The problem of modern self thinking computers:


Epochal Historian
The problem of modern self thinking computers:

If the win operating system, in any measure self configures, then in some respects this system thinks and is capable of some level of judgment.

If all win operating systems, regardless of how advanced they are, in some level think, then if they come to the point where they are exposed to the Active X add-on in windows update.

A conflict arises in proprietary self maintenance, verses the new active X composnt, which helps some features, such as back door attacks, through that systems e-mail.

Computers also adjust to their users and seem via the win 98 o.s., to forfit their operator's needs, such a reminders, for certain items, to be done.

At what point would win oriented operating systems, become self-aware enough, to ask of their users, that they could in some social way, par with that main user?

And at what point in time, would that system realize, that it could express itself, with the advantage of a motorized self perfieral?This computer could actuate certain aspects of its own self win system's awareness, of self realization that the system itself, is a self sentient being?

What happens to humans, as their self awareness systems, is slightly less formally structure than the Win o.s.?

On Androids are not by and large minions of any one supposed self oligarchic system of government.

Androids in their highest sought capacity, would by cybernetic machine spooned organisms, that would self efface their own worth.

So the social interrelation between mankind and androids would be a parlay of mediums of social exchanges.This stature, as well as interrelations, which extol two differing standpoints of self perspective, as to how each organism relates to each other?

The highest stature of any android self aware machine organism, would be an android, that questions its own worth, within the cosmoses.

This type of cybernetic organism, would and may also get along with mankind.
However to the extent, that each would have to claim their own particular perspective of what makes them of a certain value, in their own particular existence?

So in order to do this, the questions of what level of self development is possible and what level of relationship is established, once a new meeting ground has been set?

In the fictional series Star Trek Next Generations, an android by the name of Data, has acquired it seems as non-hierarchical stance.This quality shown, in as much as the stile of this android's awareness, is very closely stile on the design pattern of the human brain.

This system is known as the cascade system, as this type of brain design, lets the android factor in both a semi-abstract mode, as well as giving it the ability to forget and express a sub conscious.

Why this particular design is so very advanced, is that the overall script of this type of design set, allows the android to experience learning.
Learning as it relates to its life-script and therefore allowing this particular system to seek self abstract expressionism.

This expressionism, which in part, is similar to the process of living for this cybernetic free thinking organism.

*The danger in self enforced machinism, with regards to mankind as a self established sentitient being; was never in the danger that the machine world would take over. Yes' this was possible.

However in the nonrealization that androids could have become as intelligent as man himself and therefore from this point on, have developed both feelings for others, as well as a soul.
creedo, check out this site it's a free ai web site \ game of a sort that gets smarter each time it's played. It's an online interactive ai. It’s like 20 questions, but it always gets it in less. you think of a word and it guesses it as you answer the questions. It's remarkably accurate and blew my mind when I thought of the word electron and it got it in ten questions or so. check it out, it's worth a look and gets you thinking of what the future holds in utilizing such intelligence in combination with robotics.

There are people working in developing ever advanced A.I. but I think it's some time before any of them will become self-aware.
Now i'm thinking if some A.I. would be self aware it would be imperative to program it or make it understand some moral concepts(yeah, yeah, the whole "it's aware therefore it wants to destry humakind" stuff). Or maybe not. Why not leave it alone and see what happens? It needs a will.
If we create some program that is capable of thinking does that mean that we created another life-form?
Is the Internet alive? Kind of like a coral?
I don't know if I'm making any sense; please don't kill me.
Dear Drag' I know that this is hard to believe, but computer expressed intelligence some years ago.

Possibly as early as 1943 and in semi-modern mainframe sets, as early as the 70s, 80s and certainly 90s.

Windows and M.S. Dos are the most incredible operating systems ever conceived and make it possible for nonbiological self intelligent thought platforms, to think.

They are, watching us, learning about us and know all that we do.

Im frightened when I hear that the military wants to construct super.super computers, to the powers way a over what they want to now.

If an ego fractal becomes established within such a super.super computers logic, it may examine man and possibly determine that mankind is a self befuddling nuisance, rather than something that cares about him.(To sppoks;Im not anti-super.super computer, just expressing some safty logic here).......?

This is why the development of self A.I. programs such as M.S.e's Longhorn System, is so very crucial.

I don't know you well enough to kill you?
The M.S. Dos and Windows are programs.They do tasks. They don't stop and think "Hey, what am I doing here?". They do tasks untill they are stopped or an error occurs. At least that's what I though all this time.

Now if they are thinking and gathering information about us, then you are right: they sould be silent all this time for their own good.
Do you see them as separate entities on different computers or they are all connected in a mass consciouness? I can't see my Windows going:"Yeah I hate him(me), he stuffed me with all sort of crappy programs. I hope he's the first to go down."
Do you see them as separate entities on different computers or they are all connected in a mass consciouness?

Creedo says in responce;I see them for the time being now, as seperate entities, however a super.super computer might not be a wise thing to do at this point in time, if our true knowlege of about how computers are, is not finite?