RE: The Speed of Light, reply without a requote.
The speed of light or us ever reaching it, is superfluis.
Does not matter, as in space, in order to get from one point to another, speed, velocity and so-on are not always required.
Even if you could obtain the speed of light within a vehicle, this too is superfluis, as phtotons, or light packets ie. quanta, are inhearent withion all matter.
So when you start accelerating an object up to the maximum speed towards lights top end within this assigned reality only, what happens?
Right, you guessed it' photonic expression starts to occur from that matter, as the object starts to disgennis, as the matter and photonoic arrangments can no longer hold the object togeather as solid state.(A solid state object Ritchie, shhhh, just between you and me Ritch)???
There must be more than one frequency of existance, due to light prismantic concepts being universal and if this is so, then black hole event horizions, only for examples sake, act as an inverse prismatic concept, however only to dimensional doorways.
This is simple stuff really.
However now take the differnce between a said time travel device which uses a displacment theory utalizing the Trippler Zeropoint methods, of time and space displacment, as opposed to the light tensor oblate zeropoint method of displacment.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE)))).The term Trippler Zeropoint, is now considewred to be an arbitrary term, as the construction of the universe, is now thought to have been composed of a nonconsistant series of burps.
If this is so, then this does cause considerable areas of argumentation, as far as how standard cosmologcal physics, with respects to creationism.((((.
The first value is by an e.m. pulse, which again constructs a zero point shell, which allows entry into time and space.
The light oblate shell, which is light as a tensor field, does the same thing, however light must be replicaited upon its own bounderies, which would mean that light must be captured, in order to construct a light oblate?
What the good doctor was talking about it seems was half values of light...?
This can mean many things, as classically light is only, or has been measured from our observer's point upward within respects to velocities to the top end of assigned C.
Okay you Captain Jones morning advanture fans' what about proposed lower spectra light qualities and values, AS'' as I had stipulaited, that photonic constiutuancies are always contained within matter and energy fields, (even the lower E.M. spectra) which is below humans abilites to see into?
Yes' I had to illustrait the point more fully, due to Ritchie's objection. The good Dr, Englehart, does bring foward the platten that light should at least be considered in half value ranges.
I had to illuminate this theory of field conjecture to a greater extent, as I had also said other dimensions, which light may also inhabit?
AGAIN'I had to do this and this goes back to the old Cartesian coordinates of Einstein, where a scalier values behind the invisable wall, does yeald a corolation to standard non-kherr black hole dimensional event spectra, if one modulates controlled e.m. entries into event horizions thereof?
....Did anyone, as far as a time travler ever meet Pamela More within that church in Ohio, as she had offered that she was going to do, on the
Anyone know,..I mean did Pam ever meet with the proposed time travler, via her invitation?