The Secret


Quantum Scribe
More than eleven times, the moon, and the sun, are not to be seen

All is augmented, and lowered by a step, and/or degree (height)

And, if that which becomes lowered, is put to ashes

Then after, famine, pestilence, and the discovery of the secret.

Ah, the "secret." I wonder what that could be?
Sounds like something from Nostradamus. /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I would know
Nostradamus, Quatrain IV-30
Plus onze fois Luna Sol ne voudra,
Tous augmente & baissez de degre:
Et si bas mis que peu or on cendra,
Qu'apres faim, peste, descouvert le secret.

More than eleven times, the moon, and the sun, are not to be seen
All is augmented, and lowered by a step, and/or degree (height)
And, if that which becomes lowered, is put to ashes
After that, will be famine, pestilence, and the discovery of the secret.

Nostradamus, Quatrain II-46
Apres grand troche humaine plus grand s'appreste,
Le grand moteur des Siecles renouvelle:
Pluie, sang, laict, famine, fer & peste,
Au ciel veu feu, courant long estincelle.

After a great mass of humanity there will be a great gain of his understanding
The great movement of the cycles (ages) of renews (regenerates itself)
Rain, blood, lacking, famine, iron, and pestilence
In the sky one sees fire, and a long stream of sparks

The Predictions of Ages
by Rahn Heart
The Predictions of Ages
A Review Of The Sequence
In the interest of maintaining some degree of clarity, with regards to the progression of the future predictions, I will reiterate the list of events, as Nostradamus gives it here. This appears to me, to be the general order of things to come.

1. A tremendous growth in world population.
2. Great technological advances.
3. Increasingly strange weather patterns affecting crop production.
4. Rain - which will be more like deluges, will cause flooding and damage infrastructures around the world.
5. Blood - There will be a great war.
6. Before, and after the war, there will be a general lack of resources due to the extreme weather patterns and geologic upheavals. These conditions may lead to economic collapse.
7. An asteroid impact, or pole shift (Iron)
8. This event will cause wide spread destruction, disease, and proliferation of vermin (mice, rats, and other disease carriers).
9. The fire and sparks from the asteroid will be seen during the impact and for days afterwards.

Does the first part of this sound familiar? It does to me.
More than eleven times, the moon, and the sun, are not to be seen

The sun and month are not visible for almost 1 year.

All is augmented, and lowered by a step, and/or degree (height)

Everthing is covered (with ash), and (the temperature) is lowered by a degree

And, if that which becomes lowered, is put to ashes

The caldera that is lowered is covered with ash

Then after, famine, pestilence, and the discovery of the secret.

After that comes famine, pestilence, and the discovery of the secret - time travel.

How do most people die during the war? Radiation, starvation? bullet wounds?
Correct…but in this order: Starvation – Disease – Bullet Wounds – Radiation.
In my says here, I intimate that I knew Nostradamus.

So there is an orthologpraphy, dealing with twin timeline barrowing bounce parential reliment physics.

The Nostradamus says, might be altered, ever so slightly?
((Do you remember any poetry or verse from after 2001 in your past?))


"A Soldier’s Winter

The day before it wasn’t snowing.
The trees are strangers, leering, disapproving in the ash of winter world, my life, my wandering path.
I pray God’s eyes may once again gaze upon me and remind me that I am still His child.

I only (think) I remember the first line but the last one I remember. It has quite a few more lines that I don’t remember. It is rumored this was written first as a letter by a soldier. After he died it was added to and edited by others. In my opinion, it has become a symbol for the collective guilt my parents’ generation feels for what became of the world."
The timeline has been grossly varainted, I dont see how your going to pull this off.

Saying, If there are more than two people helping you put it in and this is supposed to be spontanious love, then its not really true romance:
My personal timeline has been irreparably damaged. There is no going back. Evidence thereof is that Creedo's posts now make sense to me. My says here are temporally uniform, but spatially offset through the actions of previous time cops.

And it's all Creedo's fault! /ttiforum/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I know a bit of french, this is how I would translate
Nostradamus, Quatrain IV-30
Plus onze fois Luna Sol ne voudra,
Tous augmente & baissez de degre:
Et si bas mis que peu or on cendra,
Qu'apres faim, peste, descouvert le secret.

11 times more, the sun and moon wont see each other
Higher and lower extreems underscore the point
And so low it will turn gold to ash
Who will find out about the secret after hunger & disease.

Gold = yellowstone
Topic != Time travel
/pose like Michael Meyers doing dr. evil impression
This thread is not accurate in reference to the says of Nostradmus, as apparently in a number of other sectors, Nostradamus has been in contact with certain sources, which makes most of his predictions offset.