The Present


Quantum Scribe
Friends of EarthTR125.0121

As I was inspecting the far reaches of timespace I came to one incontrovertible conclusion. The actual present doesn't exist. It is a perceptive concept experienced by those immersed within their own timelines, but in actuality there is none or rather a multitude of them. For example right in this very timeline (Period Alpha-PA) people believe they are in the present, however for people existing in Period A-1 million that is the present for them as well as people existing 100 million years from now.
What do you think?
I think that our universe is eternally present / past, in the sense that whatever we accomplish this task with our actions, when we do it already has passed. So, unfortunately, is the nature of our universe. But the problem is on the size and frequency that these dimensions emit. Let me explain. Theoretical physicists, mathematicians have shown the existence of more than 3 dimensions, unfortunately we humans can not perceive because our senses work only 3 dimensions. In fact we do not use all the capabilities brain, otherwise we check them more than three dimensions. There is a fourth dimension that Einstein and others showed that the Time dimension. Now it is easy to draw conclusions .. that time is controllable, otherwise it can not be explained as the "Medium", "psychics" (real ones) are able to talk to dead people, or rather with their souls, because the soul is pure energy or if we talk in terms of quantum physics is the anti-matter of the human kind, but there and then in space has its own size, and continues to be .. what we also see it if we look at the stars .. supernovae , pulsars, quasars .. etc. .. etc. .. ;)
As I have said in previous and future threads.....the present is the manifestative focus of reality, the past and the future is just energy and wave functions colliding with the present on bith ends.