The repeating day and the onion


Temporal Navigator
I have this theory I am working on

Working on a theory: The repeating day and the onion.

This is one theory I believe in since personally I feel the echo of my personal past in the present. The past needs to refresh itself with past due to temporal paradoxes, new information and thus perfecting itself. Another member earlier had this idea. Here the quote and a link.

From : Theoristjoey

Based on vast studies, I've concluded time travel isn't physically possible.
Time travels in a wave - just as sound and light. It is never ending and loops itself at a certain point. It is like a wave going on and on around a huge circle, and eventually it gets back to the beginning and starts all over. Even if one could jump out of the wave by one second, there would be nothing there beause the wave has already passed, or if you jumped forward by one second, it would be the same.
They say that time repeats itself, but no one knows how. That's the answer. Time is not something that we can track or know the time by our own gadgets for determing a precise time. Who knows what time it really is. We've just made a starting point and went from there.
Even if it were possible to time travel, and you set the machine to go to 1820. What is 1820 anyways? Is it the 1820 that we created or would it take you to the first 1,820 years of the earth's beginning?
Any thoughts?



After the present become the past the past reality cycles up to a higher dimension. Then when the present is finish with, it then repeats at a faster cycle rate with respect to the current present and thus can get a full week (past) in one day period of time in the present.

Remember the past must still exists for the following reason the future depend on the past for its existence and without it the present and future cannot manifest without it. It like DRAM it always needs to refresh itself.

And this is my final point. Time is layer like an onion always going over top of itself. The lower layer (past that compact more) repeat faster than the top layers (present). To make it work cut the onion in half and put a clock on it you will see what I mean.

But if you punch a hole in the onion you get a paradox into the past in which you can travel in time producing a paradox. But don't worry there are no paradox in reality since the clock arm will go around again in the onion thus resolving the paradox.

That all for now.


One last point that is why everything is consider the now since the clock goes around the onion thus repeating the past in the present. Everything is now.
I have been working on this idea for a while. I think the idea of gravity is the key to time travel since John Titor time machine used a Gravity Displacement Unit.

Everybody knows gravity effect space and even light when it come to a black hole. But everybody knows that this planet has gravity like a black whole but not as great though. So my basic theory is gravity on earth pulls space and light down into the earth that was one our present but now our past. So the past is below our feet. So what John Titor did was use a Gravity Displacement Unit to access these other layer of time all the way up and down. To finish with if you believe the past exists then it must exist somewhere so why would it not exist below our feet because gravity has an effect on us constantly. And if the past still exists it then constantly repeat since it still here on earth, resolve paradox of all sorts thus making time travel possible. And because the past still exist and repeating we then can coin the term everything is now.


Gravity has an effect on the past and present and that why John Titor used a Gravity Displacement Unit where displacement mean 'move'. I believe then that gravity has some function changing the present into the past if the John Titor story is true and this is the key to time travel.

When I say below our feet I just mean down.


Weberto for the Great time traveler experiment I'll have to look into it
I don't mean to point out the obvious, but this point is greatly overlooked in many contexts;
"I've concluded time travel isn't physically possible."

Wrong !

It occurs naturally every moment.

That's a very vague statement followed by an absolute answer.
In this language, time travel must have a few forms, the reverse of the current constant, at a similar constant. Injection points from the present through various sciences, folding space and time as with a worm hole concept, etc, etc

'Am I totally wrong with this notion? Feedback?
I don't see your logic. For example, if gravity affects time,then why does time pass at the same rate in a gravity chamber or in a space ship(where gravity is very low) as it does on earth???
My point was that "time travel" happens every moment, in what we calculate as accepted measurement.
Second to second, day to night, season to season, orbit to orbit, etc, etc.
All of this is a perception by our "detectors", be it the senses or what have you.

So, the reverse of that would be to experience "the rewind effect" cognitively?

Then, there's the experience a paticular moment in history already past immediately from a forward point physically but with normal perception after established by some form of hypothetical injection method?

As well there's the idea of absolute zero and conditions to stop all movement, not sure how spin offs of that ideology may play into it, fictitiously of course :P

Then the idea of folding space & time, not just for the idea of travel for destination, but I'm sure other theories for 'manipulating travel', if you get the pun.

So, I guess my point was that there's alot of different ideas for what may constitute 'time travel', but it seems the manipulation of time's passage being experienced in any sense would have those and others fall under it's umbrella?

I'm not giving credence to any of those ideas/theories, I just picked a few from random to illustrate the general idea.

Interesting stuff, do physics and neurology get combined in their study much?

On a side note, I was wondering (mentioning neurology, etc) that if time is a biological perception largely... would self functioning AI in a highly developed sense, have the same perception?
Biologically and otherwise, it's ironic both come down to "clock cycles".

All the John Titor nonsense aside (and it is nonsense) you're statement

For example, if gravity affects time,then why does time pass at the same rate in a gravity chamber or in a space ship(where gravity is very low) as it does on earth???

is incorrect.

Relative time between two different frames (accelerated frames, frames in gravity wells) does not pass at the same rate as viewed from the other frame. That it doesn't pass at the same rate is the core of Special and General Relativity and has been experimentally verified thousands of times over the past century.
Do you mean to say that say a stop watch in low gravity doesn't pass the same amount of seconds as another stop watch in earth gravity during any given amount of time (the time given being in either of the two gravities). The basic law that I know of is the more energy you ad, the more quickly you advance in time, thus would it not be the energy involved in the gravity that causes the difference and not the gravity itself?

P.S. I am bad at expressing myself so mention it if I don't make sense.
Re: Hail Lorenz

Good day to all;

Hello Darby its been a while, I hope you are doing fine.

Regarding this discussion it amazes me how people often theorize without even the vaguest of ideas. My friends it is good to have ideas, to think and to use your brains from time to time; I admire that. However, when you put forward an idea it must be backed up by science, religion or some philosophically correct concept.

For example, the ideas put forward by Lord Einstein regarding different perspectives, awareness and events taking place in two separate loci were previously experimented by Lord Lorenz years before. He concluded that at a certain distance the events of two persons would appear to occur both in the past relative to each observer.

That in itself is a major paradox there, but a very good example of how things like do occur differently when super-luminal distances are applied. So I encourage you to keep on theorizing, but always remember to have your text books near by; they will always guide you.

Until later becomes now!

Do you mean to say that say a stop watch in low gravity doesn't pass the same amount of seconds as another stop watch in earth gravity during any given amount of time (the time given being in either of the two gravities).

Precisely. Clocks originally synchronized that are moved to different gravitational fields will desynchronize. This has been experimentally verified by putting synchronized clocks on the surface of the planet and high up in a tall building. The clock on the ground ticks off time at a slower rate than the clock at the top of the building. (General Relativity)

Clocks that were originally synchronized that are accelerated away from each other will desynchronize. (Special Relativity)

In each case the rate of desynchronization is given in the Lorentz Transformation for time.

If you happen to be holding your clock in a high gravitation field or in a highly accelerated frame you won't note anything unusual about the passing of time in your frame. That's because everything in your frame is subject to the time dilation - your chemical activity, electrical activity, thought processes, etc. will all be functioning at the rate given by your circumstance. You will note that "the other guy's" clock is either running fast or slow relative to your clock. The "other guy" will have the same reaction. He will insist that it is your clock that is running (slow or fast), not his. And you will both be correct. The rate of the passage of time is relative and depends on the circumstances in the frames of reference (gravitation and/or acceleration).