The \"ROSWELL\" Paradox
Two wrongs do not make a perfect "Right" in any given scenario within our imperfect yet impecible physical cosmos! (You do the math.)
In spite of evidence witnessed by those who "Saw" or claim to have "Seen" in reguards to the infamous "Roswell Incident" I must contend that we all(or most of our combined planetary populus) must have some small voice the echos within us, the sounds of mystery & cover-up in relation that something extraordinary or extraterrestrial did in fact
happen, and whatever it was, those in the highes in command of our world powers, did their damndest to hide the truth for a variety of economical & political resons.
Whatever the event & cause/s or issues surounding this incident burning up our scandelous history, the lie must continue, so that those responsible for this great hoax, (Not the UFO Crash, but the lies &
cover-up & Disinformational Prpoaganda backed by extortionalists organized by tri-laterals, Bilderburgers, and neo/pseodo Nazis &
Templers, Necromancers & etc, it just would expose just how sick we have allowed ourselves to "DEVOLVE" to, or better yet, allowed ourselves to follow as leaders!
We all have choices to make, but when the combined choices of humanity totals to the sum of allowing ouselves to be suppressed from the truth, how are we to evolve beyond the veil it is hidden behind?
Just my own observation is that if a interstellar craft of extraterestrial
origin did in fact crash on our earth back in the fourties, it would in fact count for such a rapid growth in our technology.
If this supposed crash never occured, our current Time-Line would have not been altered, and our society would not have evolved much beyond what we had in the fifties. I believe that this supposed extrarestrial interstelar craft had in fact
carried secrets of technology, technology that was latter, "reversed-engineered" to contribute & assymilate to that of our own, and this direct action is a direct contributor to the "Alteration" of earth's
otherwise naturally occuring chronological "TIME-LINE"
My intentions were not, nor ever intended to be; directed as a personal, or slanderous incursion to anyones personal moral, ethical, or religious beliefs or lifestyle.)
Two wrongs do not make a perfect "Right" in any given scenario within our imperfect yet impecible physical cosmos! (You do the math.)
In spite of evidence witnessed by those who "Saw" or claim to have "Seen" in reguards to the infamous "Roswell Incident" I must contend that we all(or most of our combined planetary populus) must have some small voice the echos within us, the sounds of mystery & cover-up in relation that something extraordinary or extraterrestrial did in fact
happen, and whatever it was, those in the highes in command of our world powers, did their damndest to hide the truth for a variety of economical & political resons.
Whatever the event & cause/s or issues surounding this incident burning up our scandelous history, the lie must continue, so that those responsible for this great hoax, (Not the UFO Crash, but the lies &
cover-up & Disinformational Prpoaganda backed by extortionalists organized by tri-laterals, Bilderburgers, and neo/pseodo Nazis &
Templers, Necromancers & etc, it just would expose just how sick we have allowed ourselves to "DEVOLVE" to, or better yet, allowed ourselves to follow as leaders!
We all have choices to make, but when the combined choices of humanity totals to the sum of allowing ouselves to be suppressed from the truth, how are we to evolve beyond the veil it is hidden behind?
Just my own observation is that if a interstellar craft of extraterestrial
origin did in fact crash on our earth back in the fourties, it would in fact count for such a rapid growth in our technology.
If this supposed crash never occured, our current Time-Line would have not been altered, and our society would not have evolved much beyond what we had in the fifties. I believe that this supposed extrarestrial interstelar craft had in fact
carried secrets of technology, technology that was latter, "reversed-engineered" to contribute & assymilate to that of our own, and this direct action is a direct contributor to the "Alteration" of earth's
otherwise naturally occuring chronological "TIME-LINE"
My intentions were not, nor ever intended to be; directed as a personal, or slanderous incursion to anyones personal moral, ethical, or religious beliefs or lifestyle.)