The Sceptre of Infinite Possbility


Temporal Novice
Hey folks...

I have a design in mind for a device which will enable its user to cause anything to happen simply by thinking about it, including altering the user's instantaneous transition through time and space or the alteration of reality to cause highly improbable things to occur, such as a feast appearing out of nowhere, or a pile of gold to appear at one's feet.

I'll need about $125,000 to finance the design and construction of this little device.

I need to purchase the following things:

-Five kilograms of Pure Gold

-Five kilograms of Pure Cobalt

-A pure quartz rock, approximately 125 cubic centimeters

I will have my girlfriend draft the design, hire a mechanical engineer to come up with a contruction method and I will have to contract a smelting plant and a jeweller.

The device will be powered by gravity, activated by the user's mind and will emit an intense radionic signal which will alter probability throughout the universe in favour of the user's desires.

If there are any investors reading this forum, please let me know: [email redacted]

I'll make you wealthier than the dreams of avarice.


Chronovisor Sources

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i could be wrong,

but seriousely, how many people do you think will invest money, especialy 125,000, in a 24 year old business man who works with physics theories and claims he might of discovered "The Sceptre of Infinite Possiblity".

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My, my...I do believe that your post violates the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 5 and 10 - offering to sell an unregistered security in interstate commerce (through telephonic means which includes the Internet).

It's a 5 year felony (See Section 23 of the 1933 Act).

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Reminds me of get rich schemes.

I once sent £10 to this ad in the paper offering to tell you how to get rich,do you know what i got sent?

A piece of paper saying "do what im doing!"

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I wouldn't expect any one person to pony up $125,000. But I've met, both as a simple poster and as a modertor, far, far too many people who believe anything that they see on the internet and who would be willing to send in some small amount of cash.

Think about how long the HDR at $375.00 each has been for sale and how many people have sent in the cash for it. I don't know if "Swiftie" is a scammer or not - but getting rich off of other people's naivet or greed can be done a dollar at a time.

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Friends of TR125.0121

What our esteemed friend Swiftinfo is attempting to contrive is a rather foolish concept. A device that could actually bring about your innermost desires? My friends you know me as a neutral being in this forum, but I could not let this one pass away unwarned.

A machine of that sort is not only impossible to coalesce in this realm but also it is utterly unpractical. I explain to manipulate alternate realities into a most favorable one can not be achieved by some basic elements and a big chunk of quartz. As a matter of fact, if it were possible, the energy of a rotating black hole, a giant dwarf and a very big Trippler Tunnel would be needed to at least access the differential of an alternate time frame. My dear friend Swiftinfo of TR125.0121, better luck next time.

I strongly suggest against sending any amount of money, it seems yet another dream of yet another dreamer.

Until later becomes now.

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Who knows?

There's one born every minute, right?

Sorry, you might be very geniune in your belief that said invention would work and that you just wish you had the resources to try it. But I find any plea for money, especially such sums, rather suspect.

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.


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Hmmm...let's see commercial Cobalt Grade III (Co2O3) is 70% cobalt. That's the highest grade available. It's about $50.00/kg. Pure elemental cobalt just isn't available. But the cost here is about $250.00

The gold would cost about $60,000 (US $339/oz)

Pure quartz "rock"? what the heck is pure quartz rock? I asume that you mean pure quartz crystal. It can be had for less than a few hundred dollars.

Dan - go to the bank and just borrow the money. You are the Chairman of the Board of your company. A loan of $75,000 is easy and gives you a cushion of $15,000. Use your company credit line.

It's your project, you're a businessman and you should be willing to take all the risk on such a small investment.

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After re-reading my previous posting/response, I think I should apologize for being so glib. I am a skeptic by nature when money is concerned, but I should not have thrown your ideas out of hand simply because you dared to dream.

Good luck on your venture.

The appropriateness of chance is astounding.


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ahhh... i finally get to post..

and it's fitting that this thread should be the first. My wife is always ripping me for buying into those late night infomercials for fishing lures, no money down, etc.

why not buy into this one?

I, however, agree w/ darby. Such a small investment for such a grand potential should be a no-brainer for Swift inc, and Dan. But if you want a bank, or even a cuckoo to even think about the money, you need a little bit more of an explanation as to how and why this will work, how much the return on the investment will be, etc.

Let's just start with the how and why...that's what this board is about.

i'm not making a judgemnt either way until i hear more.

Anyone who dismisses it out of hand is either a fool, or jealous. Noone knows what is possible because you can only approach the bare minimum of the realm of possibility w/in your own mind--there is no way to know the limits of another..and the old saying, "iIf you can imagine it, you can do it" certainly has some good arguments in the last 200 years or so alone, in its' favor!

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BZZZT! I'm sorry. I believe the correct answer was:

"Ha ha ha. That's a good one Dan. I haven't laughed like that in a few weeks., Do I make the check out to Dan R. Mohammed or Swift Information Industries Inc.?"

EDIT: I've read more in this forum and have come to change my opinion of your idea. To be honest, my reality context does not support a relationship between our individual interpretations of reality and it's physical manifestation, let alone a method to read minds and "amplify signals", let alone to do so consistently and somehow affect "reality", let alone do this with usable, safe (?) machines involving the elements you've listed. Essentially, I have no clue as to how this could work, but it seems like you do.

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Hey I don't have the money, but could I offer you a trade for the construction plans? I got this here bottle of snake oil, and I'll even throw in a +6 (+11 V.S. accountants) sword of nerdiness for your "Sceptre of Infinite Possibility omgs I'm batsh*t insane!"

Darby Wrote:

I wouldn't expect any one person to pony up $125,000. But I've met, both as a simple poster and as a modertor, far, far too many people who believe anything that they see on the internet and who would be willing to send in some small amount of cash.

Think about how long the HDR at $375.00 each has been for sale and how many people have sent in the cash for it. I don't know if "Swiftie" is a scammer or not - but getting rich off of other people's naivet or greed can be done a dollar at a time.
Heh, thats what i meant, i was asking him wether he thought people would actualy buy into this crock of monkey doo of his?
The Sceptre of Infinite Possbility my bottom. The closest thing you will get to that is a gun. heh.

Even if you could, could you realy find someone with the visualisation abilities to use the thing. think if they visualised a watch to make it real. they would have to have the exact measurements, and every gear and lever in their head at once. is it even possible to find a person who has been working with cars his whole life, to visualise the whole inner workings of a cars engine at once? i doubt it.

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The device will be powered by gravity, activated by the user's mind and will emit an intense radionic signal which will alter probability throughout the universe in favour of the user's desires.
This dude was trying to build himself an Infinity Gauntlet.
