The paralex view, on observing differing realities


Epochal Historian
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The paralex view differing realities

Double realities poll:

Please give your opinion on the following hypothetical situation, dealing with other realities.

Say for years a person were to use an item, say a book or some such other object and be very familiar with this object.

Say forinstance' that one day, they disgarded this object and the object had an inscription placed upon it.

This would be a certain manufacturer, color of this object and or a code serial number, that one knew very, very, well.

Say one day, without paying much attention, that the person who had used this object and say this object was disguraded in a shop bin, completely changed it character.

That once user person, look in the bin and said, that's not the object that I used for years, but something else now, however that person's surroundings, seemed the same.

Say forisntance' they in their walk of life, found other objects that were also slightly altered in character, however the realizer of this event, did not make a fuss about this, but mearly noted this to themselves?

After some time, then figured out that they had either somehow had their reality changed, or even possibly been bumped into another reality, without them knowing it?

How would this knowledge, to this person effect their existing timeline and or their reality, say in the theoretical, if this happenstance were to occur?

Have your say, this poll goes within Time Travel Institute's guidelines.

Thank you very much,
"Infinite interfering realities"? Not a believer. The theme of the TV show "Sliders", was application of an Einstein-Rosen bridge to parallel universes. I view the Universe as infinite branching phenomena, each branch is REAL; but only one is VALID. Thus Schroedinger's cat IS either living or dead, WITHOUT the influence of observation...

THe "shoot-yer-grandpappy" paradox is resolved (in my mind) as POSSIBLE; the action would UNSELECT your "birth-branch", but because of its reality it still exissts; so do you, but nobody remembers you...

Although I am quite at a loss to explain the POLARIZATION experiment. Try it, it's simple: place two polarized lenses (break some sunglasses if you have to) at 90° to each other, and the light is BLOCKED; now insert a THIRD filter BETWEEN the other two, at 45° to each of the others; you will be amazed at the 25% transmission! The offered explanation is that "lens #1 &amp; 2 comprise the FIRST universe, with a probability transmission of 50%; lens #2 &amp; #3 present the SECOND universe, probability of 50% transmission; thus the whole system has 25% transmission."

I do not believe in multiple (coexisting universes), so I would like to hear others' 2¢.

(And I'm NOT gonna tell how I made the "degrees" or the "cents"...)
I lack the laboratory equipment to perform the "electron double slit interferance experiment". The argument is that electrons passing through double-slits, exhibit the exact same interference pattern as LIGHT that passes through two slits (paint some glass with a thin coat of opaque paint, then draw two stacked razor blades across in a line; the resulting "double-slit" will show you pronounced interference patterns; rainbowed if you view WHITE light, light/dark if you view monochromatic.)

The story is that if you reduce the intensity of your electron beam until only ONE ELECTRON at a TIME is emitted, you will still get the interference pattern. (Theorizing that the two universes, #1 left-slit and #2 right-slit interfere with each other). Yet if you observe WHICH slit the electron passes, the wave-interference breaks down and you get a simple double-bell density distribution...

Double-bell: think of a machine gun firing at two slots in a steal wall.

INTERFERENCE: Think of parallel waves hitting two holes in a "breakwater wall" a few yards off shore, each hole will produce circular ripples. When the two circles collide, "crest-crest" produces double crest, and "crest-trough" produces NOTHING.

If you have a laser pointer (and who doesn't --- I just bought one at the DOLLAR STORE for, well, a BUCK), make a Michelson Interferometer, very easily; get a 50% beam splitter, and two first-surface 100% mirrors. Place the beam splitter at 45° to the beam, so that half the beam goes STRAIGHT and half goes LEFT. Place the two 100% mirrors at 90° to the beams, so that both beams return right on the same paths they came.

The two half-beams will each strike the splitter, two fourths passing back to the laser, and two fourths heading to the RIGHT.

But those two ¼-beams on the right have travelled different distances. Originating in the laser, they are EXACTLY the same single frequency. If you place a micrometer (precision threads) on one mirror, you can adjust the travel precisely; as you turn the micrometer and the distances approach "phase opposition", the wave-peaks of one beam approach the wave-troughs of the other, LINES begin to appear in your spot on the wall. As you REACH the exact phase, the spot on the wall GOES OUT!!! Half of the laser beam is THERE, but its energy is ZERO!

It was at this point that I banged my fist on the slab-of-granite*, perterbing the system; the spot came back on with the vibrations, flashed and flickered, then went out again as things settled down...

* Optical benches typically have large stone masses against vibrations; when you're the size of a wevelencth of light, it doesn't take much vibration at all to mess things up...
Greetings gadgetere:

Experiments like the one you have described (interferometry) can be viewed as "proof" that vibrations (in this case light) are what define the fabric of time. And since light is the highest frequency that our senses can detect and respond to, it seems obvious to me that light defines the human context of what constitutes time. Now let me describe a pertinent application of laser interferometry in the field of precision sensing devices, and then I will posit how this mere sensing device can light the way (sorry for the pun) to an actual control device.

Perhaps the best known application of the experiment you describe is the Ring Laser Gyro (RLG). It is the most accurate means used in aerospace control systems to detect a body's rotational velocity. The RLG uses a triangular pattern of mirrors with a beam splitter. After the beam is split, the two halves travel around the mirrors in opposite directions within a common plane. When the body that the RLG is attached to is NOT rotating about the axis normal to the plane of light propagation, the two half-beams exhibit no interference pattern. When the body exhibits a rotation about that axis, the path length between the two half-beams of light becomes different, and an interference pattern is developed. The amplitude of the resulting superimposed half-beams is directly proportional to the angular velocity of the body. The units are either Degrees per Second or the more common Radians per Second. Since "Degrees" and "Radians" are referenced to a unit circle (not translational distances), what we are really measuring is 1/Sec or 1/Time....or TIME!

Now let's contemplate how we might extend this technology from a mere sensing device to something that can actually control the Massive SpaceTime environment around it. I've had back channel discussions with several people who have noted how the triangular pattern of mirrors used in a RLG are reminiscent of the Merkaba tetrahedral configuration. Some of us have postulated that the Merkaba (name translates as "light vehicle") is a scaled-up version of the same light interferometry principles inherent to the planar RLG. Imagine using the inner walls of a tetrahedral enclosure to create a laser light "envelope" around a person sitting in its midst. And now, imagine having the ability to control the interferometric amplitudes in this "envelope". I wonder what sorts of things the occupant of such a vehicle would see around them?

Interesting stuff to think about! Kind Regards,

Now let's contemplate how we might extend this technology from a mere sensing device to something that can actually control the Massive SpaceTime environment around it. I've had back channel discussions with several people who have noted how the triangular pattern of mirrors used in a RLG are reminiscent of the Merkaba tetrahedral configuration. Some of us have postulated that the Merkaba (name translates as "light vehicle") is a scaled-up version of the same light interferometry principles inherent to the planar RLG. Imagine using the inner walls of a tetrahedral enclosure to create a laser light "envelope" around a person sitting in its midst. And now, imagine having the ability to control the interferometric amplitudes in this "envelope". I wonder what sorts of things the occupant of such a vehicle would see around them?
I don't really understand light, so am not really qualified to comment on the physics; though this seems to mirror what Ronald Mallet is pursuing. Enclosing a test-point in a "light envelope" of a ring laser; argument is that sufficient light amplitude the light will begin to drag space-time around with it. (Although it seems I may have gotten the essentials of that experiment from a website called "Time Travel Institute"...)

How does light affect time? We know the basic Lorentz equation for time dialation follows the form:

T' = Tº (1 - v²/c²)exp½ --- thus the LIMIT (T') as V =&gt; C, is ZERO. Think about this for a moment; if a PHOTON is MOVING at the speed of light, then time for the photon, relative to us, is ZERO; one infinitely-thin-moment for the photon encompasses all of eternity. The photon exists from moment to moment --- can we define time for the photon? Has no meaning, does it?

Of course, though these discussions are fun, the irony is that one who actually DISCOVERS time-travel, can never admit to it...