
Temporal Novice

Happiness never comes through possessions and when man finds this out, he enters the second stage of desire for the subtle things, such as the grasping at spiritual comforts which will protect him from the conflicts of life. He reaches out for guides in order to protect him on the higher levels. But this in turn will all prove illusionary.

The third stage is reached when he tries to escape conflict by giving up all attempts to find happiness outside himself in a life of seclusion. But this does not liberate life to freedom. To liberate life is to know it, to live it with others, enjoying its activity with others.

You must have an independent outlook in life, your thoughts must be original, not merely mechanical, influenced by beliefs and superstitions of others. Independent though-action and feeling free from all authority, creeds, dogmas or system must be cultivated.

However difficult it may be at first, you must practice without shrinking. It must flow spontaneously from the inner impulse of life itself, not from anything outside itself. For such only breeds confusion and sorrow. You can not confine life in a cage, then keep on substituting one cage for another in the desire for freedom.

You are only happy when you find the truth yourself and not the truth of another. Follow the voice of Intuition, the voice of the Eternal within which is the Infinite expression in the "finite," which is the image and likeness of the Father-Mother Principle.

Free life by living courageously, confidently, gloriously. Living, and Loving, not possessively or with sloppy thing most people call love, but with that deep understanding in the silent recognition of the Living and Loving God that dwells in every soul. Loving all, resisting nothing.

If you find others opposing your freedom, remember the words "he who binds shall be bound" and "he that frees shall be freed."

The effect of external worship has been to divide mankind who is carried away in bondage. The moment you worship a super-human being you are cruel to man. Look down any street and you will see vast churches and men and women in tears. When you can come to worship God in the person next to you, you will begin to understand the purpose of life.

In our expression of life we must be fearless, positive. There is no failure, only experience, and this experience is wealth. Try to work not for possessions but for true expression. Then your actions will be crowned with success because fear will have vanished. Your work becomes a joy in your spontaneous action, directed by an Intelligence beyond the personality. Possessions come as a natural sequence, but with them there is no possessiveness that brings conflict and sorrow, for our eyes are fixed upon the real, the creative power that produces, and not upon the false which is fleeting and temporary.

Do not be afraid of large ideas as long as they are based upon facts and a solid foundation. When these ideas are held long enough they destroy all undesirable tendencies. Petty and annoying obstacles will be removed from your path.

By increasing your mental capacity through understanding you will be conscious of a greater world of thought which places you in a position to accomplish things of great value.

By this method you will find no more difficulty in handling big undertakings than you do in small ones.

To organise victory this must first be accomplished within oneself, then it is natural to make it real in the objective world.

When we realize that the Infinite Mind is present in finite mind we no longer waver at every turn, because our victory is already established within. We must also remember that the Universal Mind is also the manifester of our conscious mental habits. As long as these habits are in accordance with the law of progression we are on the wings of victory. But if these mental habits are the reverse, we need not bewail the result, for we are their creators. In this way conditions are produced and we find that our lives are simply the reflection of our habitual thoughts.

The science of Life is then the greatest of all sciences. The Law of the Infinite Expression is that the Spirit Consciousness attracts to itself the substance necessary to out-picture what is held there. The same Law persists in the finite, being made in the image and likeness of its parent. Therefore, our dominant mental attitude attracts conditions corresponding to its nature.

There is a distinction between the individuality and the personality. Our personality is the expression of our habitual thoughts which are retained in our minds, the outer being the reflection of the inner. If we love we shall be loved, if we hate we will be hated. If we laugh the world laughs with us, if we cry we cry alone. No one wants to associate with a nagger or a pessimist, they are a drug to one's happiness. If you know yourself you will not be affected by either the pessimist or the optimist for you will know in the individuality an inner reality that is far above either.

Let our happiness rise from within, from the knowledge of our unity with the ever-present omnipotence, then it will be true happiness, not a happiness that is the result of that which is external for there we find the opposites, happiness in success, sorrow in failure, disease and death and this is an ever see-saw movement of the unenlightened mind.

When we change from the outside to the inner realm, so will our personality change, and the real individuality takes its place. It will not be made up of the ups and downs of the ordinary existence, it will be the true expression of a calm and joyful expression of Life itself, freed from the effects of the illusion of the outside world.

As soon as you have acquired this inner realization you will attract new things, they will drift towards you as a piece of steel drifts towards a magnet.

There is no standing still, we either go forward or backward; there is no standing still in the world which is continually moving forward. We must move forward or the clock works backwards for us, and many have found this out to their cost.

Security can only be obtained by steadfastly uniting with the ever progressive spirit in man. It is the cosmic evolution that is ever urging us on to greater heights. When we realize that the transcendent force of the Spirit of the Cosmos is within each of us, we will know that there no privileged few. But as long as we believe that this Cosmic force is alien and apart from humanity, and only given by Divine right to a few, we will continue to be oppressed and controlled, cajoled and bound by those who exploit our ignorance.

The real work of humanity is to recognize and free the Divine Spirit in man, to recognize that all power comes from within, that no one has any power more than another. The social crimes that are rampant in our midst are the result of this belief of inequality and the fantastic doctrine of Divine Authority being placed in the hands of a few. Through the ages more misery has been caused through this stupid belief than any other form of institutionalism.

What frees us from all our limitation is to recognize our unity with the Infinite Universal Life. The Universal Life is impersonal and makes no exception if favour of any individual. The Universal Life does not act from anger, jealousy or wrath. Neither can it be flattered, cajoled or moved by sympathy or petition. It works through co-operation and he who understands this appears to be favoured because he has found the source of all wealth, health and power.

The source of this wonderful, all-embracing, loving Giver, is not only in ourselves but deeply rooted in everyone, and in our association with others we get the experience which is so essential in order to understand reality.

When we understand our thought processes and the things that are not real, we will have a better understanding of that which is real. When all thoughts of superstition, hate, jealousy, envy, possessiveness, failure, limitation, sickness and death are rooted out, that which is left will be the ever-present Divine Nature in mankind. Then we will know as we are really known.

I hope I have made this clear to you. Anything less is of little value to you. There is so much sloppy trash written and spoken today, and instead of liberating the life by it, we only substitute another cage.

Now I have explained carefully to you why societies or organisations can not lead you to truth. Truth is purely an individual affair, eternally subjective. Societies, organisations, etc., are objective and the moment you worship someone else or another "I am" you are dwelling in an illusion. Think well over this.

Truth is not concerned with money, tithing or gifts; nor is Truth concerned with loyalty. Truth is beyond all personal allegiances - these are all personal things. Yet some will make you believe they belong to truth, and they make you believe that your health and success depend upon them. You must escape all these illusions. If you are mentally bound to these things then you are not free. they have nothing to do with Truth, it is merely a mental attitude. Step out from all these beliefs and see how magnificently you can thrive in your own strength, in the recognition of your oneness with the Infinite Life.

This is truly the Christ Life.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the strength of my Life; of whom shall I be afraid?" Ps. 27:1.

"If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be.

If any man serve me, him will my Father honour." John 12:26.

"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" - Crowley

Blessings of THELEMA to you, friend Thetazone.

Surely, not all of your posts are for every one. And perhaps some are for no one. Some here have even questioned one, or more, of them, stating they were NOT for their one. And yet we can state one clear truth about the posts you share:

There is at least One post, with One pertient message, that is meant for the ONE. (111)

You, and I, and no doubt many others know exactly who that ONE is.

Thanks for doing your part to awaken the Christ Consciousness in the ONE.

Creating a positive world as we advance forward....
L.I.T.L. L.U.W.

Let's see if we can dig below the surface of this post and find something more relevant to Science than the seemingly religious banter that it appears to be presented with:

To liberate life is to know it, to live it with others, enjoying its activity with others.
Could we possibly find Science in this statement? You bet! While it may not seem apparant on the surface, this statement is making reference to the premise of Einstein's General Relativity, which is what we know as the highest form of physical science today. That premise is RELATIONSHIPS, or the means and ways in which one thing (or person) interacts with another. This statement calls us to TRANSCEND THE EGO, and instead explore the relationships between our point-self and other point-selves. Honestly, if the purpose of being incarnated into a physical body was simply to experience the relative sensations of life in our body, we could have been incarnated in our very own universe, with no other people around us! We have been created as an entire species, capable of reproduction, for the express purpose of SHARING with one another, and exploring the RELATIONSHIPS between self and others. The scientific proof of this is the very fact that RELATIVITY is the "law" of our physics! Another bit of proof is the fact that the network structure (which embodies relationships) is the dominant structure in all living systems.

Independent though-action and feeling free from all authority, creeds, dogmas or system must be cultivated.
I certainly don't read this line as a call to sheepishly follow some cookie-cutter religion! Religions preach dogma, whereas a true spiritual inclination wells-up from within you. When you feel an intuitive feeling, especially one that fills you with joy, it is almost as if it bubbles-up inside you with effervescence, until you simply MUST express this feeling before you burst.

The effect of external worship has been to divide mankind who is carried away in bondage. The moment you worship a super-human being you are cruel to man. Look down any street and you will see vast churches and men and women in tears. When you can come to worship God in the person next to you, you will begin to understand the purpose of life.
Another statement that is clearly trying to urge you AWAY from the religious dogma of today, which calls you into a church or temple, to praise and worship something/someone that is thought to be DIFFERENT from the congregation itself! If RELATIVITY is the science that drives the universe, then should we not worship the relationships we have with others around us? This means seeing both ourselves and our fellow man as equal "subsystems" of the "system" that some people call God....and that others call the omnipresent Energy (integration of Mass/Space/Time).

In our expression of life we must be fearless, positive. There is no failure, only experience, and this experience is wealth. Try to work not for possessions but for true expression. Then your actions will be crowned with success because fear will have vanished. Your work becomes a joy in your spontaneous action, directed by an Intelligence beyond the personality.
This is describing a scientifically efficient means to create your life as you progress through it. Look inside yourself and ask the question "what do I feel most strongly motivated to express?" In other words "What do you love?" I am sure many people have heard the saying "Do what you love, and love what you do, and you will be more successful than you could possibly imagine." To share my own story: From the time I was 10 I loved airplanes. When I first learned what an automatic pilot was, it was on the flight deck of a DC-10. I was so fascinated and curious about autopilots, that I decided right then and there that I wanted to grow up to design autopilots. Getting a degree in aerospace engineering was sheer joy for me, and so it is not surprising that my grades were very good. But the real power of creation based in what one loves to do came later in my life. At the age of 22, I sat down at a desk at McDonnell-Douglas Corporation, Douglas Aircraft Division in Long Beach, CA. I was hired to design the autopilot for the MD-11 transport jet...not just ANY jet, but the direct follow-on to the DC-10 that I marveled at only 12 years before! I share this story to exhibit the truth of the quote above. I did not pursue my career for money or fame...I did it because it was what I excited me. As a result, I created EXACTLY what I held in my mind's eye. You can too!

Do not be afraid of large ideas as long as they are based upon facts and a solid foundation.
In other words: Secure the knowledge (facts) of Science as your solid foundation from which to create... and then go do it! If you are excited about doing it, and your plan is based in Science, there is no way you will "fail".

By increasing your mental capacity through understanding you will be conscious of a greater world of thought which places you in a position to accomplish things of great value.
That "greater world of thought" is the larger "system" external to the Massive SpaceTime Matrix that I have described for you in other threads.

The science of Life is then the greatest of all sciences. The Law of the Infinite Expression is that the Spirit Consciousness attracts to itself the substance necessary to out-picture what is held there. The same Law persists in the finite, being made in the image and likeness of its parent. Therefore, our dominant mental attitude attracts conditions corresponding to its nature.
You will always create what you hold in your mind. You will draw energy to yourself that matches your mental (conscious and subconscious) attitude. How many people have ever read The Celestine Prophecy, by James Redfield? A story, written in parable format, but the prevailing message is the same as this quote: YOU CREATE YOUR REALITY AROUND YOU. This is why I am quite certain that I am NOT going to live in a world like that described in the writings of the John Titor Project/Experiment! I am holding positive, joyous thoughts in my mind...I am on a worldline/timeline that is headed towards great evolution. I will stand for nothing less... and anything that someone calls "negative events" along the way, I am smart enough to know that these are simply lessons that I and others are drawing to ourselves for the purpose of experiencing them.

There is a distinction between the individuality and the personality. Our personality is the expression of our habitual thoughts which are retained in our minds, the outer being the reflection of the inner.
This may not be straight-forward to some, but if you wish to study the Science behind the Tree Of Life, I can show you how "personality" and "individuality" are two of the three non-physical elements that comprise the "software" executing within your brain. Perhaps two more familiar terms would be "conscious mind" and "subconscious mind". Our personality is our conscious mind that interacts with our physical body, and utilizes the faculties of our physical bodies to interact with other people and the rest of our universe. Our individuality is our deeper, subsonscious mind (Freud's triad of Id-Ego-Superego is one effective way to think of it) that does not really comprehend the elements of external, physical life. Rather, it simply deals with the distinction between "self" and "not self" in a RELATIVE sense.

I could go on and on... but my point here was to uncover some of the more scientific truths embedded within these thoughts that Thetazone has posted. Understanding the REAL SCIENCE that has been hidden within the stories/dogma of most of the world's religions is what we are all being called to. Oddly enough, this was Christ's REAL message! The "interpreted" message that has been spoon-fed to us by a self-involved, politically-motivated, controlling church hierarchy is a message carefully crafted to keep you from knowing the power of yourself as an individual.

The "Coming Cosmic Event" (to borrow a line from another thread) entails freeing mankind from the imprisionment of religious bodies that preach to you "this is how God wants you to think and act." We are just about ready to "grow up" from religion to a more true expression of scientific spirituality.

Kind Regards,