The Reality Of Aliens/Time Travelers!


Temporal Novice
If aliens were ever seen on or near earth then it's likely they came FROM the future even if they are aliens... Since they came FROM a great distance in ORDER for them to get here in a reasonable time they would have to travel faster than light would take to travel the distance. According to relativity(serious science, partly proven)if something travelled faster than light it would move back in time! Even if the aliens used a wormhole(a tunnel in time and space) they would almost certainly go backwards in time!
They would either have to travel at great speeds or use a wormhole as far as our physics suggests. Both these things would greatly distort time or allow time-travel!

So probably either aliens came back FROM the future or humans do... The possibility of time-travel has to be taken seriously because of the work done by theoretical physicists the last few decades. How does time behave in physics?
Time can be slowed down by gravity and high speeds... It's relative so as we advance in technology we can hope to warp time so much we could travel towards the past...
You ask, "How does time behave in physics?" Well FROM a mathmatical point of view, time has no meaning. It can run forward or backward and even be "negative time". Time can be used to manipulate or modify an equation to solve a problem.
The actual likelihood is that most if not all UFO related activity is simply ( not to be taken as 'simple' though ) the human's need to manifest myth in its existence. We have records of this throughout all of written and oral history. Our present day myth's are fronted by the most amazing creation of them all, the interstellar traveler who selects Earth as his destination.....and for what purpose? At this time there has been not one serious agenda posed by any of the visitors.
Unfortunately, it is most likely a wonderful work of the human brain only.
Ok greengold, you've got it right I myself have immagined the entire ufo myth INTO existance. I thought no one would ever guess.
You say "why earth", but why not earth? some people seem so convinced there has to be a reason for some things, but the reason could just be that we are a place to study, and so were randomly chosen.
Also, aliens probably wouldn't reveal themselves "publicly" and universally for the simple reason that we would most likely not welcome them as a planet. We seem so afraid of new, unknown things, that are first reaction would probably be a war.
..."It's All Relative".......................
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<font color="#FF3333">WHO WE ARE</font> - T.A.P. "Temporal Accelerator Project"
T.E.N. "Temporal Explorers Network" </p>

<font color="#00CC00">T.A.P.-T.E.N. is a Non-Profit Organization that involves a majority of their
research in the exploration of Time~Travel, Gravity Displacement, Unified
Field Inertia & Electrostatic Propulsion, To the exploration of examining
possible methods of the absorption & extraction techniques, to harness unlimited
free energy sources, by utilizing a sophisticated combination of merging
yesterdays technology, with today's modern high tech computer aided technological
forces all under one roof.

<font color="#00CC00">Our members consists of a broad range of ordinary people FROM all walks
of life, some of them are still in college, while others are college professors,
scientists, physicists, computer technicians, or those who like to dabble
in the electronics arena in their professions, to their garages & basements
at home.</font></p>

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<A HREF="">TAP-TEN Research
T.A.P.-T.E.N. is a non-profit organization that involves a majority of its research in the exploration of time travel, gravity displacement, unified field inertia, and electrostatic propulsion.
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