The Resurection of Jesus - Conspiracy? Maybe... :)


Rift Surfer
We have been reviewing some religions such as Buddism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam...

But we would like to focus on "The Resurection of Jesus" from the 2nd Testament of the Bible.

Let's take a "CSI" type or 'police' investigating approach to the event...


Jesus is whipped, beaten and crucified on the cross.

Jesus has his last words "Forgive Lord.. For they know not what they do..."

Jesus Dies...

Jesus is taken from the cross...

Jesus is placed in a cave...

Followers wait 3 days and go to remove Jesus...

Jesus is gone.


o The body is stolen by grave robber type individuals

o Jesus is 'immortal' and 'wakes up' and moves rock and leaves cave...

o Jesus 'stages' event with Romans and Jewish city and religious leaders...

o The "resurection" story is not true... And put into the Bible by the Emperor Constintine conference years and years later - 300 years to be exact. (As alleged in the DiVinci Code.)
(A rather "enlightened" Roman emperor who ruled BRITAIN and FRANCE... :)


When a "human" dies... The body stays... and the SOUL goes to heaven. The "Jesus Resurection" explanation VIOLATES that believe system.


Why did GOD wait for Jesus to be "hidden" in a cave to wait to "resurect" him?... Why not do it with everyone watching the cruxifixcion?

An ALL KNOWING ALL POWERFUL INTELLIGENCE like GOD would have preferred to it that way...

Why didn't Jesus who can "perform" "fantastic" miracles like TRANSFORMATION (Water into wine, fish from nowhere) and LEVITATION (like walking on water) just break his "nailed" bonds and float down off the cross after the Jewish city dwellear and the Roman soldiers failed to tolerate his teachings?...


The "belief" that Jesus died for our sins may be EXAGERATED to the "point" of OFFENDING GOD. Just because JESUS was hunted down and cruxcified for HIS BELIEF in GOD doesn't mean that HUMANITY can COMMIT SINS AT WILL and JUST PRAY FOR FORGIVENESS. I think GOD might prefer A MORE PROACTIVE ADHERENCE to the 10 COMMANDENTS and STRUGGLE TO LEAD A GOOD LIFE... Before HE JUST FORGIVES YOU?... :)

Something to think about and consider...,
