The splintering reinvestment phenomenon:


Epochal Historian
The splintering reinvestment phenomenon:

This is a doublepost, as this subject matter is both paranormal phenomenon and time travel proof oriented.

I have found, in my position here, at this board, as well as other places, encounters with past soul identies.

These soul spirit identies, are reinvested from it seems the past.

This is as either by chance, or popurposefull intent. What I have found out is that by Amorah Quan Yin's saying in her book Pleiadean Perspectives, is that souls from other reaches of the galaxy, are relocated here on Earth.

I'm not sure if this is by a lot unit number, "so to speak", however there is definite evidence, that wander-in soul, are reincarnating here on Earth.

The purpose it seems, would be murky.

Say forinstance there were past family members united; however the process of them being lodged in a family dispute, is what is remembered, rather than the cherishing memories?

Then this reincarnation, would tend to be on the destructive side.

There are two new epochs of evidence which show that some effects, are also being modulated.

One is on this board and two is the admission that a satellite was used towards the 1960s era, in order to exemplify these means.

I'm not sure here?...All that I do know, is that it is an add set of events that some characters of a supposed fictional movie, come to life in real life, when in-fact, there were supposed to be fictional, albeit movie disclaimer and all.

I'm not sure of this reinvestment pattern as it seems some of the characters reinvest in clusters of people, rather than a set one forinstance of a locale.

Another factor that could be taking place, is these souls, when they come to Earth, could hit a fractionating type of divider and the spirit soul entity, is produced in double or even triple fashion?

Again I do not know, but am only suspecting that this might be the case.

I am only reporting this phenomenon as I have encountered this in other earlier passages on this board.

Yes, this does seem a bit sociopathic of my perspective, however this is an area that I am trained in, so I will say it like it is.

Thank you
Yes, this does seem a bit sociopathic of my perspective, however this is an area that I am trained in, so I will say it like it is.

You have been trained in this area? Or you mean you read a book and think you are an expert. Where was your training, who was your instructor, did you get certified? or did you just use a word like "trained" when you really meant "studied".

I can wipe my own arse, i didnt get trained in it by a second party, i didnt have an instructor. No one has given me a cetificate to offically recognise this. I'd say i was pretty adept and trained in this task.....

sometimes, you learn stuff by yourself for yourself and for a purpose that you intuatively know (or don't consciously know).


There are not just pleiadeans 'incarnating' here. There is no destructive effects. Each incarnation is not a reincarnation. reincarnation doesn't exist. Even though it is however, possible to remember past lives. As you had been doing. Reincarnation is the illusion of the same person being reincarnated every time. Infact its only memories of the last person(s) your individuated spirit form experienced the material universe through.

The purpose of this incarnation activity will most likely be to elevate a substantial portion of the plantery population to a higher vibration. The new found information will be deposited into the genetic mind of the total population.

Only a certain number need evolve to the right level, then the rest will follow. This is the system. Lately highly evolved individuated spirit forms are incarnation here for this reason.

The reason why they will not have false memories is because the vibrational frequency at which their spirit resonates at, carrys the wisdomic values into the brain (processing/memory point) of the human body and deposits it in 'fine' material form. Therefore there is unlikely to be de-evolution or destructive memories, Or moral values. Unless of course they had them before. In which case would be highly evolved. But you never know what might happen

Previous offworld relations are no longer important as the new ones are.

people are two fragmented at present, something needs to tie them together. Raising the vibrational rate will allow them to see a common interest connection - therefore existanst. Which in turn will stop people from annihilating each other (themselves).

Soul transfer is a different thing IF its for real. Most people that claim this are sure to be fakes. Some may well not be. Sould transfer is entirely possible and most likely prompted before the birth of both individuals in question.

Theres a lot more going on today them most people know about or are open too.

As for the spirit form spliting. Most certainly, however i cant clarify whether this is happening via the means you suggested. I dont think a satellite would be needed for this, as the spirit form is capable of this be itself. thousands of incarnations could happen all at once if need be. By the same one individuated form.

i suppose this could be promted by technology though.

Kind regards,
lol, no hard feelings Olly. but yes some things come natural, some are self taught. I was just commenting that Creedo said he was "Trained" and wanted to know what formal training he had, I mean we all know that he's the smartest person on the forums and the vast power of his artificial brain far eludes us mere mortals.
Re: Another case of mistaken corporelectroscopy

Creedo of EarthTR125.0121

I do understand what your are saying and yes this event has been taking place for the last 20,000 years of our era. Maybe even before. The funny thing is that it is so overly displayed in our culture and assimilated to religion that we do not see it as it is. Take for example the early civilizations of this Earth. They all speak of their dead traveling to "The Other World". Through religious fanatism and ideological dogmatization of the masses we have come to "conclude", I would say believe fits this hole much better, that when we die our lattice of energy waves are incorporated to the Great Beyond. However my dear ols chap, this could very well not be the entire case.

Yes some pious and devout fellows as they achieve a super structured matrix of purer thought and force of will they might advance onto the plentiful yards of milk and honey, thus concluding their seemingly endless cycle of re-incarnation. However for the rest of normal-kind, they simply go around the sideral pathways being born and dying on different planets according to what their thought patterns had grown tuned to.

For example let us say you meet Harry and his friend Bert both of planet ArdamaTR148.9173. Harry by the end of his days would habe lived a bountyful life, full of positive learning experiences whereas Bert would have not. When the time comes the old guy in black comes to show them the way out of this stellar party Harry would be sent to a world with a grid of collective consciousness that would resonate at the same rate that his thought patter and own consciusness does. Bert, in the other case would remain in ArdamaTR148.9173 until he can move on.

Why this happens, even the Observers can not say. There is only speculative thought to entertain the brain.

1. Some think this is a sure way to help evolve the entirety of the multiverse at a more or less similar pace.

2. Others suggest that a whole organizations of spiritual beings are behind it all.

Let me know what do you think.

Until later becomes now.
Re: Another case of mistaken corporelectroscopy

I think it happens this way due to the evolutionary proccess.

People don't evolve/ascend on their own in every respect. They usually combine into a collective pack then move on. In this pack they become one but still retain the ability to think individual thoughts. But also have an ability to work as one collective that isn't so individualised.

when in the collective, it will become apparent that all these other individuals are working as one - they are in fact you, and you are them. So its not like being stuck in a system you don't want to be in, with others you dont want to be with. They are you - so there is nothing to fear on this.

People will shift planets when their resonance goes above the collective resonance of the planet. At this point there are ready to move on - everyone else isnt. So the collective is not ready to except the higher individualised resonance of that particular individual. Becuase the collective isnt going anywhere.

At this point after death, it will move to a new planet where they can become intigrated (born into) to a higher vibration.

well this is my thoughts on this topic. I think this is likely the case in a broader view.

Kind regards,
Re: Another case of mistaken corporelectroscopy

Olly, do you think perhaps those living their lives wanting to be more than "cogs in the machine" will be the ones to ascend to a higher vibrational state? Is this collectivity you speak of more of a physical or spiritual sense? And if in a spiritual sense, are our spirit bodies in constant collective action with other spirit bodies on this Earth? What factors would be involved in pushing a person's resonance above that of the collective?
Re: Another case of mistaken corporelectroscopy

Olly, do you think perhaps those living their lives wanting to be more than "cogs in the machine" will be the ones to ascend to a higher vibrational state?

First of all, you need to get clear, you're more then "a cog in a machine". That would be the first thing to realise. Secondly, use the want - to facilitate the action.

Evaluate everything you do, all your choices, actions, speech, thoughts. Work out why you have them, all aspects of their effects and learn from it. Also other peoples to. Respect other peoples actions even it you disagree with them. observe, learn and perfect yourself.

this would be the fastest and only real way "to get out of this particular machine". You have a better chance of escaping the machine when you know how it works.

when reffering to a collective - i was reffering to a collective consciousness. Yes, everyones spirit [bodies as you call them] in a sense are all connected, but resonating at individuated frequencies. this allows for experiencing individuality. This isnt just between people on earth. Rather everything in the universe.

a collective consciousness can be experineced in physical or non physical states.

Every thing you become wise to in a positive way will increase the frequency you vibrate at.

kind regards,
Re: Another case of mistaken corporelectroscopy

when reffering to a collective - i was reffering to a collective consciousness. Yes, everyones spirit [bodies as you call them] in a sense are all connected, but resonating at individuated frequencies. this allows for experiencing individuality. This isnt just between people on earth. Rather everything in the universe.

I've been doing some research on the Global Consciousness project and coordinating with the initial starter of the project Roger Nelson. Think I can increase the efficiency of the eggs. The work does seem to prove we ARE all connected in a way...