The Pentagon "9-11" Attack Observations...


Rift Surfer
The Pentagon \"9-11\" Attack Observations...

Since RainmanTime is posting double photographic nonsense...

Let's review the facts for a moment a "high level"

A bunch "fanatical muslims" were able to strike the PENTAGON...

After having 2-3 hits...

2 planes hitting the world trade center...

1 supposed takeover by the "people" in PA.

And then get to "fly into the parking lot of the Pentagon" the most DEFENDED PLACE ON EARTH?!!!

You can't be serious.. If you believe that...

REALITY CHECK TIME: These pilots were trained on PROP PLANES and SIMULATORS
but were able to hit the WTC with HIGH PRECISION to cause a collapse WITH JET AIRLINERS?...

These probability of the happenning would be ZERO of occuring ESPECIALLY the FIRST TRY.

I remember that a photographs...



Only years later, There was one fuzzy camera angle of the CRASH released....

There were reports of a MISSLE LIKE HOLE pentrating the 2 outer rings of the PENTAGON...

There were not reports of PICKING UP PEOPLE in the hallways of the PENTAGON.


Based on what we know about Mr. Rumsfeld, Don't you think that sounds odd or implausible or dishonest?

There was little or no coverage of the PENTAGON ATTACK... Little of no interviews with the people in the area...

Who was in the OFFICE of the IMPACT POINT?

<The CIA lost an office in the WTC... FBI lost their KEY OSAMA BIN LADEN GUY...>

There were no jets engine left on the lawn or skid mark of the plane on the PENTAGON GRASS LAWN.

Or is it more plausible...

The guy in the office was ASSASSINATED by BOMB or MISSILE.

And the rest is a COVER UP blending into the 9-11 WTC attack COVER STORY.

I'm sure they are not telling that there are EMERGENCY DEFENSE AIRCRAFT on STANDBY to DEFEND the PENTAGON. <And or missle defense systems for aircraft...>

There always was... And always will be...

So what do you think is the true?

Re: The Pentagon \"9-11\" Attack Observations...

Personaly I am not 100% sure. I do wonder about the strtigic comunications labartory. I can't deny what I have seen with my own eyes that was pointed out on the september clues videos. The idea of no planes seems so far fetched..yet the proof is right their on my VHS copy of the day and in everyone elses copy the hit record that is every reason for a revolution...God knows this isn't the america I want my children to inherit...What has been left to me by MY parents left to them by theirs through years of just accepting whatever uncle sam told them.

I am not sure if the pentagon was a bomb or a missle....Missle sounds more logical because that section was being retrofitted to withstand that sort of thing....makes senes to test it. I don't think it passed the test with flying colors. Not because of the fake hole on the inside but because I don't think the fire was supposed to be allowed to travel as far as it did down the halls...
Re: The Pentagon \"9-11\" Attack Observations...


You can't believe this "TV" or "MOVIE" multimedia stuff...

<I hear the don't even need actors anymore and can do everything by SUPERCOMPUTER...>

Use some common sense...

As for...

"it is every reason for a revolution...God knows this isn't the america I want my children to inherit...What has been left to me by MY parents left to them by theirs through years of just accepting whatever uncle sam told them."

Don't get sucked into a "violent" action...

You are being used by "satanic masonic templar type" organizations or individuals...

This is your FINAL WAKE UP CALL...

Re: The Pentagon \"9-11\" Attack Observations...

HEHEHE Are you sure cigman?

NAh.. I don't watch tv anymore...oh I own a tv for games and movies...I guess it would be more correct to say I don't watch broadcast or cable programming.

As for violent actions....nope. Not yet. Just because the reasons for revolution are out thier doesn't mean I am ready to kill my fellow man. I am more of a defensive isolationist. No premptive strikes if your not in a war. Thier is an infinte array of other kinds of Direct Action one can commit oneself too before you decide to hurt people. One thing SCL is dead right about. The right message can stop a war...or put in an even better term, "The right words can win a revolution"

Now an off topic question that kinda relates...Has to do with the coup of 63'..Have you seen dallas revisited on youtube? Do you know about Grers part in tha Kennedy assination?
Re: The Pentagon \"9-11\" Attack Observations...


As for "Has to do with the coup of 63'..Have you seen dallas revisited on youtube? Do you know about Grers part in tha Kennedy assination?"

TheCigMan and The Super Secrets and The Shadow Government don't have time for YouTube :)

We are trying to save "John J. McMonagle" and the U.S.A...

What happened? What is the new information?...

Re: The Pentagon \"9-11\" Attack Observations...

The new information? Its 40 years old and as always the evil hides itself in plane site. For forty years we have looked at kennedy the backround, other peoples ideas and many looked at the driver? When this was pointed out I looked at the driver. First Kennedy is shot in the neck. BY the grassy knollman..He grabed his neck Jackie starts to check him out. Next the driver lifts his left arm over his right shoulder. The car slows. A Nickle plated 45 goes over the drivers right shoulder. He fires. The muzzle shoot is crystal clear. Kennedys' head bounces back and he falls. Jackie freaks and tries to escape over the trunk. She is not scooping up anything she is trying ro run. The secert service agent jumps on the trunk as the car speeds away. Jackie recoils from the secert service agent on the trunk because she knows what just happened, what time it is and who NOT to trust. The SS agent grabs her by the wrist and takles her.

the car speeds off.

Its been forty years.

Shes dead, Bobby is dead. everyone is dead. We live in a very controled comfortable tyranny.
Re: The Pentagon \"9-11\" Attack Observations...

I used to speculate about this stuff like everyone else.
Fact is when national emergencies happen, there has to be security with the incident.
Therefore every wild day dream will always be imagined because of the sensitivity of the matter.

Every death is sad, but not every death is a conspiracy. I think sometimes, we, as people might without realizing it, want to imagine such things to try to give reason to where there really is no reason - in whatever means, try and make everything make sense.

I can think of alot of worse places in the world to live.
Re: WTC \"9-11\" how the madia lied!

, "The right words can win a revolution"

Regarding The WTC event:

a- Time-lines collapses and you see another version of the buildings...
b- Fake CGI broadcasts...or demolished building not following Nature/Science Rules!
c- The Ghost Chopper went earlier or latter or not seen over WTC... LOL

Just see this neat video...
is a recopilation of the official videos...

Link to Youtube

You are the Judge...