The Rainman Time Coincidence :)


Rift Surfer
As everyone saw on the board, RainmanTime was defending the idea of plane strike on the Pentagon as I understand it.

Let's review the facts:

o RainmanTime supposedly works for Northrup Grumman as an engineer
o Northrup Grumman does government contract work for the Pentagon and the U.S. Government
o RainmanTime had access to 2 types of photos for each of his thesis
o Where did he get the photos?

Interesting coincidences...

Yeah I souldn't touch this with a ten foot pole but its here and so am I. Most of the photos came from his photo bucket album. Upon digging a little deeper I found the photos originaly posted at various 911 truth sites and 911 truth debunker sites.

He works for northop but I doubt he's anyone special. I've had a harder time getting the Montral law enforcements phone number. Seriously, one day I had a reason and it took about an hour and 12 differnt calls to get connected to the right people. 411 informtion is more efficeint in the homeland than abroad...If they wanna give us a north american union they better fix the small stuff like that.

One thing I found strange is that RMT is an areospace engineer/ designer aswell as an aircraft acident investigator. Talk about a demanding job. Desk work, field work, lab work, Hes the total package.