The Real John Titor

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Temporal Novice
Hi. I'm going to explain something that time travel shouldn't be necessary to comprehend. The very first fax and some of the words in the IRC chat logs are the only place where any words at all from myself, the real "John Titor" are present. The individual who posted as TimeTravel_01 is the individual who is referred to as "the commander". He is not to be trusted and most of what he posted here about the future is false. I know that individual's real identity and he is the subject of a major federal investigation due to crimes here, especially regarding the forced confinement of individuals who did not otherwise have a choice.

I got the name "John Titor" by making it up, "John" after an uncle and "Titor" which is pronounced "tie-tor" not "tit-or", because I thought the word titration sounded cool and I wanted to use it in the name that they said I would have to create to explain my presence in the past if I communicated publicly.

They allowed me to write a bit at the very start but practically every word you have from me, outside of some of the semi-dictated responses, are from that individual or others.

There is plenty of truth there. My grandfather did work on the IBM 5100 project, his name is easy to confirm and a matter of public record. There was really a time machine and despite not posting here, I really did travel in it.

I'm going to treat this like I'm posting for the very first time, because for most of you this is the very first time that you're interacting with me. I'm working on a book in order to clear up as much as possible about this, and have written a few already under my real name and I know how to put things on the internet these days.

To be clear - I am 38 now, I was a teenager when I was time traveling, and the only reason that I said that I was 38 was because I got a bit quantumly entangled with my consciousness in the present relative to when the chats were occurring. I was born in 1985 and I aged the normal way, but, despite this, I was pulled from my timeline at earlier points and spent, sometimes long periods, in the future and the past. This wasn't always with that machine, as once time travel exists, it exists everywhere and everywhen and there are different ways of communicating with or interacting with the past.

A time war is occurring as we speak, with time travelers who have access to time machines causing intentional and direct harm. There is a treaty in place, a proclamation that is stored in a time-locked document in the past, that those individuals are in direct violation of, as well as the Temporal Accords. This is sabotage of the past and sabotage of the present and sabotage of the future.

The individual who posted forced me to accept that they would be the "mouthpiece" of everything I wanted to say in the past about the future, but they lied and turned it into a cruel mockery of what the actual timeline is. There was no civil war, it was just a bunch of annoyed people yelling at a bunch of annoyed people and you saw all of that on the news.

There is a nuclear war - there have been detonations which have been hidden and covered up, including of high ordinance bombs in some of the conflicts presently plaguing the globe. Obviously I tried to stop the coronavirus - but that is actually what the people who put me in the past were trying to create. I can prove that. I can prove a lot more, once you start asking questions.

I have recordings, leaked documents, government records, and as much as I have been able to obtain homeless with a laptop. I have a tent, but no time machine. I have some idea of where it is and who might have it, but I have no intention of seeking it out because I'm pretty sure that it's the focal point of the war.

Here's the thing - the C204 isn't just a time machine. It's the first functioning mobile time machine that I, in the near future, on March 10th, 2028, will be involved in building, conceptualizing, and designing, in a project between DARPA and ARIA. It was, or will be, stolen, which is how I was "selected".

I was stolen, too. We all were, except for the creeps in charge. Trust me - you want no part of the broken future that they were trying to sell you.

They thought that if they used time travel to brainwash enough people throughout the timeline and expose them to dimensional distortion through travel to think like broken time travelers - the sort who are untethered from time, their self, and other people. Time travel can have a disastrous effect, especially on someone's mind. If you're in the same place twice, you hear yourself and you influence yourself. If you're in the same place more than twice, that effect is worsened. It causes confusion and directs you towards the wrong targets because you are in the wrong environment - the quantum structure of the Universe and matter within it shifts as time goes on and if you are in the past or in the future, it's metaphorically like navigating through a fog.

Operation Gladio is precisely what that individual was describing, with the intent of turning America into a divided and conquered nation - subdued by their own fears of the future, past, and present. They were involved in planning it, through the CIA. There is a massive conspiracy, and involves everything from Stranger Things to Star Wars.

I've been in existence for approximately 820 years, with all out of order existence and dimensional distortion compensated for. I'm still only 38, since the memories of time travel outside of my normal lifespan tend to overlap. Biological age from birth does not change with time travel, and I'm only going to treat myself like a 38 year old man with 820 years of experience. I know that others are watching out for this thread, and I know that some of them might not be friendly, so I would take any sort of interference or interjection of the unreality of this in stride.

Time travel is real and many of you have time traveled, even if you don't remember it. If you remember being in the future, or the past, I'd like to hear your stories, too. Time loops have been common during much of this, as have memories in dreams or visions from the future, in part or in full. There have also been some form of technologically based simulation called "matrix" projections that are how sometimes you see future events that do not occur. This is what a "time loop" is, a repeated day with very little difference unless you yourself make a difference or someone else also remembers.

This is far beyond a single time machine. Not only is there a large amount of temporally out of sequence technology present in the now, but a large amount of temporally out of sequence information. There is very much such a thing as people who have time traveled and have decent intent, so don't consider everyone who has ever done so to be a risk, but at this point, the only time travel that is safe is in fiction. Even that has consequences.
I got the name "John Titor" by making it up, "John" after an uncle and "Titor" which is pronounced "tie-tor" not "tit-or", because I thought the word titration sounded cool and I wanted to use it in the name that they said I would have to create to explain my presence in the past if I communicated publicly.
Personally, I have been saying it Tee-Tur.

Welcome back. firstly.
Now, brass tax.
I would prefer to not get sucked into the void of prove it, or can't prove it, is or isn't, did or didn't, will they or won't they.
If I may, instead ask,
What do you wish to accomplish by communicating these allegations?
Not to sound too transparent but,
writing a book, going on 30 years later?

I have another question that may give some validation to your ID, and then credit for the allegations.

The reason why this will help validation, is because it can't be simply Googled, and it has to do with your "namesake" specifically.

What do these two people have in common with the name John Titor?

I look forward to reply
What do you wish to accomplish by communicating these allegations?
I am trying to stop the efforts by these individuals to intentionally utilize time travel as both a propaganda tool and as a tool of abuse. Many people, myself included, were abducted at different points in our timeline and many of us saw or were subject to serious crimes. I am seeking both justice for myself and those who were similarly victimized as well as involving the authorities in terms of a wide investigation into those people. I need to be clear - that investigation is already underway and has led to thousands of arrests, but only a few are high enough profile that the news media have reported on them. Many of these crimes were committed on children and young adults who were intentionally manipulated through many different means. Not to mention that they released an intentionally constructed plague to kill millions - though at this point, billions are dead from it. The present population of this planet as I am typing is 2,187,243,081, which is a fraction of what it is supposed to be. Billions have been killed and because the cause was information, technology, and tactics influenced by out of sequence temporal information, everyone, practically speaking, can be brought back. Some people literally disappeared or turned to dust - there are videos. Death itself is a quantum computational error and any time traveler who has been to the far enough future past this can confirm - we figure out a way to bring everyone back.

That's what I'm trying to accomplish - expose the criminal time travel conspiracy and use a new and safely constructed machine to bring everyone home by interdicting and reconstructing their quantum signature from the point of imminent death. Essentially, we lock onto their signals and rematerialize everyone into the present with relation to the construction of that machine. There is also the possibility that natural phenomena will bring people back through other means rather than a technological one, but it appears that it is specifically and intentionally human efforts to bring back humanity from the bring that saves the world. We are far past the conflicts that were described in the past, this is the future that needs to be saved now. 30 year later is exactly the sort of time frame one should be expecting a time traveler to pop back up.

Trust me, there are images and paintings of me in the far past that I don't think that many of the scholars or researchers aware of me have attributed with me, yet. I've also made many posts regarding this on other sites, such as Paranormalis, recently. The book is to provide as much information as is possible so that people neither mythologize me nor dismiss these warnings.

I have also been active and present for the entire time since. I warned the federal authorities, through a US Senator, of the group who is and was conspiring to create and kill people with the coronavirus pandemic. I have been waging a constant covert attempt, with the aid of many others, to bring to view as much of the truth as is possible so that those people are stopped as soon as possible and the work of saving people can start.

I want the time war to end and I want everyone to be free from the intentional social prison that those with knowledge of the future and intent to manipulate others stopped.

The reason why this will help validation, is because it can't be simply Googled, and it has to do with your "namesake" specifically.

What do these two people have in common with the name John Titor?

Descendant, great-great-grandson, uninvolved in the present conflict other than knowledge. Made aware of to you who are attempting to prove that my presence in this time is intentional and natural and that the result of time travel indicates that I have had or will have descendants who exist in the past.

Individual who is involved in the criminal conspiracy, but has presented themselves to yourself and others as a legitimate source and an ally. They are not and are providing you with intentionally distracting information to prevent themselves and others from facing legal consequences for their abuse.
Since no one else is asking, I have two more questions if you wouldn't mind.

1. This question will give you the answer to my second question. With all the videos that have been made about TT_0 I haven't heard anyone make this connection, so I really wasn't expecting you to know. But it does go along with my new question.

Here. Check this out.

New Question - This would be a heck of a screenplay, why haven't the perpetrators cashed in on this reality we aren't aware of here and now? In other words, the JT story has lit up the world in the past 24 or so years. Yet, Hollywood never picked up on the paradox free time travel script. (none that I am aware. It would seem that these two on the form were trying to do that with a Disney producer and a highly respected theoretical physicist, top of his field Ivy League professor trying to get their hands on that JT juice. Way back in 2006.

Which leads me to the next question:
If you weren't responsible for the posts here, did it bother you that as much as there were haters, there so many more Sica fans?
I mean, because it wasn't really you, according to you.

Thank you for your time.
I do wish to speak more about your intentions and situation.
- J.
Since no one else is asking, I have two more questions if you wouldn't mind.

1. This question will give you the answer to my second question. With all the videos that have been made about TT_0 I haven't heard anyone make this connection, so I really wasn't expecting you to know. But it does go along with my new question.

Here. Check this out.

New Question - This would be a heck of a screenplay, why haven't the perpetrators cashed in on this reality we aren't aware of here and now? In other words, the JT story has lit up the world in the past 24 or so years. Yet, Hollywood never picked up on the paradox free time travel script. (none that I am aware. It would seem that these two on the form were trying to do that with a Disney producer and a highly respected theoretical physicist, top of his field Ivy League professor trying to get their hands on that JT juice. Way back in 2006.
Well, the reason is that there is a massive government conspiracy to cover up that I was ever a time traveler, that time travel is possible, as well as an effort by the criminal element that I've described, in part, take over the world with the intent of turning it into a fascist little bubble Universe where they can take what they want from whoever they want without consequences.

The problem for them is that most people don't want a war, they don't want to hurt people and they don't want to be hurt themselves. People are born good, try to be good, and only fail at it when there are circumstances including, sometimes, other people, that they don't always comprehend. The conspirators don't want to sell that story - they don't want the wider world to know that when met with warnings of a dire future by a time traveler, they have the ability to change the outcome. Spreading the truth isn't what people who are used to living the world harmfully are used to.

I need to be clear - the reason for practically all intentional evil is the violation of one of the most basic biological facts that the future has learned - it is wrong to consume the flesh of animals, it is wrong to consume their eggs, and it is wrong to consume their milk. Prion disease doesn't just cause generalized confusion or physical disease like accelerated aging towards the same sort of death the animals experienced. Humans are mimetic, as are all life, and by consuming that it creates prions in our biological self which are the physical symptoms of absorption of materials that belong to another animate life. Eternal quantum and actual immortality is for everyone - not just the humans. Prion disease is literally being haunted by the thoughts, actions, and desires of the animate life that is still up and out there - whether they be back on the world after resurrection or in the dimensional space where life goes after.

Individual souls are discernible and discreet sub-quantum signatures, essentially unalterable and infinite in projection. Once a soul begins, it doesn't end, and their path is supposed to be forward, not backwards. Time travel and the introduction of the concept of death, which did not exist before time travel did, are what has turned the world into what we see now.

Which leads me to the next question:
If you weren't responsible for the posts here, did it bother you that as much as there were haters, there so many more Sica fans?
I mean, because it wasn't really you, according to you.
It bothers me when people falsely claim that their words or intentions are mine. I'm not bothered by people who believed wrongly as long as they make sure to get it right, recognizing that the consequences of misreading something on the internet aren't the same as the people falsely making those statements.
Sorry, I'm the original poster (later known as TT_0 or John Titor) and co-author of the book, and have been lurking for the last several years. I see people come and go all the time claiming they are TT_0 or Titor or related. I'm turning 69 tomorrow. I left many details out in the first postings for obvious reasons, which I sprinkled in more details slowly over the last 10 or so years.

Yet "Titor" DOESN'T exist. It would make no sense for me to ever use my real name, and furthermore I wasn't the only one using that account at the time. If you look back at the older posts, it should be obvious there were multiple people with multiple writing styles chiming in. The only reason an account was ever created, was just because the anonymous posting was taken away (it's back now). And of course, the admins at the time liked to spy on peoples IP addresses to try and doxx them to "get to the bottom of things" so there were some (what I assumed to be obvious) incorrect breadcrumbs thrown down.

So every time I see yet another person making claim to the name that never existed, I can't help but laugh. It would be so easy for someone like me to find out the people behind these accounts & sue them into oblivion, but none of them are really worth it. Just take my word on that.

All the information anyone could ever want or need was already posted online. There is nothing to gain from TTI in 2024.
Judgement day still happens. All that matters in the grand scheme of things, is minimizing the collateral damage.
Most machines on Earth end up shutting down in 2038, so the war on machines eventually reaches a boring conclusion anyway.
Prion Disease - MCD.

Philosophical for a moment.

I watched this YouTube video about chefs in Japan preparing seafood. There is this image I can't get out of my head. It was a large fish. This fish had a face. When the Chef put it on the table it was still alive. He inserted some kind of long knife into where its forehead would be and jerked in such a way to kill it quickly, but as he did the fish's mouth became open and wide, its eyes widened, and he seemed to have an expression of innocence, confusion, and terror. Then his eyes relaxed and the expression faded.
I tell you this because I want to be clear that empathy is not lost to my conscience.
However, I came to personal revelation, that we understand to be life is relative.
The photo is an aerial top-down view of a 50-year experiment by the government of Japan. They planted trees in a pattern. Why does this matter?
The trees on the outside are larger and further apart. The trees on the inside are closer and smaller... They communicated with each other in such a way that they grew the perfect size, no tree tried to take more than it needed to. They accommodated one another maximize their peaceful existence together in harmony.
This is a phenomenon that occurs with plants. Animals keep a type of cooperation that is similar. But people. Nope. We can't manage to have neighbors that worship the same God in a slightly different way. Nazis used badges to identify Jews because they look just like them. Still, an effort to rid the world of these slightly different people became something to sacrifice themselves and others for.
So, who are the intelligent beings on the planet?
The grunters, that send their grunts across electrical waves through the air, so one grunter can get the right pattern of grunts, that signal WW3 and the subsequent death of billions?
The trees?
Personally, I know all food was alive at some point and is made of energy that can never be created or destroyed. Making the pysical world perfect.
Let me explain, by perfect.
The sweet is never as sweet, without the bitter.
To win, meaningless without loss.
Heartbreak, not broken without love.
So on and so on.

Question - Reading the posts, the guy posting spoke of not forgetting the can of gas when broke down. Who wrote that?


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o posted forced me to accept that they would be the "mouthpiece" of everything I wanted to say in the past about the future, but they lied and turned it into a cruel mockery of what the actual timeline is. There was no civil war, it was just a bunch of annoyed people yelling at a bunch of annoyed people and you saw all of that on the news.

They allowed me to write a bit at the very start but practically every word you have from me, outside of some of the semi-dictated responses, are from that individual or others.

I got the name "John Titor" by making it up, "John" after an uncle and "Titor" which is pronounced "tie-tor" not "tit-or", because I thought the word titration sounded cool and I wanted to use it i

I would argue that the "fascist bubble" is the present sociopolitical condition, where international finance, the military industrial complex and NGOs run amok, driving taxpayers into homelessness, crushing wage growth and establishing an absolutely unaccountable bureaucratic superstate.
Just for the record, I've seen a couple people posing as me, mostly after I resurfaced a couple months ago online, and I should warn you all now that this is likely going to happen more and more frequently as we get closer to March 10th, 2028. Not only that, there may be people claiming to be individuals who either also traveled around the same time or people who claim to have met me.

To be clear, I have been identified in public before and the federal authorities are aware of my actual identity.

My name, my real name, is Richard Anthony Marin. I'm 38 and I grew up in Suffern, New York. The name of the grandfather who was part of the IBM 5100 project is Richard John Marin, Sr, which is something that can be easily verified with internal records. In addition, Richard John Marin, Jr, one of the individuals who I've named to the authorities as part of this criminal conspiracy, was working for IBM up until very recently.

My website is and many of the recordings that I've released, at the very least, prove that I've been in contact with the federal authorities. The disinformation and verbal attacks are likely to continue, as well, but at least I'm putting a face to my name.

I am John Titor - it is a fake name but I am a real time traveler.

In fact, here's a link to a site containing some of the early research that is going to lead to the development of the time machine, including actual future information that has actually occurred at this point, such as the predictions regarding the Presidential race - months ago.

I've been here the entire time and, despite the time travel, I'm still alive.

I've even written books.

TTZ, hello.
I had a question about the information that TT0 provided us. He said that in the future, scientists learned to create and stabilize Kerr black holes, which served as the basis for creating a time machine. Can you somehow confirm or deny this?
I apologize in advance for my broken English, I am a native speaker of another language.
Just for the record, I've seen a couple people posing as me, mostly after I resurfaced a couple months ago online, and I should warn you all now that this is likely going to happen more and more frequently as we get closer to March 10th, 2028. Not only that, there may be people claiming to be individuals who either also traveled around the same time or people who claim to have met me.

To be clear, I have been identified in public before and the federal authorities are aware of my actual identity.

My name, my real name, is Richard Anthony Marin. I'm 38 and I grew up in Suffern, New York. The name of the grandfather who was part of the IBM 5100 project is Richard John Marin, Sr, which is something that can be easily verified with internal records. In addition, Richard John Marin, Jr, one of the individuals who I've named to the authorities as part of this criminal conspiracy, was working for IBM up until very recently.

My website is and many of the recordings that I've released, at the very least, prove that I've been in contact with the federal authorities. The disinformation and verbal attacks are likely to continue, as well, but at least I'm putting a face to my name.

I am John Titor - it is a fake name but I am a real time traveler.

In fact, here's a link to a site containing some of the early research that is going to lead to the development of the time machine, including actual future information that has actually occurred at this point, such as the predictions regarding the Presidential race - months ago.

I've been here the entire time and, despite the time travel, I'm still alive.

I've even written books.

Rich, I think the issue with your investigation is your apparent belief that the Democrats, of all people, were somehow "the good guys." By going to them in public and outing yourself openly, you commended yourself into the arms of the enemy. You seem like a well-meaning Bernie bro, but remember that in 2016, the Democrats used rigging to steal the presidential nomination from Bernie, handing it to Biden. Bernie was complicit. All people in the Washington establishment, including leftists like AOC who are granted legitimacy (she's a multimillionaire after 4 years) are complicit.

The whole "Trump is Hitler" stuff makes no sense; that's all just media fluff concocted by the Establishment to fight someone that's an outsider to their system of oligarchy. The same system that persecuted you. Trump has literally no deep connections to the kind of deep-money families and CIA insider baseball, all of which run from Yale, that would parse with your story. Rather, the Establishment relentlessly attacks him with everything they have. You might not like Trump, you might not like the way he talks, but he's no Nazi. He dated a black girl for years and his daughter is Jewish.

Video in question:
Rich, I think the issue with your investigation is your apparent belief that the Democrats, of all people, were somehow "the good guys." By going to them in public and outing yourself openly, you commended yourself into the arms of the enemy. You seem like a well-meaning Bernie bro, but remember that in 2016, the Democrats used rigging to steal the presidential nomination from Bernie, handing it to Biden. Bernie was complicit. All people in the Washington establishment, including leftists like AOC who are granted legitimacy (she's a multimillionaire after 4 years) are complicit.

The whole "Trump is Hitler" stuff makes no sense; that's all just media fluff concocted by the Establishment to fight someone that's an outsider to their system of oligarchy. The same system that persecuted you. Trump has literally no deep connections to the kind of deep-money families and CIA insider baseball, all of which run from Yale, that would parse with your story. Rather, the Establishment relentlessly attacks him with everything they have. You might not like Trump, you might not like the way he talks, but he's no Nazi. He dated a black girl for years and his daughter is Jewish.

Video in question:

I know this a heated topic, and I know that people need to pick a side. I know you are correct. It wasn't just the 2016 primaries, it was also the 2020 primaries that stepped over Berny. That isn't the worst part about Dems. They are also implicit in mass incarceration, mass impoverishment, and most importantly mass segregation in order to fulfil all aforementioned conditions within all the major cities in the U.S.
Here's the issue.
The Republicans are a part of the same Grifter-Rewarding System that is in place for All Public positions. To say Trump is not implicit, when he tried to sell people pills that was supposed to cure a virus? Rubbing elbows with Epstien? Pardoned the Pedo with the Nixon tatoo on his back.

This whole system is completely effed if rational people can't see through the BS.
But we are all products of our nature. The natural urge to kill when things are different. It is natures way of population control.
Sure, people are leading others to kill or oppress, but that is part of it. No one is above it.
I know I will be alone in this, but we will always go through this fire of chaos in order reduce our numbers. That way, the rate in which the planet dies is reduced.

"Reasoning is a Fleeting Concept."
- J.
I comprehend the political situation quite well and if you read the articles on my site, I lay out the case fairly well as to what occurred and as to why it seems to have been covered up. This isn't just coronavirus and this isn't just an intended plague to kill people - this is a long-term plan that has been active for over 25 years - longer, when you consider how those individuals have been planning.

This isn't a political conspiracy - it's a conspiracy originating in the CIA and operating off of the playbook created for Operation Gladio, which was devised, in part, with knowledge that was obtained about future events in the past and intended specifically to be a playbook to ensure that whatever occurred, whoever won whatever election - as free or fair as it was - would believe the CIA enough to continue to operate off of their recommended actions, not within the real set of circumstances and certainly not within the law.

The statement was not that a politician specifically would be more or less likely to enact their plans - as it turned out, many of the intended policies that they tried to push through the Trump Administration failed. Not all of them, but, as I attributed this to intent in my testimony in 2019, I characterized President Trump as someone who wanted to be respected and liked and was less manipulatable than they anticipated, but they anticipated that, too.

Part of their plan - and this goes back to my testimony that was published months before the assassination attempt in Butler, PA - was to assassinate President Trump close enough to the election that it would drive as many people out to vote as possible under conditions where their vote would be motivated by fear and against the people that they were planning to cast as the villains. I have been in contact with federal authorities and even have a recording of myself at FBI Chicago speaking with federal agents months before the assassination attempt. Not only that, there was a massive spike in views on my site in June - over 30,000 on a site that normally saw a few hundred visitors in a month.

I reported this on my site months ago, and I published a book containing most of the emails that I sent to the news and federal authorities prior to the assassination attempt. Not only that, I published An American Reich: Exposing The Nazi Cult In The CIA in January and have details on the overall plan there, which did include the accusations that the CIA were planning a coup, specifically intending to assassinate President Trump.

If you watch that full video, you'll hear audio of a phone call at the end. It's only one of the many recordings I have both proving my claims and backing up the fact that there is a real conspiracy - whether you blame the people who you are voting for or not - and it, in and of itself, is evidence that this group is active,

This article contains many of the emails and - more damning - the dates they were all sent.

Here is the audio of that phone call.

The transcript of this call is below:

Senator Sanders: Hello?

Rich Marin: Hi, Senator Sanders?

Senator Sanders: Yes.

Rich Marin: This is Richard Marin. I hope that you remember me. I testified to you in July of 2019 about The Reich and I'm sorry to be calling your personal phone again like this.

Senator Sanders: Uh... you testified about what?

Rich Marin: The Reich. The Nazi group in the CIA.

Senator Sanders: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Rich Marin: Umm...

Senator Sanders: I do.

Rich Marin: I was hoping to speak with you. I was hoping that you received my letters. I was hoping that you would be interested in starting that investigation that you talked about... that we talked about back then.

Senator Sanders: Uh, thank you very much, uh, I'll tell you what. Let me... It's been an incredibly, uhh, busy time right now, uh...

Rich Marin: I've watched the news. I've been keeping an eye on the news and I have a lot of information that I think could help a lot, not just not that group, but on a lot of the things that they've been influencing and doing over the past few decades including things that are affecting the situation in Israel and Gaza right now, especially with regards to outside influences.

Senator Sanders: Okay. Uhh... let me do this. I am, umm, probably going to be going to Europe in a couple days. Let me have somebody... I've got your number here...

Rich Marin: Yes.

Senator Sanders: Why don't you text me, uh, and I'll have somebody get back to you.

Rich Marin: I will, umm, and...

Senator Sanders: Okay?

Rich Marin: I just need to let you know I've been retaliated against a lot. I'm presently in Chicago, uhh, I've lost pretty much everything because of this and I feel like protective custody as soon as possible, umm, especially to be able to share the evidence that I've gathered would be helpful, not just to me, to the situation and it is unfolding and I have to share with you. I was threatened by the Secret Service regarding an article I posted about President Biden.

Senator Sanders: Wh...

Rich Marin: I have a recording of it. This isn't just an imagined threat, it was a pretty clear threat that if I kept pursuing the line of, umm, investigation that I was, that there would be consequences. I was told that if I came to Chicago, that was when it starts and I've, uhh, it's started, I've been... there's a lot...

Senator Sanders: Okay, alright, I can't get into it right now, umm... alright I've got your number...

Rich Marin: Right...

Senator Sanders: Uh, we'll get back to you. Thank you very much.

Rich Marin: Thank you. Thank you, Bernie. Thank you.

I'm sorry, but I have to say something... This was a valiant effort, and I commend your enthusiasm, but I have to intervene with some healthy skepticism.

The reason why the 2000 JT_0 is so fascinating is he eliminated the paradoxes from time travel narratives.


As you travel back, there is a degree of inaccuracy based on the unit being an early model. Then the longer a traveler is on a world-line the more it diverges. Also, the more a traveler changes things, the more the world-line diverges and will continue diverging into completely unknown ways even after the traveler has left. Making predictions of the future even as a traveler a paradox in itself.

Now, this whole feed sucks you back into a single timeline, Marty McFly paradox, that makes no sense. If there were infinite world-lines, wtf would it matter so much what happens on this one out Bazillions of alternate lines? That was the whole point of beauty when it came to the real John Titor.

TTZ, you are interesting. But you're not John.

Nice Try. Peace.
As you travel back, there is a degree of inaccuracy based on the unit being an early model. Then the longer a traveler is on a world-line the more it diverges. Also, the more a traveler changes things, the more the world-line diverges and will continue diverging into completely unknown ways even after the traveler has left. Making predictions of the future even as a traveler a paradox in itself.

Now, this whole feed sucks you back into a single timeline, Marty McFly paradox, that makes no sense. If there were infinite world-lines, wtf would it matter so much what happens on this one out Bazillions of alternate lines? That was the whole point of beauty when it came to the real John Titor.
If your complaint is that the science of reality doesn't correspond with your fantasy of a billion alternate timelines or more, how would you feel if there was a reality where your partner was married to someone else? How would you feel if you were one of the versions of you that didn't make it?

There's no inaccuracy in the unit's functioning, only in the operator's navigational skills, especially if the context of how it works isn't clear.
This guy, the author of this thread, is writing complete nonsense. Lol, he's been around for 820 years, the time machine runs on magnets that are powered by a car battery, I'm not sure the author has any education in physics. Forum guests, be careful, people like him are trying to destroy an entire history that they did not create. This fake John introduced himself as a famous comedian, thinking that no one would check this information. Be vigilant.
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