anyone with an ounce of brain matter will know that book will be wrong in most areas because its been written only from the victors point of view.
Just the other day in Afghanistan the US bombed a target and according to the Afghan authorities they were civilian people killed in that bombing yet the US says they wernt civilians. Who is correct? doesnt matter who is correct because the victors (the united states) will be writing the history.