The Sun's Shift to a Dwarf Star


Epochal Historian
Note current condition of the sun:

As by NASA's, the space authorities saying, on the MSN internet homepage, Earth's central sun, is now classified as a dwarf star.

These are more intense burning stars, with radians of dramatic very intense outputs.

At time, the outputs of these stars, can be lethal or very harmful to life forms which inhabit the planets close to them.

At this printed time-marker, the actions of the sun are most intense.The actions of the sun are not as the use to be, say even ten years ago in time?

There was a say that the Reagan administration had deposited spent nuclear wastes into this sun, which may have accelerated this suns burn, into the white range?Reagan, Gorbychev said secret deal?

There was also a say, that currently now, there are military, said government agencies that are attempting to shunt power from this star.This may be so, that it will not go into premature red giant status, early, so killing even the most hardened life forms on the face of this planet.

I personally do not think that these Tessla measures will be successful.

As per said on Art Bell's radio show, there was a man who had R.V.ed into Earth's future and found that people in the American Southwest were living below ground and making that existence below ground, with extreme difficulty.

I have no idea how the dwarf star status, would have also effected other timelines.

I have watched posting in this section of TTI, with great interest, concerning other said timeline actions, with great interest, as sometimes neighboring timelines.This is that these timelines share parts and concepts, once these timelines have been infracted upon.

My new found friend, Overlord, who post in energy vehicle and I are dealing with issues.Our concerns are to what happens after the fourty year projected petroleum reserve is used up, now?

Without petroleum derivitation of fuels, the means of transportation is very much on our minds.

There is also the issue of the hidden alien's aspects and how they seem to be dealing with this seemingly run-away situation.

There have been warnings not to fiddle with our central sun, by alien humanoids, who were exceedingly advanced in central sun solar management.

I can only guess in the amount of error calculation that one using whether a time or space ship must place in, in order to get to Earth today at this time mark?

I have noticed both mutations in crops, corn, which were misshappen due to the current sun's burn dynamics and have noticed at times, the sun gets though and almost cooks anyone, who is under its rays.

I think everyone knows the sun has gone haywire, but is not venturing any comment on the state of affairs, for fear of being ridiculed.

The one factor that prompts me to write, is the hope that some common sense will have come out of this situation, rather than calamity.

Aliens through the universepeople.coms web site, said that there were chosen mass evacuations yet to come.Link at

In this web site, this information is now taken down.

A poster by the handle of Tree Hugger at has said that a reality split,might be in the any and this means that one half of our physical side might ascend, however the other half may descend into maelstrom.

So this may be a frequency reality split, which divides people into two or more scalier frequencies?

Some of us are very keenly aware of this situation and are in some ways, trying to cope with the state of affairs.This is when those in authority seem to be saying, "We should all live in a safer world"?

The safer world, I think went out with the choice by some, not to push early space exploration, due to the alien's claim, that Earth humans were too primitive to space travel.

I don't know on these claims and am open to comment.

were proably all going to die, and it probalby is dwarf. The thing is, weve been around a thousand years. THe solar system has been around 4 billion. IT has had plenty of time to go dwarf on us
Consenting oral sex with a live and active female vampire, is simply out of the question, even if one of us should be ex-catholic.