The real time traveler..


Chrono Cadet
Alright, since i've never seen anyone who is actually a time traveler here, im
going to reveal it. I am a time traveler ! It feels so good to finally say it.
And of course, i definitely have some rock-solid evidence. It is a picture of
me standing next to my time machine, while it is turned on.

If anybody wants, i will post it here, so you can see that i have definitely time-
It looks like you have accepted the truth, and that by itsself is pretty impressive.
Because most people would think this is computer-generated, but you are indeed
very sharp to see that it is real.

Feel free to ask questions !
You are all too kind, but i expected you to question the machine itsself,
because, as you can see, it sure does look real, but the question remains
does it work ?
Welll... I can't fault it personally! I wonder, does it have a propulsion system based in an Partically accellerated Vortexial interferometer coupling via some sort of Interspacial eddy current phase unit- that I guess is in turn coupled to some simple super conducting photon splitter via a quadruple trism unit?
Sure looks like it?
Or am I wrong?

It sure looks like you have improved on the original idea anyway.
Daver I believe you utterly overlooked the quantum phase relay hyper matrix manifold which creates a temporal wave field with which the machine enters into a transteleportation entanglement thingy. I am sure that is it. Thumbs up time traveling mister bomber. May the rest of the proofs in this forum be as compelling as yourd.

By the way, how far into the past or future it can take you? For the looks of it I am sure the answer will be outstanding. I am still dumbfounded at the reality of your revelation. Just to verify it to the rest my computer imaging scanning device reports the image is not CGI and is real. Amazing!!!!
You may be right there Transient!
I totally overlooked that part of the design. What a concept!!!

Boy, that machine sure looks damn complex!

Only the mind of a Universal Cerebral God could have come up with something like that- I'm blown away personally!
Some people will fall for anything. I am surprised none of you caught the obvious fakery of the posted picture. The picture is in black and white, yet the electrical timemachine-ish field is BLUE. An obvious fake. But nice try bomberman. brought laughter from my the good old fashioned way...LOL

What can I say? It was no accident I put a beer in the hand of my South Park avatar. I tend to see life through amber colored glasses. And the sheer genius of adding a SECOND curved handle to a beer mug and thus turning it into a time machine informs us about the dynamics of beer. Apparently, the beer is not intoxicating (space-time bending) all on its own accord. Forget the old science of alcohol content. It is not until it is put into a glass with the semi-toroidal handle on it that the space-time bending effect of the alcohol is activated. A regular beer mug with only one semi toroidal handle is only powerful enough to bend your gourd (even to the point of hangover), but not strong enough to overcome local spacetime stiffness. However, the new breathru shown here by bomberman is an amazing solution! By adding a second, offset semi toroidal space-time bending loop to the container, this at least doubles the power of the alcohol itself that you put into the container.

And you know what that means... at least squared, or perhaps even cubed the amount of space-time bending power.

It all seems to be making sense now...I'd better have another beer to check...
Actually for me that machine doesn't make me travel through time but through dimensions or alternate realities. One where I look cool and all the women want me. Well, now I think that without the machine, but hey it was cool to use that machine while it lasted. Now it sits in my backyard drooling all over my peaches. =P
Actually, you are all partially right about the time-machine, but also wrong.
Because you see, we use, what we call in the future, a "super duper-mega
ray". We use this to create what we call a "black-hole X". And then the super-
duper-mega ray teleports us to the time we inputted earlier on the menu screen.

As for the range of time, it can teleport us to a maximum of 510 years, and it
also has an app for teleportation to other dimensions.

And RMT, im shaking my head. I am just posting here to show other people
that time-travel will be possible in a couple of years, and you are just trying
to debunk me by saying it is a beer mug, unbelievable. What more proof
do you need ??
Some people will fall for anything. I am surprised none of you caught the obvious fakery of the posted picture. The picture is in black and white, yet the electrical timemachine-ish field is BLUE. An obvious fake. But nice try bomberman.

Ah, so the first debunker has arrived huh, have you ever thought of the super-duper mega ray
even for a second before making that post ? It is actually the timemachinish-field that CREATES
the black and white effect on everything surrounding it. And as you can see in the picture, i am
holding the remote to signify that i am turning it on.

Now try to debunk THAT !