The Time-Independent Mind


Chrono Cadet
Much has been observed about the apparent time-independent nature of the human mind, from psychic abilities to prophecy to deja vu to precognition. But there is more than these things would suggest. It is well known that languages evolve over time as new words are created and old ones are changed. But what was at one point discovered and mostly discarded offers a bigger clue than psychic abilities. You see, many words in the english language have meaning when spoken in reverse. This was manifested as back masking in music in the hippy era. Perceived primarily as a novelty it was scarcely developed into a meaningful form. Some examples of words and phrases are: (format "forward phrase -> backward phrase")

work -> crew
worry -> hero
say -> yes
one -> know
life -> feel

Some words' reverse pronunciations offer insight into the meaning of the first word. The similaritiy between "work" and "crew" is obvious (the phrase "work crew" is what i call a temporal palindrome). A hero is sought when people worry. And life is about feeling.

It also suggests that humans unconsciously think both forward and backward in time. Using words that make sense both directions means that one travelling back in time could have some understanding of thoughts and words spoken forward in time.

I have noticed that when my mind is "idle" (not actively thinking, but with seemingly random thoughts entering my mind) the thoughts are often precognitive in nature. I suspect that thought is like any other force, such that the action of thought forward in time creates an equal and opposite reaction in time. That means that when a person thinks something, the thought is transmitted equally forward and backward in time. But the thoughts would overlap with any thoughts present at any given instant, making the strongest thoughts most perceived.
Note: This is just my personal opinion on how time works and what I can do from what I have experienced personally throughout my life.

I have always felt like a person existing outside of time. I have memories of events that occurred long before I was born. I also keep seeing events before they happen. Sometimes I see these events years, months, weeks and even days in advance.

The way I see time is that it works in a Infinite looped cycle system. For example the end of time itself is in fact the starting point of everything. We also have an equally infinite amount of alternate timelines only slightly different to our own. I see these alternate timelines all of the time. I've even seen myself in three different timelines.

I can't class myself as a time traveler but I do seem to be able to view either the future or the past whilst still being in the present day. I hate knowing the future because everything I do is predestined to happen. So every now and again I defy what I see in the future and change the event that is to occur. I'll still alter that future event even if the outcome for me will be bad. That is why I also hate the words destiny and fate. The people who cannot see the future are far better off. Sure you'll have some uncertainty in your life but least it will make your life interesting and lead to all kinds of surprises good, bad and neutral.
Re: Recall and intelligent people on this site.

Thank you for replying Recall. I've actually been watching people post time travel claims on this website for about a year now. I've also seen a lot of them debunked. I do hope that one day a real time traveler will come on here. If that has already occurred then I think that is great. I'm not sure where I stand on the whole John Titor scene. So I'll stay out of that because it seems to be a very sensitive issue for some people.

I think it's great that there are so many scientific minded people on here who seem to have an understanding or some understanding of highly sophisticated Mathematics and physics. I am not very good at those subjects. I would really like to explain more about what and how I see other timelines so I can better understand how I am actually seeing the future and the past. I just feel like a freak. I mean I have knowledge of a machine that is supposed to be built at the very least 60 years from now. This machine is supposed to solve the energy problems we are currently or will be having. From what I can tell it is built out of sheer desperation and necessity. The machine could be built now. All of the components seem to be available in the present day. I have been very tempted to try and build this machine in the present day but I just don't know enough about science, engineering, construction and physics to build it. Not to mention I worry about building something at least 60 years ahead of it's time and adversely effecting the future in the process.

I'll be happy to show my drawings of it and more about this machine to anyone who maybe interested. I'm more of an artist than a technically minded person though, so my drawings of the machine do look really poor compared to the brilliant technical diagrams I have seen posted on this website.
Re: Recall and intelligent people on this site.

I'll be happy to show my drawings of it and more about this machine to anyone who maybe interested. I'm more of an artist than a technically minded person though, so my drawings of the machine do look really poor compared to the brilliant technical diagrams I have seen posted on this website.

I'm interested.