The Plame Affair - Conspiracy Within Conspiracy


Rift Surfer
As I watch the news of the jury deliberations of the Scooter Libby case, I wonder what really went on...

Why did VP Dick Cheney and the CIA recommend Wilson for the assignment?...

True he worked for President George H. W. Bush in African nations...

Is Wilson a Democrat? Or had 'democratic ideals'? Why use him?

Was the target Valerie Plame the whole time...

Whose cover allowed to study Middle east nuclear capabilities?

With her out of the picture, the Bush Administration could say anything about any "rogue state" in the Middle East and get away with it.

Was the "outing of an CIA agent" the whole plan from the beginning?

Does the Bush Administration have very detailed "Play Book" to use for their "Evil Plans"

I wonder...

Re: The Plame Affair - Meat Grinder

Another thing stands out about the Scooter Libby Trial...

The note from Dick Cheney

About Libby (implied) going through the "Meat Grinder"...

He didn't go through a "meat grinder" with the press yet...

He was just gossiping on the phone with reporters off the record...

Did El Presidente Bush and Darth Cheney FORESEE the upcoming trial....


And knew that Libby would get off...

<Guardian in UK is reporting that jury asked for definition of "Reasonable Doubt">


Plame: My cover was 'recklessly' abused

By MATT APUZZO, Associated Press Writer
27 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Valerie Plame, the CIA operative at the heart of a political scandal, told Congress Friday that senior officials at the White House and State Department "carelessly and recklessly" blew her cover to discredit her diplomat-husband

Plame, whose 2003 outing triggered a federal investigation, said she always knew her identity could be discovered by foreign governments.

"It was a terrible irony that administration officials were the ones who destroyed my cover," she told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.

If our government cannot even protect my identity, future foreign agents who might consider working with the Central Intelligence Agency and providing needed intelligence would think twice," Plame said in response to a question.

"My name and identity were carelessly and recklessly abused by senior officials in the White House and State Department," Plame testified. "I could no longer perform the work for which I had been highly trained."

Plame said she had no role in sending her husband on a CIA fact-finding trip to Niger. Wilson said in a newspaper column that his trip debunked the administration's prewar intelligence that Iraq was seeking to buy uranium from Africa.

"I did not recommend him. I did not suggest him. There was no nepotism involved. I did not have the authority," she said.

That conflicts with senior officials at the CIA and State Department, who testified during Libby's trial that Plame recommended Wilson for the trip.


CIA Agent speaks! It was the White House and State Department!

Re: The Plame Affair - They are Democrats!!!

Valerie Plame, the babe, also told Congress that her and Joseph Wilson are both DEMOCRATS!!!

Another conspiracy exposed by the...

TheCigMan :)
Plame sues, accusing CIA of blocking her memoirs,1,6937863.story?coll=chi-newsnationworld-hed

Plame sues, accusing CIA of blocking her memoirs

By Matt Apuzzo
Associated Press
Published June 1, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Valerie Plame, the former undercover CIA operative whose 2003 exposure touched off a leak investigation, is accusing the government of delaying publication of her new book.

Plame and her publisher, Simon & Schuster, sued the CIA in a New York federal court Thursday. They accused the government of illegally refusing to let Plame write about the specific dates she worked for the agency.

The CIA, which has acknowledged only that Plame worked for the agency since 2002, must approve all writings of former officers before they can be published.

"The sole benchmark is whether it contains classified information," CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said. "The concern is that publication of the manuscript as submitted would cause additional damage to operations and would affect the CIA's ability to conduct intelligence activities in the future."

Plame contends in court documents that the CIA released information about her work history in an unclassified letter about her retirement benefits. The letter, which the CIA says was sent inadvertently, was ultimately entered into the Congressional Record and says that Plame worked at the CIA for more than 20 years.

The lawsuit was announced on the eve of the annual trade convention BookExpo America, when publishers often try to release big news. The book deal for Plame's memoir, "Fair Game," is widely believed to be worth seven figures.

Nobody was charged with leaking Plame's employment status. Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, was convicted of obstructing the investigation in March and is to be sentenced Tuesday. Libby is the highest-ranking White House official convicted since the Iran-contra affair two decades ago.

Former White House and State Department officials and military commanders are supporting Libby as he asks a federal judge to spare him prison time.

Prosecutors want Libby to serve up to three years. But lawyers said Thursday that would be unfair and, citing numerous letters from Libby's former colleagues and friends, said the ex-aide deserved only probation.

"His dedication to promoting freedom abroad and keeping American citizens safe at home is beyond question," the attorneys wrote.

U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton said he received more than 150 letters and would make them public.

Libby's attorneys did not name the letter-writers in documents filed Thursday but said "they run the gamut" from four-star generals to law firm associates.


CIA withholding information! Shocking! Just Shocking... :)

\'Scooter\' gets 30 months - Plame CIA Case

'Scooter' gets 30 months
Judge says Cheney aide 'stepped over the line' when he lied to investigators probing CIA leak
Melissa Leong, National Post, with files from news services


Published: Wednesday, June 06, 2007

U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney lamented the jailing of his trusted former aide yesterday as a "tragedy" and praised Lewis (Scooter) Libby's tireless dedication to public service.

However, while a U.S. District Judge called Libby's government work "admirable," he said it made his crimes more egregious and sentenced him to 30 months in prison for lying to an FBI inquiry in a case that spotlighted flaws in the U.S. push to wage war on Iraq.

"I appreciate that sometimes people make mistakes," Judge Reggie Walton said at yesterday's hearing in Washington.

"It's important that we expect and demand a lot from people who put themselves in those positions ... Mr. Libby failed to meet that bar. For whatever reason, he got off course."

He said people in positions of authority "have to understand that there are consequences for stepping over the line."

The judge, who also fined Libby US$250,000, rejected his plea to be spared a prison term.

Libby, 56, resigned as Mr. Cheney's chief of staff on being indicted in 2005. He is not a well-known public figure but his legal troubles are an embarrassment to President George W. Bush, who is struggling against public disapproval of his Iraq war policy.

Libby was convicted of lying to investigators probing whether the Bush administration deliberately leaked the identity of Valerie Plame, a Central Intelligence Agency undercover spy. Her status as a CIA official was disclosed in a July 14, 2003, article by syndicated columnist Robert Novak, eight days after her husband, former ambassador Joseph Wilson, publicly accused the government of twisting intelligence to justify the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

Ms. Plame has said the unmasking was done in retaliation for her husband's critical New York Times column. The two are suing top U.S. officials, including Mr. Cheney.

Nobody was charged with blowing Ms. Plame's cover, but a jury convicted Libby on March 6, 2007 after a five-week trial on two counts of perjury and one count each of obstructing justice and making false statements.


I guess it's better of mysteriously dying of a heart attack or car accident :)

Scooter meet Bubba :)

McClellan BLAMES BUSH and CHENEY! CigMan Right!

AP Top News at 4:36 p.m. EST
3 days ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan blames President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney for efforts to mislead the public about the role of White House aides in leaking the identity of a CIA operative. In an excerpt from his forthcoming book, McClellan recounts the 2003 news conference in which he told reporters that aides Karl Rove and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby were "not involved" in the leak involving operative Valerie Plame.


Not a shock here. BUSH and CHENEY were to blame for OUTING CIA AGENT PLAME.

Despite, RICHARD ARMITAGE's "falling on the sword"...
